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Dr Turi's blog: "Dr. Turi's Blog"

created on 10/28/2006  |  http://fubar.com/dr-turi-s-blog/b18948  |  1 followers


IMPORTANT NOTE TO READ DR. TURI NEWSLETTERS AS OF TODAY YOU WILL HAVE TO GO TO HIS BLOG http://www.myspace.com/drturi OR YOU MAY CHOSE TO SIGN UP FOR THE FREE DRAGON NEWSLETTER AT http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ Recession and The Dragon 06/06/08 Dear Readers; The Tail of the Dragon (negative) in Leo (America’s 2nd house of money) is doing its predicted rampage and more and more people are suffering the tough financial impact. Be strong and realize that this nasty Dragon is there to stay until 2009. However August will see the worse of this celestial manifestation where many depressed people from many countries will revolt taking on the streets and demanding their government to take action against the greedy financial icons abusers manipulating oil price at their advantage. Many of those greedy souls are serving time as power lure people to gain more of it at any cost. The Tail of the Dragon cruising any area of your chart will affect both your UCI and your fate drastically and many of those abusers were forced to pay their karma. Corporate convicts: Where are they now? The Enron-era crackdown on fraud sent a parade of top executives to prison, yet failed to deter the excesses of the subprime mortgage debacle. A look at how the most famous while-collar cons are faring. SERIOUS KARMA AHEAD FOR ALL OF THEM http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2008/fortune/0805/gallery.convicts.fortune/2.html Big oil companies are pushing prices up to boost their profits, which have soared to record levels in recent years. Top industry executives recently got hauled before Congress, where legislators pressed them for an explanation for rising gasoline prices - and outsize executive pay at companies like Exxon, which earlier this year posted a $40 billion profit for 2007. This prediction about abusive oil companies was printed in my yearly Moon Power since 2004. The record-high price of gasoline is putting a strain on American motorists - and spurring some to shift their habits. Gas crunch hits home Many ignorant young souls will blame the President but YOU, the American people put this soul in power and YOU the American people WILL HAVE TO PAY THE PRICE and suffer your President’s fate. The sad reality is that 99% of the morons are into religion and sports and DEMAND to be abused. The perfect picture of what I am dealing with out there and try so hard to teach the Universal Code! As mentioned so many times in previous newsletters the Commandant in Chief was born with his natal Dragon’s Tail in Sagittarius making him VERY unlucky with all affairs ruling RELIGIONS AND FOREIGNERS AND ALL FOREIGN AFFAIRS! But without “Cosmic Consciousness” the most powerful man in the world makes the entire world suffering his own bad luck and IMPOSE pain on all of us. It much like electing another Hitler born with a very negative Dragon’s Tail and realize why his UCI (Unique Celestial Identity) produced the fist and second world wars. Had the wise German people known about the “Cosmic Code” and build enough “Cosmic Consciousness” all the pain and suffering and millions of deaths could have easily been avoided. But, spiritually I am so much ahead of so many people and can only be thought as an impractical psychic or worse mentally deranged, especially when I bring forth the reality of extraterrestrials. President Bush and his people trust Jesus to guide them? TIME TO WAKE UP AND GROW UP! As promised once the new President is elected my VIP’s will acknowledge his UCI and as I always do PREDICT the entire fate of America and the world at large during his presidency. Become a VIP use the deal I am offering you at the bottom of this newsletter and sign up for my newsletter. As you know there are literally millions of so-called psychics and astrologers out there and you must have enough common sense to either follow or trust ONLY those that have a SOLID proven track record of predictions such as mine. So once more realize that all the news that are transpiring today were written and PRINTED in my book 2006 Moon Power. Note that I also FULLY predicted the FBI/CIA total restructure well before President Bush announced it to the world and so many disasters to the day. My incredible fate brought me to the USA to help ALL Americans to perceive the Divine and provide you with the “Cosmic Code” regulations. When will the world finally realize how important it is to master God’s language written in the stars? "God created the stars and the heaven for more than the sake of beauty; He gave them to us for interpretation so that we may live a more productive life. Man is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a person being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a magus, and magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom. ~ Paracelsus LOOK AT MY PREDICTIONS FROM 2006 AND SOME ARTICLES I WROTE THERE PERTAINING TO WHAT IS HAPPENING NOWADAYS. Gas price will be skyrocketing, forcing the population to ask lawmakers to stop the constant rise of oil price. Expect a wet year with serious flooding and a series of super hurricanes and tornadoes that will destroy coastlines and some islands worldwide. http://www.astrologyknowledge.com/index.php?zoom_cat=-1&zoom_query=turi If you have your copy of my Moon Power 2008 in the “Universal Predictions” area back in January you read - EXPECT A FULL FINANCIAL RESTRUCTURE AND LOTS OF PROBLEM WITH THE REAL ESTATE. NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- More than one million homes are now in foreclosure, the highest rate ever recorded, according to a trade group which warned Thursday that number will continue to climb. If you have your copy of my Moon Power 2008 in the “Universal Predictions” area back in January you read - EXPECT A LOT OF STRESS AND CHALLENGES WITH THIS NASTY DRAGON’S TAIL AFFECTING THE US FINANCIAL AFFAIRS. Jobless Rate Jumps! The nation's unemployment rate took its biggest jump in more than two decades in May, according to a government report. Stocks drubbed on jobs and oil Wall Street slumps, with the Dow down over 200 points on spiking crude prices, a weaker dollar and a rise in the unemployment rate. HELLO - ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME OR TO RAP MUSIC? Have you heard of the “Death Wish Generation” yet parents? Well some of those kids regenerate with sex, drama and rap music! Get the book and start understanding them before its too late for you and them - LEARN ALL ABOUT THE DRAGON- http://www.drturi.com/books.php http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2008/CRIME/06/04/naked.teens.ap/art.parents.ap.jpg HARTFORD, Connecticut (AP) -- Passing notes in study hall or getting your best friend to ask a boy if he likes you or, you know, LIKES you, is so last century. Nowadays, teenagers are snapping naked pictures of themselves on their cell phones and sending them to their boyfriends and girlfriends. Guess what? CNN June 5th 2008 - Another series of aftershocks threaten China Quake Lake! Second hit for Dr. Turi pertaining for earthquakes predictions broadcasted with Alex Baker! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83j45l_wxdg#GU5U2spHI_4 IN THE NAME OF JESUS AND ALLAH TOO MANY HUMAN SPIRITS ARE DEPLETED AND CAN ONLY FIND A REASON IN DEATH. WASTED LIFE! Born to Die! BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- The mother's voice lacks emotion as she recalls how her daughter became a suicide bomber. "She wanted to die in the name of God," she says on a videotape, her face peering out from under a dark brown head scarf. "She told me she is sick of this life. ... So she spoke about the Americans. I told her, 'Where will you get Americans?' She said she will go after the Americans. The daughter is one of 19 female suicide bombers this year, a number much higher than in previous years. According to the U.S. military, women carried out eight bombings in all of 2007. Remember this negative Dragon is also right in the second house of money in the chart of America producing worries and serious financial problem to some of us. Because of my constant drive to help others make sure to check the super deal I offer all of you in this newsletter. So many desperate people have called me for help and I realize my services are not exactly cheap, but again you will get what you paid for. I am offering TWO 90 mn tape for the price of one. The first one is your Full Life Reading, so you can find out what to do to better your financial situation by following the Dragon’s Head (luck/growth) and regenerate your spirit to avoid depression then sickness caused by fears. The second 90 mn HYPNOTHERAPY tape is designed to BOOST the creative forces of your subconscious and accelerate the process of changes but again realize that my work has very much more to offer you in both recording. This investment will save you a lot of money by avoiding costly medical bills and provide you with my undivided attention and solid guidance. Use this New Moon in Gemini (duality/communication) accordingly because unless you do something by gathering true wisdom your situation will not improve or change. Knowledge is power ignorance is evil go to http://www.drturi.com/readings.php to order your Full Life Reading and MENTION your 90 mn tape gift in the area for you to write. 1 of 2 America and UFO predictions on Coast To Coast 2 of 2 America and UFO predictions on Coast To Coast http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8lK8QO0GkU EYE OF TRUTH The year 2012 will see a COMPLETE restructures of so many governments and established hierarchies where progress and changes will be IMPOSED on humankind. All was fully “predicted” on Coast To Coast and YouTube months ago. Try 01 of 04 "Cosmic Code"http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=drturistar&p=r If you missed my last show listen to it at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83j45l_wxdg Sharing Emails: Hi Dr. Turi, I am a weather watcher, so I asked if I could add one of your Newsletters about the Super Nova Window to their forum, they accepted it and some folks have read it too. This is what I said about the Newsletter. Hello to everyone, I have been following Dr. Turi's information and thought it would be interesting. It may be new to you, strange to you or just what you have been searching for, but knowledge is power. This is a Super Nova Window until June 24th and you can see by all the horrific and unexpected tornadoes, floods, etc. that wearer in for a hard time. Dr.Turi uses Astropsychology to predict with accuracy as you will read, the weather, disasters, deaths, and many other events. His main concern is to help our youth all over that are in dire need of help. Also, he teaches different ways to obtain better health. Hereads the stars, planets, and uses his own charts to predict with exact accuracy. It is a long read, but since this is a hard time for everyone, I wanted to share another alternative to being prepared. This is my copy of my paid subscr i ption, so you will be reading more than if you were receiving the free Newsletter. If you become interested, you can go to his site: www. Dr Turi. com to receive your own Newsletters. I will try to answer any questions you may have or direct you to more of his work. Sincerely, Santa Cruz Dr. Turi- What a Great Newsletter! I think you should put some of these newsletters into audio recordings. I read them, as you would speak them. I took your course and you had everyone's attention and really get people to use their brains to think. I'm on to reading Mars Madness #2. Blessings to you. Felicia DT _ Well if someone is willing to do the work and transcribe ALL my newsletters (without the advertisements) let's do it for the deaf or for those who real spiritual need material to listen when driving. (email me at dr.turi@cox.net or call 602-265-7667). Thank for the tip Blessings DT My dear Nostradamus :) I just opened my College's newsletter only to find out a friend of mine had passed away! I had mailed her a card in the beginning of the year and was wondering why I had not heard back! She departed this life on February 16, 2008 after a lengthy battle with breast cancer, which I thought she had beaten. Born in New York City on September 10, 1962. By any chance did she have the tail in Leo? DT - Yes sad enought he natal Dragon is in Leo - God bless her soul. DT DT It is becoming now that more than 1/2 the fatalities on our local news station is about children. This is becoming daily news. Is there anything we can do to temper this negative force of the DRAGON'S TAIL. AUGUST 2009 IS A LONG WAY OUT UNTIL THIS NASTY ENERGY LEAVES US. Maybe you can ask your readers to meditate, pray, contemplate, focus their thoughts, make a wish to God to temper the negative energy of the Dragon's tail as George and Art do on C2C. Maybe your next visit on C2C, you can ask the millions of listeners to focus on the safety and well-being of the children. I will ask Geo to have you on soon. He is usually very responsive when it comes to children. Keep up the good fight my friend, V DT- Thank you so much for your support and your understanding of the dragon killing the kids... Blessings DT SPECIAL NEWS – would you be interested to learn all about the “Cosmic Code” on the air with me? If so DO NOT EMAIL ME but give Donald some feedback or ask questions on how you can join me with a password or a subscr i ption at mailto:don@bbsradio.com ONCE MORE PARTICIPATE AND THANK YOU TO ALL MY READERS INVEST IN MY HONORABLE CAUSE PLEASE! I DON’T RUN A CULT OR A CHURCH AND WILL MAKE A REALLY GOOD USE OF YOUR HELP! Good News - Well so far the html page has seen about 800 emails sent from it by this point. Not too bad Craig and I say but we NEED you to keep sending them. Thank you everyone for helping us. WE WANT TO MAKE EASIER FOR YOU Craig updated the Email address. There is a link for C2C and one for Clear Channel. http://3rdstone.net/mailto.html So please realize that I am working VERY hard to help all of you and I can only count on you my faithful reader to keep writing and making your requests to Clear Channel Executives directly. PLEASE do so and enjoy more of my wisdom and real guidance - Use this link and tell them WHY you want me there, mention my predictions, talk about George endorsing me so many times, tell them that its OK to have a regular there talking about UFO regularly but my guidance is as important for their audience. Tell them to have a pool on Coast To Coast and ASK their listeners if they want me there regularly, use your imagination but HELP ME to reach more people. Please contact every one of them at the same time and do it regularly. Our efforts will pay off in time and I can do it only with your help. Once more use http://3rdstone.net/mailto.html to do so. Thank you so much for your needed help. Blessings to all Dr. Turi To those readers who are still skeptical of my true predictive gift in Astrology listen to my Prediction of the China Aftershock on Alex Baker show - "The Night Before" in London. http://www.drturi.com/archives.php If you are in Arizona, join me June 21st from 1:00 to 4:00 http://www.tucsonmufon.com/ UFO LEGACY Dr. Turi' will bring you back to 1967 and his 1st dramatic abduction then all the way to August 11th, 2001 when he was abducted with his wife Brigitte on the sky of Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Turi's 4 solid experiences are of an incredible nature with the "downloading" of the "Universal Code" inside a flying saucer which left him with an undisputed incontestable well documented record of predictions including 911, the Asia tsunami, ALL specific dates for the Louisiana Hurricanes, California fires, Kobe earthquakes etc. Are you are a "Chosen One", and a candidate for mankind's future seed? Witness the truth about the incredible reality of extraterrestrials with Dr. Turi. IMPORTANT NOTE I MUST CONCENTRATE ON WRITING MY NEW 2009 MOON POWER THUS THE FREE DRAGON NEWSLETTER MUST STOP, OR SERIOUSLY SLOW DOWN, ONLY MY VIP’S WILL STILL RECEIVE THE “COSMIC CODE” NEWSLETTERS. NO MORE EXCUSE BE PREPARED ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL AND UNIVERSAL PREDICTIONS, BE SMART5, SAVE YOUR LIFE, SAVE MONEY, SAVE TIME. The price of my " Cosmic Code" VIP newsletter is now only $35.00 until the end of the year. Note also you may order anytime and still get EVERYONE ONE of them and check your personal and Universal Dragon forecast, your daily guidance and benefit also from all sorts of good deals and large breaks on my services by doing so. Realize also that my rare wisdom and LEGITIMATE guidance is PRICELESS, thus for a quarter or less a day you will be taking care all throughout the year 2009 and get to learn a lot about the "Cosmic Code". The price for the 2009 "Cosmic Code" newsletters will be of a flat rate of $100 and $35:00 for senior's citizens and extended to anyone else born as of or before January 1955. Note that your personal Dragon forecast is based upon the year you were born thus lying on your factual age will not help you at all. I will ask every one of you to RE-submit your payment BEFORE January 1st 2009. My great Webmaster Alan will always accommodate me with the price variations (including the $35 new price as of today) and the new form with the new $100 price will be on my website in time so you do not miss your 1st 2009 "Cosmic Code" VIP newsletter. Click on the banner and pick the STUDENT Rate Option for $35.00 and join my World Wide Star Family. Thank you to all my newcomers, DT. http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html#newsletter Check again http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=drturistar&p=r or listen to others and ANY of Last year radio shows at http://www.drturi.com/archives.php In any case if you did not order your 2008 Moon Power copy simply go to http://www.drturi.com/moonpoweroffer2007.php and download your FREE copy then look for the section titled "The Universal Law of the Moon". While there check what the old Dragon in Pisces/Virgo axis did to your life and those you care by reading your personal Dragon forecast. Remember my 2008 Moon Power is available to all of you as an E book for only $15.00. Send your check to Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23Rd ST, Phoenix, AZ 85016 and TYPE or PRINT your email address so we can email it to you. I am working very hard to produce the 2009 Moon power and it should be available before the year is over. I have also found a way for you to help me in my request to endorse my work and get me as a regular on Coast To Coast with a working combined link. So please realize that I am working VERY hard to help all of you and I can only count on you my faithful reader to keep writing and making your requests to Clear Channel Executives directly. PLEASE do so and enjoy more of my wisdom and real guidance – Blessings to all Dr. Turi BACK TO LIFE IN EXOTIC THAILAND MARCH 26 TO APRIL 9TH If you are interested to REBIRTH yourself physically and spiritually do it with us! My good friend Cyril and I created a very powerful Mother of ALL SECRET natural diet called "BACK TO LIFE". This all-natural healing methodology will indeed and totally CLEAN OFF all negative physical and spiritual condition. Thus if you want to BE BORN AGAIN, gain more magnetism, build “Cosmic Consciousness”, learn all about the “Cosmic Code” Nostradamus Cabalistic Healing, lose weight, visit temples and the most exotic places in this world in Thailand contact him directly at mailto:ubbacktolife@aol.com Make your suggestions to Cyril he is in charge of this tour. Note we are also taking applications for February 26th to March 3rd 2009 if you can't make next July 2008. JOIN US, CHANGE YOUR LIFE, BUILD A WONDERFUL REWARDING CAREER ON THE INTERNET, DON’T DRIVE NO MORE GAS IS TOO EXPANSIVE, LET ME TEACH YOU AND BRING YOU EMOTIONAL, FINANCIAL AND SPIRITUAL STABILITY. http://www.drturi.com/astroclass.php
NOTE TO ALL MY READERS - YOU MAY SIGN UP TO RECEIVE MY FREE NEWSLETTER DIRECTLY TO YOUR MAIL BOX BECAUSE I HAVE NO MORE TIME TO POST HERE. http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ Friday, May 23, 2008 Super Nova Window In Action 5/23/2008 Dear Readers; Just a little note to let you know (if you are a VIP) that "Cosmic Code 8 Booklet 2, Personal and Universal Guidance for June" should be in your mailbox. If you did not get it email Mike at Dr.Turi@cox.net or check your trash and if you find it there adjust your settings. Memo - Cosmic Code 8 Booklet 2 Dear VIP Readers: I have decided to send you June forecast earlier just in case you need to plan a trip somewhere. As always read carefully "The Universal Law" of the moon and realize how important it is for you and your loved one to plan in accordance to the "Universal Code" as to avoid troubles, accidents and enjoy your trip/event/meeting with my guidance. As you well know Memorial Day will fall in a waning moon (negative) in a Uranian window promising bad surprises, explosions, natural disasters and high possibility to be stopped or stuck in airports anywhere in the US. So now you know and if you have to go, be very cautious and be patient on the road. Mother Earth Screams Revolt Wind Water Fire Bloody Entrails Spit Above Men Shock Tremble Explosions Cosmos God True Message Some To See Quatrain Written by Dr. Turi 09/26/07 In any case if you did not order your 2008 Moon Power copy simply go to http://www.drturi.com/moonpoweroffer2007.php and download your FREE copy then look for the section titled "The Universal Law of the Moon". While there check what the old Dragon in Pisces/Virgo axis did to your life and those you care by reading your personal Dragon forecast. Remember my 2008 Moon Power is available to all of you as an E book for only $15.00. Send your check to Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23Rd ST, Phoenix, AZ 85016 and TYPE or PRINT your email address so we can email it to you. I am working very hard to produce the 2009 Moon power and it should be available before the year is over. I have also found a way for you to help me in my request to endorse my work and get me as a regular on Coast To Coast with a working combined link. So please realize that I am working VERY hard to help all of you and I can only count on you my faithful reader to keep writing and making your requests to Clear Channel Executives directly. PLEASE do so and enjoy more of my wisdom and real guidance – Use this link http://3rdstone.net/mailto.html tell them WHY you want me there, mention my predictions, talk about George endorsing me so many times, tell them that its OK to have a regular there talking about UFO regularly but my guidance is as important for their audience. Tell them to have a pool on Coast To Coast and ASK their listeners if they want me there regularly, use your imagination but HELP ME to reach more people. Please contact every one of them at the same time and do it regularly. Our efforts will pay off in time and I can do it only with your help. Once more use http://3rdstone.net/mailto.html to do so. Thank you so much for your needed help. Blessings to all Dr. Turi Welcome to Your Day - to - Day Guidance For June 2008 SORRY THIS SECTION IS FOR MY VIP'S ONLY YES SAD ENOUGH ALL MY PREDICTIONS COMES TRUE A massive tornado tore into the northern Colorado town of Windsor and nearby towns Thursday, killing one person and damaging many homes and businesses, the town's mayor said. NO MORE EXCUSE BE PREPARED ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL AND UNIVERSAL PREDICTIONS, BE SMART5, SAVE YOUR LIFE, SAVE MONEY, SAVE TIME. As of TODAY the price for my " Cosmic Code" VIP newsletter will be brought down to only $35.00 until the end of the year. Note also you may order anytime and still get EVERYONE ONE of them and check your personal and Universal Dragon forecast, your daily guidance and benefit also from all sorts of good deals and large breaks on my services by doing so. Realize also that my rare wisdom and LEGITIMATE guidance is PRICELESS, thus for a quarter or less a day you will be taking care all throughout the year 2009 and get to learn a lot about the "Cosmic Code". The price for the 2009 "Cosmic Code" newsletters will be of a flat rate of $100 and $35:00 for senior's citizens and extended to anyone else born as of or before January 1955. Note that your personal Dragon forecast is based upon the year you were born thus lying on your factual age will not help you at all. I will ask every one of you to RE-submit your payment BEFORE January 1st 2009. My great Webmaster Alan will always accommodate me with the price variations (including the $35 new price as of today) and the new form with the new $100 price will be on my website in time so you do not miss your 1st 2009 "Cosmic Code" VIP newsletter. Click on the banner and pick the STUDENT Rate Option for $35.00 and join my World Wide Star Family. Thank you to all my newcomers, DT. http://www.drturi.com/orders3.htmlnewsletter BACK TO LIFE I created a very powerful Mother of ALL SECRET natural diet called "BACK TO LIFE". This all-natural healing methodology will indeed and totally CLEAN OFF all negative physical and spiritual condition. Thus if you suffer depressions low vitality, get sick too often and lost the "zest for life" let me rebuild your body mind and soul by inserting more magnetism in your life. This service can only be done either in my office in Phoenix or in the privacy of your home. I do fly all over the US helping people suffering serious mental and/or physical conditions. If you decide to bring me to your home for a day or visit my "Healing Room" in phoenix for a Cabalistic Session read this important information first - http://www.drturi.com/news/1137272476.html and check my Healing Room at http://www.drturi.com/healingroom.php then call me at 602-265-7667. ON AIR Dr. Turi with Rebecca Jernigan May 24th 7to 8 Arizona time http://www.myspace.com/journeyswithrebecca ON AIR - Dr. Turi and Anna Robles May 27th 9:00 PM CST http://www.myspace.com/anael33 JOIN US IN PHOENIX http://www.past-az.com/ Dr. Turi on Captain Jack Show on youtube – A show you will truly enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=drturistar&p=r TO ALL MY READERS With the help of Craig we found a way for you to help me in my request to endorse my work and get me as a regular on Coast To Coast with a working combined link. So please realize that I am working VERY hard to help all of you and I can only count on you my faithful reader to keep writing and making your requests to Clear Channel Executives directly. PLEASE do so and enjoy more of my wisdom and real guidance – Use this link http:////3rdstone.net/mailto.html tell them WHY you want me there, mention my predictions, talk about George endorsing me so many times, tell them that its OK to have a regular there talking about UFO regularly but my guidance is as important for their audience. Tell them to have a pool on Coast To Coast and ASK their listeners if they want me there regularly, use your imagination but HELP ME to reach more people. Please contact every one of them at the same time and do it regularly. Our efforts will pay off in time and I can do it only with your help. Once more usehttp://3rdstone.net/mailto.html to do so. Thank you so much for your needed help. Blessings to all Dr. Turi You may WRITE YOUR OWN, edit, add copy and paste From Ota's great endorsement; Hello and Blessings to you! I am writing to urge you to have Dr. Turi on your programs as often as possible. Imagine what a difference it would have made if the victims of the recent tornadoes, the cyclone, and the massive quake in China had been privy to Dr. Turi's predictions! So many lives could have been saved! The human suffering in these disasters could have been mitigated! I have been an astrologer for over 40 years and I have also given on the air readings for radio stations in the Southeast. Nothing bothers me more than charlatans and phonies that take advantage of people and who are only deceivers out for personal gain! Dr. Turi is "the real thing" and he is deeply dedicated to serving humanity! I was not allowed to be on the air until I had read for nearly everyone at the radio stations and they knew I was not bogus. Dr. Turi is Genuine!!!! Please be a part of helping humanity through these challenging times and allow Dr. Turi to speak and be a beacon of light to help humanity navigate these times in which we live! It is a matter of life and death! The very future of our children is at stake! Is it not obvious that the old paradigms of learning and treatment and dominate culture and institutions are crumbling and no longer working? Let's work together and support Dr. Turi! I thank you so very much! Sincerely, Ota 3rdstone.net/mailto.html ONCE MORE PARTICIPATE AND THANK YOU Dear VIP readers: Call me at 602-265-7667 if you want to join us in Sedona next July or the next one in February 2009. Blessings to All Dr. Turi Sharing emails; Dr Turi I am looking for your personal email to apologize for any inconvenience it has brought you about today..'s show this has not happen to me ever. The show has a technique issue and it couldn't be fixed on time for the show. Please feel free to email me at anael32@sbcglobal.net. I would love to reschedule this show please if you can fit me in your schedule I would appreciate it . Once again I do apologize. Blessings Anna DT- No worries a Supernova window will specifically affect all for form of communication not just the weather and aim also for radio station electronics. No one to blame but the Universal Code" of God lol. See you next Tuesday. Blessings DT Dr. Turi, I hear your concerns and desire to reach an even greater humanity with your messages. I am not sure as to how I can help you. I am interested in your work and do believe in you. I am taking care of my elderly mother and as a result am pretty much homebound and on a very low budget for us for the time being. Sincerely, Barbara DT- Hello Barbara, you can do very much for me by following the direction mentioned above and email ALL of them at http://3rdstone.net/mailto.html Blessings and thank you again. DT Good Morning Dr. Turi, I get your newsletter and YES I am listening and seeing your information is very real. I would like to speak with you regarding getting you out to the public with your most important information. Please reply back to me if you are interested. I have a radio show on bbsradio.com twice a month and if you are interested I would like to have you on once a month. I will send you my guest request information when I hear back from you if you would like to join me as my SPECIAL GUEST each month. Please contact me by e-mail for my show schedule dates. I would like to get you on the 31st of this month (May 31st 2008) if that is ok with you as your information is so very IMPORTANT to get out to the peoples. My e-mail address is as follows and my phone number... Much Gratitude Dr. Turi Juliyanna Dear Juliyanna I am sure you realize that I am asked everyday to host my own Internet radio but I'd rather do solid radio stations for now because my time is so precious. Thank you so much for the efforts it is appreciated. Blessings DT Hello Dr. Turi, I am the current host of The APSR paranormal talk radio show, and am interested in having you on the show. Would you be interested? Looking forward to your reply. Regards. Michael A.P.S.R. PARANORMAL TALK RADIO Host - http://www.apsrradio.com - tune in T....W....Th 9PM to 11PM est http://www.myspace.com/djozzie You bet but again I am so busy and I can not do Internet radio anymore. Are you an FM? AM? Radio station? Let me know please. Blessings and thank you for the offer. Dear Dr. Turi; Hello I want to offer my comment. I read from some woman down under in Australia saying ,about the high number of murders in this country. The United States of America.And saying that guns were to blame .You were trying to explain the simple fact that the cops have no mandate to protect the We The people. Which is truth. The cops have to prime directive the individual. Now for the non- educated out there the Constitution says just that. We The people have the right to defend ourselfs. This was put in place during the framing of the constitution by the founding fathers. Who fleeing the tyranny of King George in England. And coming to a new land wanted freedom and peace from the wrongful oppression of we the people. To engage in life, liberty and to have the right to do business with out the oppression of regulation and excess taxes. Now the Revolutionary war was just what this was all about. For the We The People out there who were not taught nor learned this in school This country its principles of border and language and worship of God and freedom were what the Revolutionary war was about. I like to say we were born of a Revolution and defined by the Civil war of the 1800s. Now once again we find ourselves in the same dilemma. We have no freedom other than to pay for the HUGE BLOATED all Consuming Government. The steals from us all the while saying we will make it better. The last thing We The People want to do is let the Gov get our Guns. As Thomas Jefferson, and Ben Franklin and Samuel Adams and John Hancock and hundreds more patriots new. They all new that to give up ones protections I.E. GUNS would mean to give up and let the GOV take over all of our lives. And once again to loose our freedoms. Right now The We The Peoples right to hold and bear arms to protect ourselves is on the verge of a decision in the U.S. Supreme Court. The ruling should come down sometime in June. So to sum up the right to bear arms guarantee us The We The People to protect ourselves and our families from the murderer and the rapist and the criminal Vermont as well as our own repressive Government. And as the founding fathers new all to well the biggest abusive of power is the Government that was elected by we the people. Ever wonder why the best intentions of a person running for whatever office are quickly lost in the dark evil black hole of the Government. Answer it is not of and by the people anymore. To you people out there arm yourselves have lots of ammo set aside take a firearm safety class. Dr. Turi went into detail about this and how to do it. There is nothing to fear except FEAR- ITSELF. Knowledge is FREEDOM and POWER from the Fear, which we all project. So to the woman in Australia I've been to OZ. When you see the rats in an alley In Melbourne or Sydney hitting an old lady for her purse and she is killed while you good people just walk by thinking its not you concern. That's the difference from you all down under and the we the people who will stand up for what is right. We need all the Patriots in this United States to stand up and let it be known this is our country we will not be led down the path of destruction. So get your asses of the couch turn out the moron box with your sports trash games. Educate yourself and take a stand for your country before its gone....And listen to Dr. Turi he knows more that all of us... Greg in San Diego DT- Well thank you for the lesson in history and your feedback my friend…I chose to arm myself because NO criminal will hurt me or my loved one and I know the cops are too busy out there for me, so I can only rely on me. Blessings DT From Tom; Please add something to your V.I.P.'s about antibiotics. Lynn has just finished her 3RD round this year!!! I am really concerned about her. Antibiotics destroy the immune system. DT- I am sure many people are aware of this fact too my friend. I hope she will feel better soon. Blessings DT Dr. Turi, Thank You for answering my email about my sons horse accident. I knew about the Leo children and had intuitive thoughts about what is to come. Thank You for that inner voice of yours. As always you have made me feel better. Bless you, Jeri DT –Yes keep reading my work and it will all make sense to you. Take care of your baby an detach him the "Cosmic Code". Blessings DT Dragons Head in Aquarius, and Mercury Retrograde (supernova window)... DT predicted plenty of *"freak weather were it has not happened before"* and Here you go: Tornado kills 1, rips apart buildings in Colorado*Story Highlights* - *NEW:* Twisters reportedly seen near Moreno Valley, California - Another tornado hits schools, store, homes in Laramie, Wyoming - Colorado twister strikes about 80 miles north of Denver - Funnel clouds, large hail reported in northern Colorado http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/05/22/colorado.tornado.video/index.html Craig Hi Craig thanks for the link http://3rdstone.net/mailto.html and your great help man… Blessings DT
Medical Prescriptions Kill CHECK PICS AT http://www.myspace.com/drturi I DO NOT POST HERE AS MUCH AS BEFORE THUS YOU HAVE MISSED LOT OF GOOD STUFF. 5/22/2008 Dear Readers; Just a little note to let you know that Cosmic Code # 7 Booklet #2 titled – “Deadly Medicine or Natural Health Tips Part Two” should be in your mailbaox. As usual we have some returns so please email Mike at dr.turi@cox.net to make your request if you did not get it or check on your trash box. If its there please adjust your settings to accept my newsletters. Sample – Dear VIP; As promised please find more tips involving natural healing. Again remember drugs will hurt you in the long run and in some extreme case will KILL you. WICHITA, Kansas (Today on CNN) -- She found her husband on their bed in a pool of his own vomit, dead from an accidental overdose of drugs he received from an online pharmacy. I wish this beautiful trusting wife had enough “Cosmic Consciousness” and true wisdom instead of trusting both her doctors and “Jesus” to lead a safer healthy life. My information is REAL and this “innocence/ignorance” took the life of her dear husband and sentenced her to be sad and alone reflecting on the error for many years to come. Once more regardless where you get your prescriptions they are ALL armful to your well being PERIOD! Meantime trust me if anyone of us goes to the dentist or undergo a surgery a well controlled induced local or induced sleep in Neptune’s land is the right thing to do because Neptune’s /////////////////////// SORRY THIS EDUCATIONAL PART IS FOR MY VIP’S ONLY "The mind that created the problem cannot be the mind to solve it. That is why Master Minds are needed" STAY NATURAL IF YOU WANT TO STAY HEALTHY! Best Blood Stabilizer Best Skin Saver: Best Colon Cancer Guard: Best Heart Protection: Best Breast Cancer Beater: Best Bone Protector: Best Vision Defender: Best Anti-Aging Elixir: Best Cavity Killer: Best Hair Rejuvenator: Best Prostate Protector: Best Lung Cancer Fighter: Best Cholesterol Reducer: Best Blood Pressure: Best Brain Booster: So all you need is to///////////////////////////////////////////// SORRY THIS EDUCATIONAL PART IS FOR MY VIP’S ONLY! NOTE TO ALL MY READERS – NO MORE EXCUSES! As of TODAY the price for my “ Cosmic Code” VIP newsletter will be brought down to only $35.00 until the end of the year. Note also you may order anytime and still get EVERYONE ONE of them and check your personal and Universal Dragon forecast, your daily guidance and benefit also from all sorts of good deals and large breaks on my services by doing so. Realize also that my rare wisdom and LEGITIMATE guidance is PRICELESS, thus for a quarter or less a day you will be taking care all throughout the year 2009 and get to learn a lot about the “Cosmic Code”. The price for the 2009 “Cosmic Code” newsletters will be of a flat rate of $100 and $35:00 for senior’s citizens and extended to anyone else born as of or before January 1955. Note that your personal Dragon forecast is based upon the year you were born thus lying on your factual age will not help you at all. I will ask every one of you to RE-submit your payment BEFORE January 1st 2009. My great Webmaster Alan will always accommodate me with the price variations and the new form with the new $100 price will be on my website in time so you do not miss your 1st 2009 “Cosmic Code” VIP newsletter. Click on the link http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html scroll down and pick the STUDENT Rate Option for $35.00 and join my World Wide Star Family. Thank you to all my newcomers, DT. BACK TO LIFE I created a very powerful Mother of ALL SECRET natural diet called “BACK TO LIFE”. This all-natural healing methodology will indeed and totally CLEAN OFF all negative physical and spiritual condition. Thus if you suffer depressions low vitality, get sick too often and lost the “zest for life” let me rebuild your body mind and soul by inserting more magnetism in your life. This service can only be done either in my office in Phoenix or in the privacy of your home. I do fly all over the US helping people suffering serious mental and/or physical conditions. If you decide to bring me to your home for a day or visit my “Healing Room” in phoenix for a Cabalistic Session read this important information first - http://www.drturi.com/news/1137272476.html and check my Healing Room at http://www.drturi.com/healingroom.php then call me at 602-265-7667. Court: Texas had no right to take kids - "The existence of the FLDS belief system as described by the department's witnesses, by itself, does not put children of FLDS parents in physical danger," the three-judge panel said. DT- This is INSANE - those judges must be as religiously poisoned as these lost Mormons and CAN NOT see the FUTURE damage inflicted upon the psyche of those vulnerable children in the long run. Neptune ALWAYS poison with TIME. The state's Department of Family and Protective Services "did not present any evidence of danger to the physical health or safety of any male children or any female children who had not reached puberty," the judges ruled. DT- And with it the option to do something BEFORE they grow up in this depraved, deceiving environment. Those kids will NOT be allowed to experience life like millions of others and will carry develop serious psychological problems with natural sex behavior or pure life enjoyment. But the Mormons are VERY wealthy (stolen donations?) and their lawyers like politicians and their religions are ALL crooked. Those kids will be very sorry in time when some of them will commit suicide or kill others because of a total lack of regeneration and deep inserted despair. The future has and will always be my true witness and sad enough the religious poisoned judges (probably Mormons themselves) do not possess "Cosmic Consciousness". Now do you understand why it is crucial for me to open my Astropsychology schools soon and save those kids when they look for true answers? Why don't the judges perceive they are breeding future religious "terrorists" is amazing to me. Those kids because of their moronic parents will be taught to TOTALLY reject the normal society they live in order to be "saved" for a better afterlife at the detriment of this present one. WHAT A MESS AMERICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST ARE IN! ON AIR Dr. Turi with Rebecca Jernigan May 24th 7to 8 Arizona time http://www.myspace.com/journeyswithrebecca ON AIR - Dr. Turi and Anna Robles May 27th 9:00 PM CST http://www.myspace.com/anael33 JOIN US IN PHOENIX http://www.past-az.com/ Dr. Turi on Captain Jack Show on youtube – A show you will truly enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=drturistar&p=r TO ALL MY READERS I work seven days a week and long hours when you sleep Reader I am constantly channeling the universe for you and if you want MORE of me for FREE do the right thing for all of us. Doing so will give you the option to get so much more than a newsletter (if you are a VIP) my friend. I hope I will get through your heart for the sake of the kids and make you also a responsible reader of my FREE dragon Newsletter. Please act, NOW and write this newsletter, let your feelings go and you'll be on the right track. But like Ota, Effie and many others I need you to do so. If the provided link don't work simply Goggle "Clear Channel" Thank you Reader. You may edit, add copy and paste From Ota great endorsement; Hello and Blessings to you! I am writing to urge you to have Dr. Turi on your programs as often as possible. Imagine what a difference it would have made if the victims of the recent tornadoes, the cyclone, and the massive quake in China had been privy to Dr. Turi's predictions! So many lives could have been saved! The human suffering in these disasters could have been mitigated! I have been an astrologer for over 40 years and I have also given on the air readings for radio stations in the Southeast. Nothing bothers me more than charlatans and phonies that take advantage of people and who are only deceivers out for personal gain! Dr. Turi is "the real thing" and he is deeply dedicated to serving humanity! I was not allowed to be on the air until I had read for nearly everyone at the radio stations and they knew I was not bogus. Dr. Turi is Genuine!!!! Please be a part of helping humanity through these challenging times and allow Dr. Turi to speak and be a beacon of light to help humanity navigate these times in which we live! It is a matter of life and death! The very future of our children is at stake! Is it not obvious that the old paradigms of learning and treatment and dominate culture and institutions are crumbling and no longer working? Let’s work together and support Dr. Turi! I thank you so very much! Sincerely, Ota Copy and paste in your browser or Goggle Clear Channel directly if the link doesn’t work. Your words will in time make the difference but you MUST keep at it to see the desired results. Only one email will NOT work! http://www.clearchannel.com/Corporate/ lisacdollinger@clearchannel.com ContactUs@clearchannelint.com sandacoyle@clearchannel.com Outdoorcontact@clearchannel.com webmaster@clearchannel.com ONCE MORE PARTICIPATE AND THANK YOU Astropsychology Course - Change your life, get a real good career - help others - Call me or email me at dr.turi@cox.net (602) -265-7667 if you want to join us in Sedona next July 2008 or the next one in February 2009. http://www.drturi.com/astroclass.php Blessings to All Dr. Turi Sharing emails: Thursday, May 22 2008 Good Day to You; Dr Turi, This is Joyce Riedel.thank you for talking with me on the phone today, as I didn't want to miss any of my subscriber Cosmic Code Newsletters. They are way too important to me. I just wanted to let you know that this is an email confirmation to let you know that I did indeed receive the Cosmic Code Booklet 2.doc in my correct email inbox. Can't wait for the next newsletter to arrive in my inbox. Thank you so much for sending this newsletter to me today. Have A Beautiful, Wonderful & Blessed Day!


5/10/2008 CHECK THE GREAT PICS IN MY BLOG http://www.myspace.com/drturi Dear Readers; I am amazed how people who proclaim the truth are the biggest crooks on the Internet. For those of you who know me well I have absolutely no problem exposing the truth and anyone in the public eye whom I feel deserves to be exposed for who they really are. As always in any successful endeavors (including the movie the secret) the rats will show up and start their feeding frenzy to get more notoriety, but when someone is proclaiming and exposing others wrong doing and forgetting to describe his own wrongdoing, this is where I draw the line. I am not the type of guy that wants to dwell on negativity, but when someone does me wrong, the Sicilian side of myself will always meet you in time, put it that way. I am talking about Mister Mitch Battros the biggest CON man I ever met or dealt with in my career who can only do so little for his readers that to report natural disasters and blame the Sun's spots for it. This man's ignorance is unsurpassed again because he never really took the time to learn more about the Universe itself or mastering the true secrets of the "Universal Code". So go to http://www.drturi.com/news/1172522361.html and look for "Exposing A Con Man" dated of Mon Feb 26, 2007. His Apocalyptic predictions are a reflection of his own inner fears, lack of true wisdom and lack of perceiving God's true message throughout his celestial manifestation. This foul will be on Coast-To-Coast Monday May 12th with his "Earth Changes" exposing what he consider rigid scientific views. The man is like many other blind young souls regurgitating BULL because of a depraved UCI and a total lack of "Cosmic Consciousness. I am asking all of you NOT to take this moron seriously or take any of these "talking Heads" on Coast To Coast too seriously. Now as always if you are a newcomer DON'T ASSUME anything about me until you read the newsletter mentioned above and don't think I am an egocentric or I know better than many others, because I DO! And unless you do your home work and pay attention don't email me and confirm to me, your own over sensitive nature, insecurity or inferiority complexes. If you can't take the TRUTH EXIT my FREE Dragon newsletter it's a simple as that! For others who knows me well I am only trying to protect your children and their fragile psyche because instead of "end of times" scientific or religious bull, I will always provide you and them with hope, education, faith and true wisdom… "Mankind's future is nothing else than the reincarnation of his own thoughts" Dr. Turi Moving on to the Pope now, he said "Sex can become 'like a drug"? Indeed one of the most MORONIC comments about sex I ever heard from anyone so far! I am in a mode for exposing the truth and STUPIDITY today, so bear with me please. First if it was not for sex itself the Pope would not be alive today so sex is not only a natural human reproductive act but I also teach it to be the most powerful regeneration principle. If sex was that bad why all the TOP religious lunatics or fanatics (Mormons/Muslims) have many wife? With the damage HIS priests did to the children last 2000 years how can he think sex is avoidable? Both the Pope and President Bush are both so ridiculously deceived. Well its simple let's make babies by the tons, start an army of morons willing to die for God and let OUR religion dominate the world. Now I am not endorsing debauch or prostitution but God made it in a way that it does NOT hurt at all and feels REALLY GOOD! Trust me if each time I make love to my girl I get constipated for a week I will soon stop and endorse the Pope's views. There is NO logic in his comments there... YES VERY LIMITED VISION INDEED But the Pope's lack of vision is also scary I may add. Before going anywhere YOU MUST watch this video and tell me if you or your children anticipate this experiences each time they need to commute anywhere in town? The need to keep our numbers down is VERY REAL! http://video.aol.com/video-detail/catching-a-train-in-china/2584973924 They are so many women out there that have committed "murder" by having an abortion, for God' sake don't feel guilty if you ever did this "horrible" act because YOU NEVER KILLED A CHILD! First you can't kill a spirit and spirits are immortal. And No you are not going to hell because you already are on hell (your fears and ignorance). In one of my previous newsletters I intensively explained what transpires during the moment of birth may be you should search for this newsletter and educate yourself as to find peace of mind and eliminate all poisonous induced guilt. As always I don't expect any religious poisoned souls to raise their vibrations just yet or remotely try to learn something different about the birthing process because they are themselves VICTIMS of this dogmatic deceiving religious material. How can one go against many years of wrong teachings especially if the soul at birth inherited a very sensitive UCI (Unique Celestial Identity)? Now this is really despicable but as always the Dragon don't care of any young children anywhere in this world. http://www.cnn.com/video//video/bestoftv/2008/05/09/pne.10.yo.rape.victim.cnn Right here at home in Idaho - A 10-year-old girl police say was raped by a 37-year-old man gives birth. Of course our infantile science cannot comprehend why the physical changes are happening so fast with those children and experience their first menstruation (period) at the tender age of 8 years old. Nowadays very young girls mature so must faster. Again your doctors have no clue pertaining to this phenomenon so let me bring you some light. Nature again is trying hard to counteract all the damage we are doing to our body with drugs or the so-called safe preservative we find in our food. The human DNA is ALSO depleting REAL FAST because of all this junk and the weakest members of our society, especially newborn dies in mass. As mentioned in many newsletters nature is not allowed is tough selection because we are NOT animals but nature knows also that reproduction of this sick gene will not be easy or produce MORE problem for humankind in the long run. Thus Mother Nature ACT FAST by offering a chance for a "cleaner" body to reproduce a healthy body and mind by inducing a VERY early period cycle. The only problem is the DIRTY, POLLUTED BASTARD who raped her. Nature is doing all she can (and she knows better than Doctors) to take care of her children and they are so vulnerable in this sick ignorant but concerned society where the TOP religious, scientific and political MORONS runs the show! Now just in case you forgot here is another reason why I can't stand both religions and Politics. http://money.cnn.com/2008/05/06/news/economy/oil_profits_tax/index.htm?postversion=2008050612 With all the money Big Oil is making -- the top five pocketed more than $120 billion in 2007 -- and with an election on the horizon, it's easy to see why politicians are eyeing oil profits. And guess what YOU and I will pay the price of their drive for greed and power, be sure of that! Now many of you have asked me why I am not a regular on Coat To Coast. Many of you also heard George Noory endorsing my work and I so many times. Yes I understand that getting a weekly report on UFO by some of his guests is good information but don't you thing my unarguable well documented predictions and guidance work would also be a real good choice? Imagine me coming once a month or once a week doing a Astrological report for every sign of the zodiac and make you aware of all the planets' impact ahead of you? Not to mention of course supernova dates or SOS dates? Now do you want me there? Its very simple actually but don't count on NO ONE not even George or Art to help me but ONLY "Clear Channel Bosses" HERE IS THE MAGIC KEY So use the provided emails addresses and write them a note of endorsements, tell them how much you want me there and why and like all radio and television YOUR REQUESTS will bring RATINGS and me on Coast To Coast as a regular guest. Tell them about my past predictions and tell them to be aware for the next SOS To The World by giving them the date of 17th 18th and 19th of May for a very nasty window that they will NOT be able to ignore. Why? Because after these days you will have to HIT them again and prove to them how important it is for me to be on the air to guide all of you. Here is your chance to really help me and we have to start somewhere and I trust many of you to do your part that is of course if you are like I am VERY concerned for the children of this world and their future. The ball is in your hand, do something PLEASE! Add this quatrain and my heeding in your letter, together we will do it! Ugly Hidden Face Of Death Evil Spirits A Mad Dance Innocent Children Mother Cry Police Drama Reality Strike A Famous One To Die Written by Dr. Turi 5/10/08 Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, rules this sign. Affairs related to legality, partnerships, legacy and law enforcement will be on the rise. Expect tragedy of all sorts to take place this month, where the entire devil's spirits will be invited to a macabre dance of horror. This will be one of the most difficult lunation this year where one must realize one's limits and rebirth on a higher level. The trend will play an important part in your life where impartial judgment from above and below will take place. Partnerships, relationships and the diplomatic government world at large will be affected. Many people and countries may be forced to realize the hard lessons of war, cruelty, drama, death or the option to rebirth with diplomacy and peace. The emphasis is on death and the potential for a rebirth in experiences, strength, and newfound wisdom to perform and live accordingly. Remember knowledge is power and there is no room for ignorance with the stars. Corporate http://www.clearchannel.com/Corporate/ Clear Channel 200 East Basse Road San Antonio, TX 78209 Phone 1-210-822-2828 Communications / Media Relations: Lisa Dollinger 1-210-822-2828 lisacdollinger@clearchannel.com International Outdoor Website: http://international.clearchannel.com Phone: (UK) 44 (0)20 7287 3303 Email: ContactUs@clearchannelint.com International Radio Bob Cohen +1.210.822.2828 At Clear Channel's corporate offices in San Antonio, TX Radio Sanda Coyle Phone: 1-210-822-2828 Email: sandacoyle@clearchannel.com Email: Outdoorcontact@clearchannel.com WANT MY FORECAST THERE? CONTACT Clear Channel Website: webmaster@clearchannel.com THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP More on the "Death Wish Generation" Los Angeles school fight - Students involved in a brawl prompted an early dismissal by school officials. Those children NEEDS real spiritual information and FAST in order to regenerate, again its OK to teach them grammar, science, ecology, mathematics, history, etc. but WHO is talking about THEM and their spirit? Their mission in life, their strengths and weaknesses, their Dragon's Head and Tail, their fears? This is what Astropsychology MUST be a part of the curriculum ASAP before this generation takes to the streets and show how really sick their spirits really is. HELP ME! Sharing Emails; Hi There, Dr. Turi This is Cathie, Dr. Turi, I am Searching for a Powerful Exorcist to Remove Heavy Native Energy's From my Living Space.! my Body.! and so forth. Dr. Turi is this apart of the work that You Do for a Fee? Are there any Website of People or Shaman that you know.? and could you Dr. Turi provide me with some information on this matter.? I Live in Palm Springs Live Well in Love and Light Cathie DT- Hello Cathie; Yes I do perform Spiritual Cleansing using Nostradamus Cabalistic Healing and Indians rituals to purify your body mind and soul. You need to fill up this form before making an appointment and while there visit my healing room and the tools I will use. In extreme case degenerating clients in serious help also fly me to their house for personal reading and healing. http://www.drturi.com/healingroom.php .. --> [if !supportEmptyParas] --> Hello Dr. Turi; I was questioning if I was a VIP as my newsletters now say only for VIP. I thought I had paid for this service. Am I mistaken? Please let me know. Thanks and have a wonderful day ! Lisa DT - Dear Lisa VIP's do not get advertisements, instead they get super deals and educational material. If you signed for your Cosmic Code newsletter be sure our sophisticated software is delivering them in your mailbox. All "Cosmic Code" newsletters starts with Dear VIP reader and always mention Cosmic Code **booklet **. Free Dragon newsletter always starts with Dear Readers, if that can help you. Now if you did not sign for the FREE Dragon Newsletters you are also missing a few things that could be of interest. You already are a VIP (I checked with your email address) thus SIGN up for the FREE Dragon newsletter at http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ I hope this will clarify your dilemma. Blessings DT If you are in England Tune in I will be on the air with Nick Margerrison May 19th .. http://www.kerrangradio.co.uk/ - http://www.whatson.com/kerrang/ VISIT MY FRIEND BRYANT ON THE RADIO http://www.mcgillbroadcast.com/ JOIN US IN PHOENIX http://www.past-az.com/ JOIN MY VIP'S FAMILY, BE SMART, BE UNCONDITIONALLY ACCURATELY GUIDED PERSONALLY AND UNIVERSALLY WHILE MASTERING THE UNIVERSAL CODE SECRETS JOIN THE WORLD http://www.drturi.com/orders3.htmlnewsletter If you are not yet a VIP "Cosmic Code" newsletter reader make sure to sign up ASAP to get lots of deals and to know all about my moves, television, radio, lectures, teachings and travel the world with me. You are also welcome to download a FREE E-Book copy of the 2007 Moon Power if you need to check what happened to you last few years. MOST OF ALL read the so ever .. --> [if !supportEmptyParas] -->important "Universal Law" of the Moon. http://www.drturi.com/moonpoweroffer2007.php JOIN US IN SEDONA START A NEW LIFE AND A NEW CAREER http://www.drturi.com/astroclass.php "When suffering is on all sides and man hungers for the unmanifested mystery in all phenomena: He seeks the reflection of the divine. God's higher truths are cloaked in his creation and the message is in the stars." -Nostradamus Here is your chance to test my claims, get my E BOOK for $15.00, and note this deal is only through regular mail. I received a tremendous amount of mail from this offer from all over the world and if you did not get your E BOOK its because you did not either TYPED or PRINTED your email address as requested and we could NOT read it. Thus FAX your name and your TYPED or PRINTED email address ASAP at 602-265-8668. IMPORTANT TYPE or PRINT your email address, so we can fulfill your order. Send your check or money for 2008 Moon Power E book to: Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23rd St Phoenix, AZ 85016. For the FREE Dragon Newsletter sign up at http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ to receive them directly to your mailbox. Join us, George Noory, my good friends Jordan Maxwell and Dr. Lear Jim Karol Bryant Mac Gill and many others UFO MAGIC MYSTICISM IN HOLLYWOOD SATURDAY MAY 17 - 7-30 PM http://www.sacredmysterieslive.com/

Seeing RED!

5/8/2008 You must check the pics on Myspace http://www.myspace.com/drturi Dear Readers; My predictions seems to happen almost immediately and God thanks I have them well documented and printed in my book and newsletters. Check my very last one titled Mars - The Lord Of War Dated of May 7th 2008 and posted to the world at 10:07pm. I am trying so hard to make this world aware of the "Cosmic Code" and how the planets affect the human affairs each day of our life. The sad reality is that our infantile scientific and educational system including the most powerful men involved in politic and religions have NO clue. All along with school masters, teachers, doctors, and celebrities making up 99% of this crazy world's population. I am still working 24/7 bringing unarguable proofs of my claims to million of unconcerned readers drowning into an ocean of entertainments or religions where their numb spirit sinks deeper into stupidity. Sad enough the victims are the innocent children stuck in a rigid obdurate idiotic blind system run by a bunch of educated morons. Now and then I receive an email from someone semi concerned to make the changes that has so far never fulfill the promise to provide me the financial help to turn things around by building my Astropsychology schools. All my hopes gets really high as I trust a wise soul to show up someday and fulfill his promise for help, so please if you do not mean business don't email me and waste my time. Instead of investing in true wisdom a tremendous amount of wealth is totally washed out planning to build more churches, new stadiums or given into fruitless academic idiotic researches. Mankind's poisoned spirit and this world are both deteriorating so fast making me wondering how long it will take me to reach the authorities in charge of the educational system and assert myself as an advanced logical, practical scientist with the Golden Key to stop the nightmare and help the children. Sad enough those "mental snobs" do not possess "Cosmic Consciousness" and will immediately lump me with another Miss Cleo or a guru, a psychic or a cult leader, missing the very core of the answer they are all so desperately looking for… Ask an innocent child how he perceive the people he spend most of his time with? (His teachers?) Memo; Be aware of the red planet Mars, (the Lord of War and danger) moving on the Dragon's Tail (negative) in Leo (children) on May 10th, 2008. Read carefully what Mars can do both positively and negatively to you, those you care and the world at large. Mars is already active by judging what this planet combined with the Tail of the Dragon in Leo produced by taking so many innocent lives in Myanmar and more children will meet with violent death. Your children are prone to suffer accident of all sorts and many will expire because of criminal or deranged souls misusing guns. Gangs will become very active and nature will join with more devastating natural disasters. So take the time to READ this important section again and be prepared. MARS LORD OF WAR May 10, 2008 — Mars enter Leo: Man thoughts will be......... /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SORRY THIS SECTION IS FOR MY VIP'S ONLY RESULTS - YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK, Calif. -- 40 schoolchildren and one adult were injured Thursday in a low-speed wreck involving two school buses in Yosemite National Park, a park spokesperson said. The Red Planet Mars Rules Wars & Blood RESULTS - 'War has started,' Hezbollah leader says Gunfire broke out in downtown Beirut today after Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said recent government actions amount to "a declaration of open war." The sound of gunfire and rocket-propelled grenades could be heard throughout a CNN reporter's live reports from the Lebanese capital. The Current Supernova Window Mentions Tornadoes RESULTS - A tornado swept through parts of Tupelo, Mississippi, on Thursday, damaging trees, power lines and overturning a 18-wheel truck, a law enforcement official said. The Death Wish Generation In Action! And what is done by the educational system to stop it? NOTHING! Everyone is at loss apart from my students and I… How many of you even tried to understand this Generation? Get the book do yourself a favor if you have a teen or run the chance to lose him/her in the long run. http://www.drturi.com/books.php RESULTS - Teens charged in school attack Police charged 13-year-old Calverton Middle School students with attempted rape, robbery, burglary, and trespassing. http://www.cnn.com/video//video/crime/2008/05/08/dnt.md.teens.attack.wbal The nasty Dragon's Tail in the US 2nd house of money, its started December 15 2007… RESULTS - 10 markets set for steep losses The worst isn't over for Miami, Phoenix, and hard hit areas of California, which are forecast to see big price drops in the next 12 months, according to Money Magazine. Sharing Emails; From G; Thank you. After getting beat over the head and experiencing first hand the consequences of not following the universe's patterns and guidance closely, you now have my full attention. Again, thanks for all that you do. I am starting to "get it" now. From Jewell; Dr. Turi, please forgive me for sending this to you, but you would be the only one to say if its true or not. js Hello Dear Friends and White Knights. Please send this email to every person you know – it may save his or her lives! The Illuminati have been very busy feeding shocking news about the polygamist compound in Texas to divert everyone from the REALITY of their efforts to destroy the USA. As I reported yesterday, the Bush government has begun the UNLAWFUL use of the "Amero" which is supposed to be the official currency of the Illuminati's North American Union which would totally destroy the USA. The Bush government is trying to use the Amero SECRETLY in wire transfers – SWIFT wire is Illuminati controlled – of amounts over $100 Million being wired to organizations outside the USA. Etc etc… Dear Jewel; Again this type of "announcement" reflects a very strong (subconscious) fear of losing power induced by the location of Saturn (fear principle/Government) in Scorpio (control freak/financial Corporations). You can only relate to your reality because of your education, your experiences and most of all your UCI (Unique Celestial Identity). This world is loaded with people totally unaware of the working of the Universal code affecting their psyche and behaviors. Some are loaded with Neptune (deception/religions) in Sagittarius (Codification of thoughts/books/bible) and will avidly believe that Jesus will come back before the devil kills everyone on earth lol. The topics are endless and so are the writers but never forget there is only a thin hair between Divine wisdom and uncontrolled imagination. The Age of Aquarius IMPOSES world unification and obviously those people do not possess cosmic consciousness or worse never read my newsletters explaining this phenomenon. Thus I can only suggest you (and them) to go back in time and look for those newsletters. http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ you may also sign up its FREE! Blessings DT If you are in England Tune in I will be on the air with Nick Margerrison May 19th http://www.kerrangradio.co.uk/ - http://www.whatson.com/kerrang/ JOIN US IN PHOENIX http://www.past-az.com/ JOIN MY VIP'S FAMILY, BE SMART, BE UNCONDITIONALLY ACCURATELY GUIDED PERSONALLY AND UNIVERSALLY WHILE MASTERING THE UNIVERSAL CODE SECRETS JOIN THE WORLD http://www.drturi.com/orders3.htmlnewsletter If you are not yet a VIP "Cosmic Code" newsletter reader make sure to sign up ASAP to get lots of deals and to know all about my moves, television, radio, lectures, teachings and travel the world with me. You are also welcome to download a FREE E-Book copy of the 2007 Moon Power if you need to check what happened to you last few years. iMOST OF ALL read the so ever important "Universal Law" of the Moon ITS FREE http://www.drturi.com/moonpoweroffer2007.php "When suffering is on all sides and man hungers for the unmanifested mystery in all phenomena: He seeks the reflection of the divine. God's higher truths are cloaked in his creation and the message is in the stars." -Nostradamus Here is your chance to test my claims, get my E BOOK for $15.00, note this deal is only through regular mail. I received a tremendous amount of mail from this offer from all over the world and if you did not get your E BOOK its because you did not either TYPED or PRINTED your email address as requested and we could NOT read it. Thus FAX your name and your TYPED or PRINTED email address ASAP at 602-265-8668. IMPORTANT TYPE or PRINT your email address, so we can fulfill your order. Send your check or money for 2008 Moon Power E book to: Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23rd St Phoenix, AZ 85016. For the FREE Dragon Newsletter sign up at to receive them directly to your mailbox. http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ Join us, George Noory, my good friends Jordan Maxwell and Dr. Lear Jim Karol Bryant Mac Gill and many others UFO MAGIC MYSTICISM IN HOLLYWOOD SATURDAY MAY 17 - 7-30 PM http://www.sacredmysterieslive.com/ Watch Dr. Turi - http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user= - Get The "Cosmic Code" Newsletter - http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html#newsletter Don't Be Fooled by "The Secret" http://www.drturi.com/monthly.php Check Dr. Turi New Book "Beyond The Secret" http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html#secret "Now Get The Facts and The Rest Of The Secret "http://www.mightycreativestuff.com/myspace/SpiritualExperienceFlyer.jpg" Listen to DT's Radio shows "http://www.drturi.com/archives.php " http://www.globalenquirer.com/~20061103-1-Celebrity_Astrologer_Dr_Turi.html WORLD WIDE http://cherrytap.com/drturi - CHECK THE PICS! http://www.myspace.com/drturi http://www.drturi.com Order And Services http://www.drturi.com/readings.php Free Newsletter http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ Astropsychology, Hypnotherapy, Cabalistic Healing, Motivational Speaker, Author, Marriage Counselor. Telephone: 602-265-7667 - Fax: 602-265-8668 - " Your Future is Nothing Else Than the Reincarnation of Your Thoughts." - Dr.Turi
Deadly Dragon Rampage Predictions 5/6/2008 Dear Readers; The sad reality is that the “Cosmic Code” does not care about people or children and sad enough my prediction of a pandemic for children is on the way. The upcoming Full Moon in August will indeed bring its power to the maximum and if you have children just be aware of my prediction. If you are a teen be careful the Dragon will lead you to the wrong crowd doing stupid things that could really hurt you, so be aware and be prepared. The Dragon’s Tail (negative) in the sign of Leo is about to unleash its tremendous tail and many children are targeted. 12,000 children in China now have deadly virus, most of those with hand, foot and mouth disease are under age 2. This proves without unconditionally and without any doubt that my heading are correct and you should listen (or read) my work and be prepared to avoid the worse for your family. The dragon’s Tail took also thousands more with the destruction left by Myanmar's deadly cyclone Nargis. Again if you are a newcomer to my work take the time to listen to all those predictions on my last TV show on Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=drturistar&p=r or on any of my archived radio shows at http://www.drturi.com/archives.php Dr. Turi at work Back in 2006 I was already telling George Noory on Coast To Coast and its millions of listeners to be ready for this deadly dragon’s tail in Leo and its impact on the children and the world at large by producing abnormally devastating natural disasters. If you are a CTC listeners there will be no doubt pertaining to my unarguable gift in predictive astrology. In my constant drive to help people I am still offering my book and ALL my predictions for 2008 and beyond personal and Universal for only $15 dollars because your awareness of the “Universal Code” and how this dragon will TOUCH you personally is crucial and you must be prepared to deal with it. If you had a copy of my book Moon Power or if you were a VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletter subscriber you would have known the celestial “energy” produced by the Universal Code” being thrown down to earth during those days. Check my predictions see the results and most of all be aware of the CURRENT Supernova window. Blessings to all Dr. Turi Sample of 2008 Moon Power THU., FRI., SAT., SUN. — MAY 1, 2, 3, 4: RULERS — Uranus (explosions) Neptune (concealment) and Mars (assault). Work, Career and Business: As usual with Mars’ aggressive personality, expect all sorts of trouble with business partnerships. Combined with Uranus be ready for people surprising reactions or eccentric behavior. You are strongly advised to use diplomacy to avoid serious complications, especially during a waning Moon. If you are experiencing some trouble in your career, a serious change may be ahead of you. Neptune will make you absent-minded; try to concentrate. A little walk by the water would do your spirit good. Be patient, we are getting closer to the next New Moon. Partnerships: The Lord of dreams may make your spiritual life busy and some of your dreams may come true in the near future. Learn to translate your subconscious impressions and write down your dreams first thing in the morning. You or your partner may be responding to Neptune’s power, so you may want to reach your inner self asking for God’s help in your prayers. Some may feel tuned into the universe and miraculously guided out of a bad situation. Provide spiritual support to those in need. Family and Friends: As usual with Neptune’s sad touch and combined with the waning moon, sensitive friends may get depressed. Be there to help, but don’t let their problems get to you. The lonely old ones will feel the impact of Neptune and its accompanying deception upon their lives. Give a thought and pay them a visit or send them a little card. This gesture will make them feel less lonely and will make their own world more exciting. Be ready to offer a strong shoulder and realize the impact of Neptune upon your world. If you are a Pisces or a Gemini a positive friend could help you. Keep eyes on the children, they are now accident prone. Love Affairs: Keep your eyes on your possessions as things may “disappear” now. Don’t let yourself into a deceiving business deal or worthless situation; learn to love with your head first and give your heart later. Your intuition will be sharp; use it to your advantage. A secret love affair may start for some earth signs and might last a while. Travel and Communication: Remember, Neptune is also part of this trend and if you have to drive, you MUST stay clear of any alcohol. Neptune leads many unaware people to jail, left with DUIs to deal with. If you were born under a water sign stay clear of trouble, don’t drink tonight. Environment: Venus will try to stop her violent brother from stirring the earth’s innards, as Mars loves earthquakes, explosions, volcanoes and mass disasters. Sad news may come from the ocean, the Middle East and oil spills. Mother earth is alive, resourceful, and must heal. Famous Personalities: Some prominent people may be caught in secret sexual or love affairs. Their dependency on chemicals, drugs or alcohol will be made public. The lucky ones will promote new movies. Under Neptune’s power in May of 1997 — WEST HOLLYWOOD, California — Sheriff’s deputies pulled over Eddie Murphy early Friday and arrested a transsexual prostitute who was riding in his car, authorities said. A spokesman for the actor maintained Murphy was just being a “good Samaritan” by offering the transsexual a ride. Events: Under Neptune and Mars’ powers, CAIRO, Egypt — A powerful sandstorm tore through southern Egypt Saturday, killing at least four people. The storm comes a day after the worst sandstorm in 30 years blasted across the country. With Mars’ aggressive nature, expect this type of news again. Villains will be active during this trend; do not trust strangers and do not put yourself in any situation that could make you a potential victim. Avoid dark streets and keep your personal alarm (intuition) on all the time. Shopping: Try to participate in volunteer work to provide love and help to the needy. Shop in places promoting good causes; they need your financial support. Not a good time to invest in prescription drugs or decide to visit your spiritual advisor, unless you know him/her very well. What is Moon Power Starguide? Starguide Universal Calendar of predictions is the result of thirty years of strenuous research into the architecture of our Universe. My findings will help you triumph over your daily challenges by identifying and obeying the Divine will of the cosmos. Starguide offers genuine guidance, positive growth and vital, daily information. Starguide offers the kind of support and direction you are looking for to achieve knowledge. The easy-to-read suggestions for each day of the year will get you started with the right attitude and expectations. Each period of time is empowering you with the Herculean will of the cosmos, thus, the opportunity to synchronize with the creative forces of the universe. Starguide will encourage and guide you to take positive steps to improve your world, and find love, a great career and financial security. This publication will correctly guide you each day of the year. It will give you the opportunity to avoid costly emotional or financial mishaps. Everything you need to know about any and all people’s spiritual make up and forecast is in “Moon Power Starguide” and “Nostradamus Dragon Forecast for all Signs.” This work will accurately translate the implacable rules of the universe into daily practical guidance. This physical world could not exist without its spiritual counterpart. Starguide’s purpose is to help you to understand and respect God’s universal laws. You have been taught to drive and respect the physical laws of the road to avoid an accident. Moon Power Starguide will teach you the spiritual laws of the universe and will guide you all along the wonderful road of your life. Breaking the physical laws will bring heavy penalty! The same applies for God’s celestial laws. Starguide is specifically designed to teach and remind you of those implacable Universal Laws. Finally, this publication will help you to conduct your life safely in both the physical and spiritual planes. Important note: Once more take the time to go now and then to my website to read my heeding. Doing so will help you to make a better use of Moon Power and lead a more productive and safe life. Realize that my work is not for entertainment only and will accurately translate the ultimate will of the cosmos on a daily base. If you are not yet a VIP “Cosmic Code” newsletter reader make sure to sign up ASAP to get lots of deals and to know all about my moves, television, radio, lectures, teachings and travel the world with me. You are also welcome to download a free E-Book copy of the 2007 Moon Power if you need to check what happened to you last few years and MOST OF ALL read the so ever important “Universal Law” of the Moon at http://www.drturi.com/moonpoweroffer2007.php Thank you for your trust in my work. Dr. Turi “When suffering is on all sides and man hungers for the unmanifested mystery in all phenomena: He seeks the reflection of the divine. God’s higher truths are cloaked in his creation and the message is in the stars.” —Nostradamus New Moon — May 5, 2005 in Taurus: This sign is ruled by the peaceful planet Venus and combined with the aggressive pull of Mars for the next few days; we may experience explosions, accidents and damaging earthquakes. Hopefully, gracious Venus will stop her turbulent brother Mars from disturbing the earth’s equilibrium. Use this lunation to further your finances, and utilize Venus' diplomatic power to deal with others. If you play your cards right she might also reward you with love. Money and security will play an important part of this lunation. 2008 SECOND SUPERNOVA WINDOWS ASTRO WEATHER SERVICE PREDICTIONS There will be three major negative SUPERNOVA windows in the year 2008. Each destructive “window" is operational for three to four weeks, thus caution is strongly advised during this period. Heavy loss of lives due to nature’s devastating forces, aeronautical disasters and structural damage is to be expected. Once more realize that I do not use traditional dates found in popular ephemera. Years of practical observation lead me to extend the Mercury retrograde motion and period of time. May / June: Second SUPERNOVA window - From Sunday May 18th through Tuesday June24th 2008. EXPLANATION OF A SUPERNOVA WINDOW There is a concentration of negative celestial energy approaching so be extremely prudent in driving, and expect chain-reaction accidents. Be prepared for delays, strikes, and nature producing awful weather, including hurricanes and tornadoes. The same energy that produced the Titanic disaster, the Asia tsunami the Northridge Los Angeles and Kobe Japan earthquakes and major other calamities (updated- including the destruction left by Myanmar's deadly cyclone Nargis) is approaching again. Remember the thwarted terrorist attack of August 2006 in the UK where the BA canceled thousands of flights just because all passengers did not check ALL handbags before boarding their planes. Those people did not have a copy of Moon Power and paid the price of ignorance and suffered serious delays and frustrations that could easily been avoided had they travel before or after those dates. Double-check all your appointments, and if you can postpone traveling and flying during this Supernova "window". If you must fly like I do very often simply make sure to purchase your ticket and make your reservation during a waxing moon and the stars will not bother you. Remember the Universal Laws do not care for birthday or religious holidays or else, simply think of crossing the street while the light is red or ignore a stop sign, then see what will happen to you. Those laws are impartial and written by God not men and messing them up will bring about serious penalty. Note that; I flew only a few days before the Full Moon in August 2006 to Thailand during a “Supernova Window” to write this book and I traveled safely and avoided all trouble. Remember knowledge is power ignorance is evil! Communication and electricity will be cut off, and a general loss of power is to be expected. Appliances, computers, telephones, planes, trains, cars, all of these "tools" will be affected by this energy. They will be stopped in one way or another. The people of the past will make the news and will reenter your life. Expect trouble with the post office, education, students, strikes, prisoner’s escape, newspapers, broadcasting industries and computer viruses may bother us again. Many a failed mission and expensive electronic equipment (Mars probe etc.) and our tax dollars have been wasted because of the scientist's lack of knowledge of the stars. As usual NASA, which is not aware of the science of astrology, will waste our tax money with failed missions due to bad weather and electronic malfunctions. In the name of ignorance a few years ago, in the Challenger explosion seven astronauts lost their lives when NASA launched the shuttle under a "Supernova Window". Note: Regardless of Dr. Turi's expectations posted on his website for the second time and his desperate attempts over the years to make NASA officials aware of dangerous Super Nova Windows, the Columbia was also launched during this window and re-entered the last night of it producing the death of all courageous astronauts. Marine life sharks, whales etc may also beach themselves due to Mercury retrograde affecting their natural inborn navigational systems. All these malevolent predictions and waste of lives and equipment do not have to occur. Those predictions do not have to affect you directly as they unfold. Instead, they are printed to prepare you for setbacks and frustrations, thus advising you to be patient and prudent during this trend. There is no room for ignorance, and those who are not aware of the celestial order, including the NASA space-program management team, will continue to pay a heavy price. In all mankind's affairs, ignorance is true evil. Why any scientists who are against my research do not honor the word science, which is based upon solid investigation, is solid proof of mental snobbery. By omitting any physical or spiritual laws can only bring penalty; for science's purpose is to explore all possibilities, even those laws written in light via the stars. Here is your chance to test my claims, get my E BOOK for $15.00, note this deal is only through regular mail. I received a tremendous amount of mail from this offer from all over the world and if you did not get your E BOOK its because you did not either TYPED or PRINTED your email address as requested and we could NOT read it. Thus FAX your name and your TYPED or PRINTED email address ASAP at 602-265-8668. IMPORTANT TYPE or PRINT your email address, so we can fulfill your order. Send your check or money for 2008 Moon Power Ebook to: Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23rd St Phoenix, AZ 85016. For the FREE Dragon Newsletter sign up at http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ to receive them directly to your mailbox. Sharing emails: Dr. Turi hi, My name is Joseph //// h///y 18.10.89. Any help would be very appreciated, my mother is a great fan of yours and wants me to learn more. Thank you joe DT Hello Kid; I am so glad for you to have such an advanced spiritual mother willing to let you explore God’s True creation and I really hope many more children like you will get my book and learn. Blessings DT From David; Dr. Turi My son is autistic (Michelle's brother), he is now 30 and still lives with me. The increase is notable and has specific vectors. I have great empathy for all the young parents who are facing this--I know (as does Michelle, as she took care of her brother while I worked) how painful and difficult this is. I will be happy if you refer any young parents with questions to me, as I have been through most of the experiences they are/will face. You have my permission to offer them my email for this purpose only. Thanks! David DT – Sorry David I misplaced your address submit it again please and thank you for your gesture. Blessings DT Hi Dr. Turi, There sure is a lot of strange things happening these days. People at work in the hotel were hurting themselves, pulling joints and ligaments, cutting their fingers, etc. One of the security officers who works outdoors on bicycles was descending a parking ramp and wasn't watching where he was going. He struck a speed bump at an angle, going at a high rate of speed, and flew over the handlebars. He broke one of his arms, got a load of road rash all over his body, broke two of his fingers, and hit his head pretty hard. He went off the property in an ambulance. There is a lot of short tempers around, too. People aren't getting along and there are a lot of arguments and tempers flaring. It's just dumb. They don't know what they are doing to begin with, let alone what is happening with the stars. With Uranus, Neptune, and Mars in charge, and with the moon waning, I suppose all manner of craziness is possible. I am just lying low, keeping out of it, and biding my time until the new moon. Then I will go ahead and make some moves. I'm learning quickly how to use this stuff to my advantage. It really works. DT – Thank you for your feedback my friend, yes indeed you are slowly building “Cosmic Consciousness”, thanks for your support Blessings DT From Ted Dr. Turi, I have to thank you once again for making us aware of these planets. I read what you wrote for May 1,2,3 and 4th. Again I can give you a personal experience which validates exactly what you wrote about in the newsletter. Yesterday in the afternoon I went to a drug store and I usually don't go after 3 in the afternoon when it gets more crowded. A young fellow had apparantly been watching me and when I caught him looking at me, he gave me looks to kill. He did not look clean cut by any means and the look from those cold blue eyes startled me. I had a cart full of items which I believe is why he was watching me. I saw him at another check out and he could have only bought one small item because he had no bags. I watched as he left the store and then I slowly walked out. I had an intuition to stand there and tie the bags in my cart. Most times I would do this by my car out in the lot but I didn't feel safe this time. A lady who resembled him who looked like she could have been his mother asked if she could help me with my things to my car. I said, No, thankyou, I'm just tying these bags. And she asked Are you sure you're okay. I said yes, thank you anyway and then she walked away. I was aware that a vehicle was running right there by the curb but didn't want to look to see if it was that fellow driving it so I finished what I was doing, heard the vehicle drive away and then went to my car which was out in the lot a little way from the store. I am taking this as a warning to be very careful and very aware of my surroundings. I feel that if I had gone to my car sooner something might have happened out there. That store had trouble before where an older lady had her wallet stolen which she just set up on the counter while she picked up something she dropped on the floor. We have to realize we never know who is watching us and from where. For all I know these people could have seen me getting out of my car and walking into the store and might have seen that I already had bags from another store in the back of the car. So, I can't help but think of Uranus, explosions, shocking, Neptune concealment and Mars assault. This fellow could have very well been carrying a concealed weapon. Thank you again and Blessings to You. DT – Indeed be always vigilant, I got my concealed weapon license and I hope to never ever use my gun but rest assure NO low life will kill me easily lol. The best way is to be prepared but always AVOID any and all confrontation because the best battle you will ever win is the one you will avoid. Blessings DT Both radio shows I did on Coast To Coast with George Noory and Paranormal Radio with Captain Jack will on You Tube soon. If you are in England Tune in I will be on the air with Nick Margerrison May 19th http://www.kerrangradio.co.uk/ - http://www.whatson.com/kerrang/ Are you into conspiracy? I am - Join us Phone: (925) 449-6844 (NEW) http://www.conspiracycon.com The Premiere Conspiracy Event in the country returns for its 8th year on June 7 & 8, 2008 at the Marriott Hotel in Santa Clara, CA. JOIN US IN PHOENIX http://www.past-az.com/ Join us, George Noory, my good friends Jordan Maxwell and Dr. Lear Jim Karol Bryant Mac Gill and many others UFO MAGIC MYSTICISM IN HOLLYWOOD SATURDAY MAY 17 - 7-30 PM http://www.sacredmysterieslive.com/ Get Wisdom @ http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=drturistar&p=r Astropsychology, Predictions & UFOs on Coast To Coast. Astropsychologist and seer Dr. Louis Turi recounted his UFO abduction experiences and also shared some new predictions for the future of mankind. Through hypnosis, he was able to recall being "sucked into the belly of a flying saucer," in August of 1991 during a Southern California highway trip. Dr. Turi said he witnessed "grays" as well as the blonds "Nordics" on the craft. His wife, who was also abducted, had a fetus removed from her, he reported, and a laser-like scar appeared afterwards that was not there before. Further, he noted that a "helmet" was dropped from the ceiling and placed onto his head, causing him to download a massive amount of cosmic information in a fraction of a second. Subsequent to that experience, Turi said his life path changed, and he began to have the ability to make accurate predictions, which are documented in his yearly Moon Power Starguide books and all his radio and television appearances. Check incredible pictures on Coast To Coast website http://www.coasttocoastam.com/gen/page989.html?theme=light JOIN US IN SEDONA, START A NEW LIVE AND A NEW CAREER ATSROLOGY IS AN ART LEARN WITH THE SPIRIT OF THE TRUE MASTER http://www.drturi.com/astroclass.php JOIN MY VIP'S FAMILY, BE SMART, BE UNCONDITIONALLY ACCURATELY GUIDED PERSONALLY AND UNIVERSALLY WHILE MASTERING THE UNIVERSAL CODE SECRETS JOIN THE WORLD http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html#newsletter


5/3/2008 Dear FREE Dragon and VIP's Newsletter Readers; Just a little note to let you know that "Cosmic Code 3 Booklet 2" has gone and as usual we've got a few returns. Thus if you are a VIP you should contact Mike ASAP from mailto:dr.turi@cox.net to find out why you did not get it. Remember our sophisticated software DID the job RIGHT and chances are your settings need attention so you can receive my latest and very long "Cosmic Code" newsletter. IMPORTANT: EMAIL US ONLY IF YOUR ARE A PAYING VIP Include your first and last name for verification. Here is a small sample of the "Cosmic Code 3 Booklet 2". Dear VIPs Reader; Thank you Britt (and so many others) for finding the DOB of another lost Neptunian "Jesus wanna be" named Michael Travesser this disoriented spirit was born May 18, 1941 in Riverside, California. http://strongcity.info/LOR/sc/page/about_michael_travesser/ ANOTHER SCHIZOPHRENIC JESUS WANNA BE! As always the uncanny perceptive power given to anyone using Astropsychology will be used to denunciate once more how real and badly needed this lost art really is. I do not want to lose the majority of you because you do not posses the basic understanding of Astropsychology dynamics, so I will use very simple terms to bring some light on how the "Cosmic Code" "programmed" this heavy duty Neptunian soul. Again anyone overloaded with the deceiving power of Neptune (ruler of Pisces) will NATURALLY be in a world of dream (the fish in his own tank) and will not have enough critical thinking (or logic) to see the fact. Realize also that many grown up men (Priests and ministers alikeand other religious leaders in the world) who do look normal to others (or on TV) are also very sick in the head. To a fish looking outside of the real world is very blurry and impossible for him to comprehend. Pretty much like those Mormon Ladies ridiculously dressed like in the 18th century refusing to grow up, stuck in the religious compound (the tank) terrorized by the outside, dirty world (or air for a fish that can only breathe under water). Those people are so mentally manipulated and with so much Neptune in their chart, completely destitute of common sense. Thus the "tank" is their only safe and secure world and like any radical Muslims, those lost souls lives for death on the breadline life wasting ALL the great opportunities to spiritually grow through natural worldly experiences. Note also these celestial affliction breed serious addictions to alcohol, drugs, and medical prescriptions forcing you in time to visit or reside in one of Neptune's homes. These would be a "Funny Farm" a hospital, a temple, a synagogue, a church or a religious compound or worse a mental institution or jail. Note also a strong Pluto (power freak/sex/domination/secret) usually makes a strong aspect to Neptune to create anything from a Minister, a priest or a cult leader. Make sure to read "What Makes A Cult Leader or a deceiving Neptunian" from http://www.drturi.com/daily.php if you are unsure about someone trying to bring you IN Neptune's deceiving "quick sands" SORRY THE REST OF THIS LONG EDUCATIONAL MATERIAL IS FOR MY VIP'S ONLY Continued: What is a Cult Leader or a Deceiving Neptunian? Let me start by saying faithfully and honestly that my work is NOT "for entertainment purposes only". I offer true knowledge and legitimate guidance and unlike other astrology sites, I STAND strong and sure, sharing my visions and knowledge with you. What I do, write or say is very real and very serious. Do you have any question about metaphysics? The spirit? Psychics? Ufo's? Then check what hundreds of radio and television hosts have asked me over the years at http://www.drturi.com/radio.php so that you can feel the depth of my own spirit. The question is; are you ready for the truth? Are you ready for the real thing? Will you take the time to investigate all areas of this site and read all about my work and me? You may also read feedback of what many satisfied clients and students worldwide wrote about me in all my newsletters Sharing Emails section. Then, after investigating my website www.drturi.com properly, you will also trust me to guide you and truly inform you of your unique relationship with the Divine and the working of the Universal Mind. In this site you will find your very personal guidance and what the energy of the days ahead will bring to you. Simply observe the true power of my predictions as they unfold in your and other's lives, and with patience you will acknowledge my claim; YES I am indeed the real thing. Over the last two thousands years, Neptune (Poseidon the Lord of deception) has imposed his stellar will upon the world and stimulated man's imagination to created over 875 different religions. Politically oriented churches officials were fast to exploit the weak spirits of the "dark Ages" by controlling the information of a God fearing uneducated masses. Like all "organized" institutions their final aim is greed, control, wealth and power. Read http://www.drturi.com/commandments.php As of 1945 the planet Uranus (the God of the Skies) became in charge of this world and shaped a multitude of deceiving New Age organizations and deceiving practitioners. Like all organized religions, they must find a way to lure you to their groups (Scientology, Mormonism etc.) then control your psyche to get to your financial support. The common lost soul will be sold easily and join the popular group or religion and become an easy pray. Any intelligent intuitive person will easily see through the manipulation and avoid Neptune's deceiving quicksand. Before investing in anything ALWAYS investigate thoroughly the group in question or the "spiritual guide" and its claims before taking a chance with your fragile psyche. With 99% of the world's population lacking true "Cosmic Consciousness" it is a certainty that the spiritual group and its leaders are unable to enter the archetypal realm of consciousness and help you to regenerate with Cosmic Regulations. You are taking a chance to attract nefarious entities and waste both your time and money if you do not pay attention to my heeding and obvious predictions. But what really alter anyone's cosmic consciousness is mostly due to; jealousy, ignorance, fears, religious poisoning, mental snobbism (scientists/atheists) or plain stupidity produced by a weak natal UCI (Unique Celestial Identity). This celestial affliction produces a very rational mind and always involves a strong earthy Mercury location (critical thinking) in the subject's chart. All these elements breed the "attitude" hurting the integrity of a real gifted Prophet and his message to the world. The worse form of Neptune's expression produces a typical "Neptunian" or a cult leader, a deceiving psychic or an unethical medium or off beam channeler. Armed with the following information one will be able to make a good assessment of what a false spiritual Leader or a con artist is all about. A strong delusive persona accompanied by grandiose expressions will undoubtedly plague the subject's personality and words. This Neptunian attitude masks a total lack of Cosmic Consciousness and an enormous spiritual pride "When suffering is on all sides and man hungers for the unmanifested mystery in all phenomenon, He seeks reflection of the Divine. God's higher truths are cloaked in his creation and the message is in the stars." -- Nostradamus "THERE IS ONLY ONE THIN HAIR BETWEEN DIVINE INFORMATION AND PURE IMAGINATION!"-- Dr. Turi The subject believes he is Jesus, the Virgin Mary etc. (i.e. David Koresh and Rev. Jones). The subject says he/she channels from God, Angels, high spirits and Ancestors. The subject believes he or she is a reincarnation of a prominent religious leader. The subject says he/she always pray on your behalf, use Caps and produces typos while "channeling". The subject believes he or she has very specific religious mission and regurgitates bible verses. The subject thinks he or she is the only chosen one and Jesus / Allah is the motivator The subject thinks he has a very specific purpose to save or change the world. The Subject is sex oriented and possesses no Cosmic Consciousness or real spiritual powers. The subject hears angel's voices (i.e. Joan of Arc) and do not use recording device. The subject uses several or foreign long Indian names and do not use or understand the "Cosmic Code". The subject uses dignified words (i.e. Great, Ascending Master, Grand Order etc.) The subject uses appearances (i.e. Jesus, long beard, long hair etc.) The subject dresses magnificently (i.e. long robs, hats, striking colors, gold, silver etc.) The subject uses words or religious verses (i.e. bible, immaculate, archaic material etc.) The subject uses lots of caring words (i.e. love, prosperity, savior etc.) The subject uses negative Plutonic energy, magnetic voice piercing eyes, private (i.e. Hitler etc.) The subject demands money for his selfish cause (i.e. to build temple, statues, churches, temples.) The subject uses physical strengths and abuses others (i.e. rapists, con man etc.) The subject is unaware of the working of the Universal Mind (i.e. religious or skeptics alike) The subject has little or no testimonials available on a cheap website and get paid by donations. The subject has absolutely no Cosmic Consciousness and do not provide you with your natal UCI (chart). In all honesty this type of endeavor is detrimental to a well-balanced society and as much as I defend and support freedom of expression I am totally against any form of cult in any way, shape or form. I am real, I have real gifts to offer society and help mankind's metal evolution. I have proven my premonitions many times and will do it over again! I am also in need of your support and if you can contribute to helping me building Astropsychology schools for the children of the future please do so by calling me at (602)-265-7667. Thank you. Dr. Turi Sharing emails; From Sharon; Hello Dr Turi! I am writing to tell you how much I enjoyed my reading!!! As usual you have nailed everything! I was especially astounded on your insight into my "possible" past lives!!! Just to let you know..........On my mother's side our ancestors came from France during the French Revolution when they were chopping off lots of heads. Their family name was Meaux and there is a town in France named for them. The Meaux family escaped the guillotine and came to America. They were so fearful of being found out by the French that they changed the spelling of their name to "Moe" There are still some of my relatives with that name living near here. Also I have been told many times by many of my intuitive friends that I have a gift for "knowing things" Which I sometimes do. Very strange sometimes. Any way I am happy to report that the week end that my reading came I listened to it so many times that I almost know it by memory. And I was showing a client dog that week end and made up my mind that he was going to win and get his last two points toward his championship title and go home. Well guess what? Gunner won and I am taking him back to Ohio Sunday!!! Bless you always Dr. Turi! Sharon – Michigan DT _ I am glad I could provide you with an accurate reading my friend. Blessings DT From Beverley; Morning DT; Quick question.... your newsletter states: Are you into conspiracy? i am. Join us in Phoenix http://www.pst-az.com/ i'm interested to know what this link is all about, but when i go there its a dud page. .. :( hell yeah im into conspiracy,im a sagitarius, i love conspiracy. but now i'm beginning to think you giving me an incorrect address/link is some sort of conspiracy which i have yet to figure out... totally kidding. lol but do you have the correct link, please? Thank you in advance, your mentor <----- heheh beverley ;) DT - Well remember the Supernova window I mentioned, problem with MISCOMMUNICATIONS? lolol sorry their link was broken, here is the correct one. http://www.past-az.com/ Blessings DT From Carole; Dear Dr. Turi, You are so right. You mention to be careful of accidents. Well, I have been a handling goat for many years. They often get their head stuck in the fencing. I always successfully removed their horny heads without incident. However, this morning a young goat's head was stuck and while I was manipulating her head to fit through the fence, wham, my finger got smashed between her horn and the fence. So now I am nursing a very bloody sore finger. Keep up the good work. I agree with you everyone should get your newsletter. God bless. Carole DT – Thank you for your support my friend…Moon Power is a true piece of information. SPECIAL DEAL TO ALL MY READERS – I have decided to offer this E book for a fraction of the price. Here is your chance to test my claims. I am offering a copy of my book 2008 Moon Power (e book) for $15 S&H included. Again this deal is only through regular mail. MPORTANT TYPE or PRINT your email address, so we can fulfill your order. Send your check or money order to: Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23rd St Phoenix, AZ 85016. Dragon Newsletter sign up to receive them directly to your mailbox. GO TO http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ Both radio shows I did on Coast To Coast with George Noory and Paranormal Radio with Captain Jack will on You Tube soon. If you are in England Tune in I will be on the air with Nick Margerrison May 19th http://www.kerrangradio.co.uk/ - http://www.whatson.com/kerrang/ Are you into conspiracy? I am - Join us Phone: (925) 449-6844 (NEW) mailto:www.conspiracycon.com - http://www.conspiracycon.com The Premiere Conspiracy Event in the country returns for its 8th year on June 7 & 8, 2008 at the Marriott Hotel in Santa Clara, CA. JOIN US IN PHOENIX http://www.past-az.com/ Join us, George Noory, my good friends Jordan Maxwell and Dr. Lear Jim Karol Bryant Mac Gill and many others UFO MAGIC MYSTICISM IN HOLLYWOOD SATURDAY MAY 17 - 7-30 PM http://www.sacredmysterieslive.com/ Get Wisdom @ http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=drturistar&p=r Astropsychology, Predictions & UFOs on Coast To Coast. Astropsychologist and seer Dr. Louis Turi recounted his UFO abduction experiences and also shared some new predictions for the future of mankind. Through hypnosis, he was able to recall being "sucked into the belly of a flying saucer," in August of 1991 during a Southern California highway trip. Dr. Turi said he witnessed "grays" as well as the blonds "Nordics" on the craft. His wife, who was also abducted, had a fetus removed from her, he reported, and a laser-like scar appeared afterwards that was not there before. Further, he noted that a "helmet" was dropped from the ceiling and placed onto his head, causing him to download a massive amount of cosmic information in a fraction of a second. Subsequent to that experience, Turi said his life path changed, and he began to have the ability to make accurate predictions, which are documented in his yearly Moon Power Starguide books and all his radio and television appearances. Check incredible pictures on Coast To Coast website http://www.coasttocoastam.com/gen/page989.html?theme=light JOIN US IN SEDONA, START A NEW LIVE AND A NEW CAREER http://www.drturi.com/astroclass.php JOIN MY VIP'S FAMILY, BE SMART, BE UNCONDITIONALLY ACCURATELY GUIDED PERSONALLY AND UNIVERSALLY WHILE MASTERING THE UNIVERSAL CODE SECRETS Free Dragon Newsletter and while there sign up to receive them directly to your mailbox. http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ JOIN THE WORLD http://www.drturi.com/orders3.htmlnewsletter

Are You A VIP Yet?

ARE YOU A VIP YET? 5/1/2008 Dear FREE Dragon Newsletter Readers and VIP’s; Just a little note to let you know “Cosmic Code # 2 Booklet #2” has gone and as usual we’ve got a few returns, thus if you are a VIP you should contact Mike ASAP from mailto:dr.turi@cox.net to find out why you did not get it. Remember our sophisticated software DID the job RIGHT and chances are your settings need attention so you can receive my latest and very long “Cosmic Code” newsletter. IMPORTANT: EMAIL US ONLY IF YOUR ARE A PAYING VIP include your first and last name for verification. Here is a small sample of the “Cosmic Code # 2 Booklet #2”. Cosmic Code # 2 Booklet #2 5/1/2008 Dear VIP Reader; Once more let me take this opportunity to thank you for your trust in my work and for your patronage. I want to make sure you realized that I have stopped providing “higher teachings” in my FREE Dragon’s Newsletter but I will keep putting it out there for advertisements purpose or if I feel a really bad energy is about to affect them as to prove the value of my work and why they should join all my wise VIPs. Good news or bad news, important premonitions, heeding, my TV or radio appearances or anything I judge important HAS to be shared with other thousands of reader’s worldwide that can not afford this newsletter or need more convincing to join us. Many of my faithful readers have been reading my work for years and I get tons of emails of requests NOT to stop providing this free service. My work is a source of hope to them and gives them the strengths to carry on during those difficult days. Note also that I will avoid inserting pictures and advertisements in the “Cosmic Code” so that you can download it faster while alleviating stress on our server. I started booklet # 2 and you are reading “Cosmic Code newsletter # 2” and before the year is over you will have a few booklets. As a rule ALL advertisements (unless special deals) will NOT plague the “Cosmic Code” newsletter unless I judge it to be important for my readers. Also the “Sharing Emails” section will not be there because those newsletters are very LONG and I need the room. FREE DRAGON NEWSLETTER http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ I also know that many of you are also signed to the FREE “Dragon Newsletter”and you will read and enjoy the marvelous feedback I receive daily from so many people. I also asked many of regular readers (non VIP) to save a quarter per day and be ready to pay $100 for the 2009 “Cosmic Code” newsletters that can only get better as I am teaching more and more smart people interested in the “Universal Code” secrets. Thus do not call or email me asking to renew your subscription just yet until I let you know its time to sign up again around October or November 2008. You have another 7 months to go and learn and appreciate my guidance, my work and renew your subscription for 2009 if you like my work, thus be patient please. Note ONLY senior citizens aged 60 or over will still pay $35.00 and I will request a copy of their ID by mail. Anyone else will be a flat rate of $100 or a quarter a day. I will ask you to give me some feedback so others realize what they are missing and join us in this “Aquarius” movement anticipating the incredible “Spiritual Opening of the Golden Gate” of the year 2012. This newsletter will be about relationship and what makes the difference between you (a very clean organized person) and your cluttered mate. “Love is a beautiful gift from God but true wisdom goes with it to save it” Dr. Turi SORRY THIS LONG EDUCATIONAL SECTION IS FOR MY VIP'S ONLY “All our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike--and yet it is the most precious thing we have.” (Albert Einstein) Only when man raises his cosmic consciousness and asks, shall he then receive God’s manifestation through his creation, in the light…. in the stars. Dr. Turi Another MORON who thinks he is Jesus and born to “save” the world…my gosh how many of those schizophrenic religiously poisoned old imbeciles are among us thinking likewise? Scary stuff people let’s start the clean up and aim for true wisdom without a place called hell to frighten our children. ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico (AP) -- State police have removed three children from an apocalyptic church whose leader claims to be the Messiah and acknowledges having sex with some of his followers. Wayne Bent, 66, who is known in the church as Michael Travesser, established the church at a rural site called Strong City, north of Clayton in extreme northeastern New Mexico. He said God anointed him Messiah in July 2000. http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/04/30/children.seized.ap/index.html?iref=mpstoryview Looking dirty in the outside does represent the true essence of clarity this moron lacks. Just use common sense! What someone (supposedly) born 2000 years ago would know about a computer or a bicycle? And what this dirty, undedicated, smelly YOUNG soul could possibly teach you? Only those born with a heavy Neptune can relate to this humongous deception and lost touch with reality about such characters. He said “God anointed him Messiah in July 2000”. Find this new Jesus' DOB and let me expose his UCI. The only thing this harebrained bearded moron was “anointed” with is an over dose of BULL! Its all about manipulation, money power and SEX people! If you can not see that as clearly as me and my advanced readers do you are in serious trouble. But again no worries, you have eternity to grow... Blessings to all. Dr. Turi TO MY VIPS For advertisements and Sharing emails section; see Free Dragon Newsletter and while there sign up to receive them directly to your mailbox. GO TO http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ Both radio shows I did on Coast To Coast with George Noory and Paranormal Radio with Captain Jack will on You Tube soon. If you are in England Tune in I will be on the air with Nick Margerrison May 19th http://www.kerrangradio.co.uk/ http://www.whatson.com/kerrang/ Are you into conspiracy? I am - Join us Phone: (925) 449-6844 (NEW) mailto:www.conspiracycon.com http://www.conspiracycon.com The Premiere Conspiracy Event in the country returns for its 8th year on June 7 & 8, 2008 at the Marriott Hotel in Santa Clara, CA. Join us in Phoenix http://www.pst-az.com/ Join us, George Noory, my good friends Jordan Maxwell and Dr. Lear Jim Karol Bryant Mac Gill and many others UFO MAGIC MYSTICISM IN HOLLYWOOD SATURDAY MAY 17 – 7-30 PM http://www.sacredmysterieslive.com/ SOON ON YOUTUBE Get Wisdom @ http://http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=drturistar&p=r Astropsychology, Predictions & UFOs on Coast To Coast. Astropsychologist and seer Dr. Louis Turi recounted his UFO abduction experiences and also shared some new predictions for the future of mankind. Through hypnosis, he was able to recall being "sucked into the belly of a flying saucer," in August of 1991 during a Southern California highway trip. Turi said he witnessed "grays" as well as the blonds "Nordics" on the craft. His wife, who was also abducted, had a fetus removed from her, he reported, and a laser-like scar appeared afterwards that was not there before. Further, he noted that a "helmet" was dropped from the ceiling and placed onto his head, causing him to download a massive amount of cosmic information in a fraction of a second. Subsequent to that experience, Turi said his life path changed, and he began to have the ability to make accurate predictions, which are documented in his yearly Moon Power Starguide books and all his radio and television appearances. Check incredible pictures on Coast To Coast website http://www.coasttocoastam.com/gen/page989.html?theme=light Sharing Emails; Sorry I by accident deleted lots of good emails, well the supernova window got to me! Blessings to all DT JOIN MY VIP'S FAMILY, BE SMART, BE UNCONDITIONALLY ACCURATELY GUIDED PERSONALLY AND UNIVERSALLY WHILE MASTERING THE UNIVERSAL CODE SECRETS http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html#newsletter
As of today I will stop posting in this site - If you like my work read it all and enjoy the pictures at http://www.myspace.com/drturi 4/30/2008 Dear Readers; I am sure like me you are appalled with Josef Fritzl’s horrible sexual act with his daughter and wondering what type of negative UCI (Unique Celestial Identity) this crazy old man inherited for him to behave this way with a family member. As always don’t count on either modern psychology or psychiatry to give you the answer because like 99% of the world’s population those traditionally “educated heads” have no clue of the Universal Code’s power and its impact on the human psyche. With NO “Cosmic Consciousness” not only the perpetrator and its victim but also all agencies involved in this drama are left totally baffled. http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/europe/04/29/austria.cellar.profile/index.html Elisabeth Fritzl (8 April 1966), is an Austrian woman who was allegedly imprisoned, sexually abused and beaten by her father, Josef Fritzl, between 1984 and 2008. Austrian police allege he kept her in a soundproofed cellar extending beneath the family house and garden in a village near the town of Amstetten in Lower Austria for 24 years, where she gave birth to a total of seven children fathered by Josef. Police, medical professionals and those who know Josef Fritzl are struggling to piece together how he led a double life for more than two decades in a small Austrian town. TRUE EYE OF LEGITIMATE WISDOM Using Astropsychology I will shed more light and expose the true hidden motive of this maniac and in the process make the scientific community more aware (I know they read my work) of how much they still have to learn about the “Cosmic Code” but also on what it means to be human. Josef Fritzl is an Aries and this sign is ruled by the planet Mars (The Lord of War) in Greek Mythology. The most evil traits of an Aries are to be selfish, self-centered, over controlling, impatient and aggressive. While the RED planer Mars (blood?) regulates wars anyone in the Army or Navy needs such”energy” to train new recruits and deal accordingly in the inhuman war zone battle. Josef Fritzl was also born with a Moon (home affairs/family) in dual Gemini giving him the duality he needed to “perform” in his other secret undercover dirty sexual life. Mercury rules Gemini and this planet ALWAYS induces a duality. Note also his “Hidden Moon” is in his 3rd house making the duality dignified with a very powerful drive to express itself with ALL family affairs. On a positive note this Moon’s position (I was also born also with a moon in Gemini myself) gives tremendous communication and teaching gifts and two lives in one and the option to live a long life. In the case of many serial killers and Josef Fritzl the Mercurial power was used negatively and repetitively. Read “Dragon Serial Killer” section in my book “The Power Of The Dragon” http://www.drturi.com/books.php But the REAL problem is with Josef Fritzl’s natal Dragon’s Tail (negative) location in his 4th house (HOME AFFAIRS/FAMILY MATTERS) reinforcing his Moon (HOME AFFAIRS/FAMILY MATTERS) in DUAL Gemini. To make the situation DRASTICALLY worse is that Josef Fritzl’s Pluto (DEATH/DRAMA/SEX) also resides on his Dragon’s Tail giving an opportunity for the supremely controlling Plutonic energy to rape and victimizes his family. That is WHY and HOW the “Cosmic Code” played in this man’s awful fate. But what is interesting is that his daughter Elisabeth Fritzl was also born in April (8 April 1966) with the Moon (HOME AFFAIRS/FAMILY MATTERS) Neptune (DECEPTION) and THE DRAGON’S TAIL IN SCORPIO. All these Scorpionic energies are incredibly strong and ALL are collected in Josef Fritzl’s 8th house of sex! NO wonder to any of my Astropsychology students but indeed a big headache for anyone else including the police and all traditionally educated doctors or the “mental snobs”. Furthermore Elisabeth Fritzl’s Venus (love affairs) is located in the deceiving Pisces sign in her 12th house of secrets. Thus she felt guilty and unable to battle her own VERY powerful sexual urge making her suspiciously consenting for so many years. Venus in Pisces is “dignified” this mean totally loving but also seriously impractical in the affairs of love and very vulnerable. Thus if you attract criminals, drug addicts, pot heads or/and get abused mentally or physically, and hope for Jesus to save you, chances are you inherited also a powerful Neptune energy in your UCI (Unique Celestial Identity) or your Astrological chart. I can only suggest you to educate yourself on Neptune’s incredible powers especially if Pluto (death/drama) is making a bad aspect to this planet. If you are into the mind and the spirit join us in Sedona Next July. Note that if you want to become either a “traditional” psychiatric or a psychologist its OK for you to spend thousands of dollars to get your accredited degree and boost your ego but BE SURE to never own the Golden Keys to what it means to be human unless you master the Universal Code (pretty cheap too) and become a TRUE perceptive Astropsychologist. Astrology is an art DEMAND the Master! http://www.drturi.com/astroclass.php This mean I make accurate predictions and perceive your fate accurately and by the way check this when I say i am CNN before CNN! WHO WAS RIGHT? Shell Oil president: To cut price, produce more gasoline in U.S. Memo of my "dated" last newsletter - " Subject: Wild Life And The Stars Date: Apr 28th 2008 - From I wrote… http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ MEMO - My dear friend Glenn how can you be so OFF, well not entirely…You see for years the manipulative government (owned by large oil corporations) wanted to drill along the California coast lines and Alaska but wait, why mess up our environment and the seals some environmental groups said. But now the environmentalists have no money to pay for the gas their purposely scourged over the last few years. You see the rich wont go bankrupt or lose their home people and they can stay forever waiting for you to starve to death. The plan worked and now ALL Americans will endorse the drilling right here at home and the bill will be passed in time. The Dragon’s Head (positive) is doing all it can to STOP the Dragon’s Tail doing damage to the children. He saved 400 of them from the Mormons deceitful life but a man, incensed that a 6-year-old girl chose to walk through a path reserved for upper caste villagers, pushed her into burning embers, police in north India said Wednesday. She was seriously burned. Blair Holt wanted his mother to have a pendant for Mother's Day. His father, Ronald Holt, was purchasing the gift when his cell phone rang: Blair, 16, had just been shot on a Chicago bus. Why do I hate Politics and Religions? SHAME - Who profits from the Iraq war? More than a quarter of senators and congressmen have invested at least $196 million of their own money in companies doing business with the Department of Defense (DoD) that profit from the death and destruction in Iraq. According to the latest reports, 151 members of Congress invested close to a quarter-billion in companies that received defense contracts of at least $5 million in 2006. These companies got more than $275.6 billion from the government in 2006, or $755 million per day, according to _FedSpending.org_ (http://fedspending.org/) , a website of the watchdog group OMBWatch. Congressmen gave themselves a loophole so they only have to report their assets in broad ranges. Thus, they can be off as much as 160 percent. (Try giving the IRS an estimate like that.) In 2004, the first full year after the present Iraq war began, Republican and Democratic lawmakers—both hawks and doves—invested between $74.9 million and $161.3 million in companies under contract with the DoD. In 2006 Democrats had at least $3.7 million invested in the defense sector alone, compared to the Republicans’ “only” $577,500. As the war raged on, so did the billions of profits—and personal investments by Congress members in war contractors, which increased 5 percent from 2004 to 2006. Investments in these contractors yielded Congress members between $15.8 million and $62 million in personal income from 2004 through 2006, through dividends, capital gains, royalties and interest. Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Rep. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), who are two of Congress’s wealthiest members, were among the lawmakers who garnered the most income from war contractors between 2004 and 2006: Sensenbrenner got at least $3.2 million and Kerry reaped at least $2.6 million. Members of the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services committees which oversee the Iraq war had between $32 million and $44 million invested in companies with DoD contracts. War hawk Sen. Joe Lieberman (IConn.), chairman of the defense-related Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, had at least $51,000 invested in these companies in 2006. Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.), who voted for Bush’s war, had stock in defense Companies, such as Honeywell, Boeing and Raytheon, but sold the stock in May 2007. Of the 151 members whose investments are tied to the “defense” (war) industry, as far as we know, not one of them offered to donate their bloodstained profits to the national treasury to offset the terrible debt they have imposed. Has one of them even offered to donate one cent of their war profits to lessen the debt that increases more than $1 million a minute? When our boys and girls are wounded the government bills them to return their reenlistment bonus. They have to return any pay they received while they were hospitalized. They have to pay for their helmets and uniforms that are destroyed in the hell of war. But they keep on fighting for these politicians’ right to keep their war profits. • Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) $3,001,006 to $5,015,001 • Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) $250,001 to $500,000 • Rep. Kenny Ewell Marchant (R-Tex.) $162,074 to $162,074 • Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney (D-N.Y.) $115,002 to $300,000 • Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-N.J.) $115,002 to $300,000 • Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-Nev.) $100,870 to $100,870 • Rep. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis.) $65,646 to $65,646 • Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.) $50,008 to $227,000 • Rep. Sam Farr (D-Calif.) $50,001 to $100,000 • Rep. Stephen Ira Cohen (D-Tenn.) $45,003 to $150,000 _www.roguegovernment.com/news.php_ (http://www.roguegovernment.com/news.php?id=8694) This little girl said it better than I could ever do…And all I want is to help the children… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQmz6Rbpnu0 TUNE IN TONIGHT Paranormal Radio with Captain Jack http://www.wprtradio.com On the air with Nick Margerrison May 19th http://www.kerrangradio.co.uk/ http://www.whatson.com/kerrang/ Sharing emails; May god bless this man! Please join us in our efforts, let start this thing please. Thank you DT Hi Dr. Turi: I have been trying to start a school for children that need spiritual information that you are talking about. I am willing to help you any way I can, if you furnish the teachings we can train teachers and set these schools up all across the country. I want to get started in Green Bay, Wisconsin where we have a group of advanced spiritual people willing to teach this material. Please get back to me and lets get together. Do you want me to come and visit you? Let me know when you are in town and make an appointment. In your newsletter I agree with you 1000% the need is there. If the need is there the teachers will appear. I need your teachings to get going. Dr. ///////, Medical Pathologist. From Shannon; Just wanted to let you know what an uplifting surprise it was to hear you on coast-to-coast last night. Your positive energy is very welcome in a world where there is so much negativity! Blessed Be DT - Thank you Shannon Blessings DT I need some help...... Body: We just lost our 8 year old son due to a drowning accident. We know he's ok and he fulfilled his time here but we both have been told separately by different psychics (that we trust) that he was going to live a long life and have twins. And that we were going to have a son that would have a astounding impact on the "alternative community" and we had Kae'Leigh our daughter. She shows the signs of just that and she's only 1 & 1/2 now. I guess my question is can a soul complete its task before the time that was seen by the psychics? I know decisions can change outcome but can change have that much of an impact? Thanks for your time, Silent Storm John DT - Hi John; It is obvious my friend that you dwelt with another Mrs. Cleo out there and wasted time and money in the process. Had you let me do a full report on your child I wold have "seen" the trouble and guided you so she would enjoy a long life on earth. I am practically sure that your child died because of the Dragon's Tail and my book moon power has probably the warnings for the day she passed away my friend. Nothing is more terrible to lose a child and I am SO sorry for you but the stars don't care and perform as is. Thus next time deal with real gifted people that can prove to your both predictions and values with, like in my case, eternal positive endorsements. In any case rest assured your sweet baby has become and angel watching over all of you and guided me to you to tell you she loves you and she is very happy in Paradise with other children. Blessings to you my friend DT Sherri DT – Dear Sherri; Well I had no idea I was going on the air last night this means again that I must apologize and remind myself to NEVER EVER assume anything.This interview was very hot and very positive and Craig is trying to put it on You tube, thus stand by if you missed it. Meantime you can also listen to any of my old shows at http://www.drturi.com/archives.php Hello Dr Turi, This is a confirmation of your appearance on Paranormal Radio with Captain Jack Wednesday Night. Please be available for Jack's call at 9:30pm. Jack will be keeping you on the air for the remainder of the show with the last hour devoted to listener email and calls. We look forward to having you on the show. If you have need of anything, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you! Selene Spencer Scheduling Producer Paranormal Radio with Captain Jack http://www.wprtradio.com WPRT Radio Caller Line 866-425-5456 First Time Caller Line 206-973-7839 Back Door Line 312-239-8902 From Sukhi; "Sending gratitude for your years of research and your desire to help..." DT – Thank you Sukhi -"When men realize the church is the Universe and the twelve apostles are a reflection of the twelve signs of the zodiac, God's commandments written in light will bring true love, respect and peace to this world." BE SMART BE AWARE OF THE UPCOMING SUPER NOVA WINDOW, GET YOUR DAILY MONTHLY GUIDANCE! GET THE DEAL BY MAIL BET THE BOOK! http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html#moonpower LAST CHANCE! IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL READING MY WORK - THIS NEWSLETTER WILL STOP TODAY THUS JOIN US NOW WHILE YOU CAN AND USE THE DEAL! Use your credit card and order the "Cosmic Code Newsletter" with the $35.00 DEAL Scroll down from to the STUDENT Rate from http://www.drturi.com/orders3.htmlnewsletter You MUST make a note when you order it that is it the special from The Life of a Monk 2 Deal. JOIN US Are you into conspiracy? I am - Join us FOR MORE INFO: Phone: (925) 449-6844 (NEW) mailto:conspiracycon@sbcglobal.net WWW.CONSPIRACYCON.COM The Premiere Conspiracy Event in the country returns for its 8th year on June 7 & 8, 2008 at the Marriott Hotel in Santa Clara, CA. Join us in Phoenix http://www.pst-az.com/ Watch Dr. Turi - http://www.youtube.com/drturistar - Get The "Cosmic Code" Newsletter - http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html#newsletter Don't Be Fooled by "The Secret" http://www.drturi.com/monthly.php Check Dr. Turi New Book "Beyond The Secret" http://www.drturi.com/orders3.html#secret "Now Get The Facts and The Rest Of The Secret "http://www.mightycreativestuff.com/myspace/SpiritualExperienceFlyer.jpg" Listen to DT's Radio shows "http://www.drturi.com/archives.php " http://www.globalenquirer.com/~20061103-1-Celebrity_Astrologer_Dr_Turi.html WORLD WIDE http://cherrytap.com/drturi - CHECK THE PICS! http://www.myspace.com/drturi http://www.drturi.com Order And Services http://www.drturi.com/readings.php Free Newsletter http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ Astropsychology, Hypnotherapy, Cabalistic Healing, Motivational Speaker, Author, Marriage Counselor. Telephone: 602-265-7667 - Fax: 602-265-8668 - " Your Future is Nothing Else Than the Reincarnation of Your Thoughts."

Making The Right Choice

4/29/2008 Dear Readers; Wednesday Night. listen to the show! Dr. Turi on Paranormal Radio with Captain Jack http://www.wprtradio.com/news.php http://www.wprtradio.com Well the Dragon in Aquarius and Leo axis indeed saved the lives of so many children by removing them from Neptune's deceiving confined world. The beauty is that those children (and brainwashed victimized parents) will not spread the spiritual degradation of ALL future children mingled with this particular deplorable religious sect. When I started nearly 2 years ago to talk about the "upcoming Dragon's Tail negative) in Leo (children) on Coast To Coast and all my interviews since then and the results are IN. Under guard, polygamist teen as a baby boy Like the deceiving Pisces Age and its thousands of religious sects, the Aquarius Age will also endorse and promote its own deceiving horde of lost souls. Many organizations will be brought to life with spiritual teachings that will carry with them either the Neptunian deceitful "salt" or a form of hard-core mathematical "poisoned" Astrological scientific community. Now if you are looking for the truth you are seriously advise to do your home work and DEMAND solid proof of predictions from any of those existing of merging groups and sad enough lots of them are already operational. ART WORK USED TO TEACH THE MEDICAL ASPECT OF ASTROPSYCHOLOGY Thus if you decide to "get into the stars" and build solid Cosmic Consciousness you will have tremendous choices and with it lost of unreliable pits. Now because something is accepted globally such as Christianity or the savior Jesus does not mean it is the TRUTH. But instead the result of century of mental manipulations and planned moves by people in power and this is why RELIGIONS AND POLITICS are the best representation I have for you when it comes to prostitution or abuse, greed and financial and lure for power. With the pull of the Dragon's Head (progressive) in Aquarius (new Age matters/astrology) many lost souls will be looking for spiritual food and may end up in a "cult" like or "scientific" oriented groups. Be sure that NONE of them will be able to give you solid proof of their predictions or guarantee you the golden keys of what it means to be human by "connecting" the right way with the "Universal Code". Thus it is my duty to make sure anytime a group sounds like "Neptune" or a hard core "Saturn" you are on the wrong track. Neptune will appeal to you naturally if your UCI (Unique Celestial Identity) is overwhelmed with this planet such as the victims signing their laves (and children) away for Jesus or groups such as the Christians, Mormons, Methodists, Witness of Jehovah, Hare Krishna and another few thousands to pick from. * Saturn will also appeal to you naturally if your UCI is loaded with this planet structural powers and mathematical or logical attitude. Saturn produces Astronomers, modern astrologers, engineers, architects scientists and are what I call the "nerds mental snobs". These are the two major celestial energy (or Neptune and Saturn's pull) to be aware of but the sad reality is that many people did not yet heard of Astropsychology or Nostradamus 16th century rare Divine astrology method and land themselves in a long and costly study that will take them NO WHERE close to what they were bargaining for. Thus without "Cosmic Consciousness" the chance of making the WRONG decision to investigate the heavens properly is extremely high. In my upcoming course in Sedona I will use simple astrological symbolisms, metaphors, some celestial artwork and a great dose of natural intuition or Uranus essence to teach my students. Note that Uranus rules Astrology and the heavens, thus if your teacher does not have a great does of "Uranus" in his natal "UCI" you are at loss. It's like trying to teach a child to paint, sing or dance while his natal UCI is loaded with Saturn. This kid is NOT "blessed" naturally with deep feeling, emotions and sensitivity thus is artistic CREATIVIY is impaired. I wrote intensively about science and Astrology in so many of my newsletters and you may want to go back and check titles at: http://www.drturi.com/newsletter/ This kid is overloaded with Neptune and is seen to others to be lost on his own world. He is very imaginative and if he luckily have spiritually advanced parents he will become a singer, a dancer, a photographer and make it big in Hollywood as an actor. Contrarily if his parents are religiously poisoned he will end up in a Mormon church as a priest, turn himself as another deceiving schizophrenic ministers plaguing many televisions channels with "the end of times" and why you should love Jesus. OF course the same dirt is being pored all over Asia and the Middle East with an infinite Neptunian dangerous teachings breeding an army of future suicide bombers. This kid may not sing in tune or draw but will amazes his class with his attention to details and mathematical inborn aptitudes thus he will become an ASTRONOMERS or future scientist. Picking up your teacher is your most important task for if his UCI does not match YOURS in terms of perception you are IN for some serious troubles and will learn NOTHING with such a person. And this is why if you removed your child from a teacher or a school his grades will improve drastically (by magic). My gosh this world is so young and when you have a bunch of wanna be teachers unequipped by birth do perform a job there is no wonder why our educational system is such a mess and why kids drop out of college… Read this! From: B I read this article and realized that people are dissatisfied with answers from traditional sources because of course too much math involved astrology classes examining topics. They need to focus more and more to the symbolic arts as Divine Astrology's house system. They should check your website before they learn old modern astrology. That is waste of time to explore in United Astrology Conference. Is that correct? http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2008/04/dems-will-meet.html B DT – Well B I do not if you are a student but indeed your objectivity and common sense is very accurate. I wanted to thank you to bring such an important topic to the table and hopefully anyone reading my newsletter will check Astropsychology before wasting time and money and join us in Sedona.http://www.drturi.com/astroclass.php Blessings DT SPECIAL DEAL TO ALL MY READERS – YOU HAVE UNTIL MAY 7TH TO QUALITY. I am offering a copy of my book 2008 Moon Power (e book) for $15 S&H included. Again this deal is only through regular mail. IMPORTANT TYPE or PRINT your email address, so we can fulfill your order. Send your check or money order to: Dr. Turi 4411 N. 23rd St Phoenix, AZ 85016. DO YOU WANT A SOLID PROOF THAT I HANDLE THE "UNIVERSAL CODE" RIGHT AND WHY YOU SHOULD LEARN NOSTRADAMUS REAL ASTROLOGY WITH ME? How many of those so-called famous astrologer did this? Where is their record of predictions would it be on TV, radio or books? This is where you MUST do your homework and make the right choice. I offer all that and MORE and that's the ONLY difference between Me and another astrologer. The choice is yours! Here is ONE of the samples for last few days! At least 140 homes hit by Virginia tornadoes Virginians faced a massive cleanup project Tuesday after at least three tornadoes damaged dozens of homes and injured more than 200 people. .. --> [if !supportEmptyParas] --> http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/04/28/tornado.virginia/index.html TRUE EYE OF WISDOM SAMPLE OF MOON POWER SUN., MON., TUE., WED., THU. — MAY 25, 26, 27, 28, 29: RULERS — Uranus (Explosions/surprises) and Neptune (oil/Middle East): Work, Career and Business: Combined with the Full Moon, Uranus may make you feel erratic and Neptune may make you feel depressed and overemotional at work; this could lead you to think about a new job. Keep your eyes and ears open; with Neptune's "dreamy" nature, you are prone to making serious errors or forgetting something important. Do not sign any contracts now; in the long run, you will be sorry if you do. Be patient and wait until the next New Moon. Partnerships: Crazy things may happen now; do not make a fool of yourself in public. Things done or words said without forethought might bring trouble later. Use your will; be positive in all you say. Expect disturbing news by mail or telephone but avoid fears, as insecurity could take over your common sense; all will be fine, there is a Divine plan for you. This timing is ideal for meditation and renewing your faith in each other and the universe. You must control negative thoughts, even if many things around you do not seem positive. Have faith in yourself and those you care for during these days. Family and Friends: Spend some valuable time with your family. Do not expect the affairs of the heart to progress or get better for a while, and teenagers may get themselves in trouble. Watch for the use of drugs, as Neptune will lead them towards wrong friends. Give them solid direction and be ready for some friction. Depressed friends may call you asking for spiritual support or direction. With Neptune, confusion and deception is in the air. If you socialize during the night hours, keep your eyes on your possessions as they may disappear. Don't misplace your keys. Avoid complaining about life's problems to those who care about you. Love Affairs: Love and romance may suffer as during a waning Moon, Uranus' erratic emotions may preside and disturb your relationship. Be patient with the partner and use diplomacy to save trouble. However don't let someone else's problem get to you and affect your feelings. If you were born in August expect a Gemini friend to give you disturbing news soon. A friend from a foreign land may bring better but surprising news soon. All fire signs will suffer this lunation emotionally, so try not to let it happen to you, use you will. If you are a Leo, Sagittarius, Libra or Aries remember the waning Moon and be patient. Travel and Communication: If you can, avoid flying during this trend unless you made your reservations before the waning Moon. Protect yourself against aeronautic accidents; use "Moon Power" and your knowledge, take no chances. This is the perfect time to pass on the light and talk about Starguide's guidance. Avoid drinking and driving at all costs; many accidents happen under Neptune and Uranus' iniquitous energy. If you have to play or travel be aware of the ocean or the river these days. Environment: Expect bad news about quakes and the possibilities of sea/air accidents. Many naturalists will be upset and some groups will make dramatic decisions followed by dangerous actions. Nature will start to go berserk and may throw a cluster of negative weather patterns such as tornadoes or earthquakes in the near future. Remember the Florida tornadoes in 1998? Uranus was in charge then. Famous Personalities: Remember early 1998, the British Artist John Michael? He made weird news in Los Angeles in a public bathroom, again surprising Uranus (weird) and Neptune (kinky sex) was in charge. Remember another British singer O'Connor? She cut up a picture Pope's face on national TV in one of her performances, right in front of the entire audience. Again Uranus (freedom) and Neptune (religion) were in charge. Many unaware famous daredevils will lose their lives because they have no knowledge of the stars' impact on human affairs. Do not take chances after the Full Moon, ever, and all will be fine. Events: Under Uranus' powers expect anything weird and explosive news take place. Stay clear of strangers and any suspicious packages, especially in airports or dams. Let's hope for the best! Shopping: Provide spiritual guidance and support to all in need. Many will fall victim to Neptune's deceiving and Uranus' eccentric wills. Do not invest in alcohol now; you would further a disaster later on. Some people out there are not aware of the stars' impact on their lives and may decide to jump from a bridge or a plane; good luck to them. You may invest in my work for them, mention or offer them my book Moon Power publication, this can and will save them trouble. Avoid investing in any form of electronics; a nasty virus may get to your computer. 2008 SECOND SUPERNOVA WINDOWS ASTRO WEATHER SERVICE PREDICTIONS There will be three major negative SUPERNOVA windows in the year 2008. Each destructive "window" is operational for three to four weeks, thus caution is strongly advised during this period. Heavy loss of lives due to nature's devastating forces, BLACK OUT, aeronautical disasters and structural damage is to be expected. Once more realize that I do not use traditional dates found in popular ephemera. Years of practical observation lead me to extend the Mercury retrograde motion and period of time. Widespread power outages in Venezuela: Widespread outages blacked out nearly half the country, trapping people in elevators, stalling subways, filling streets with pedestrians and forcing hospitals to switch to emergency generators. May / June: Second SUPERNOVA window - From, GET THE INFO, THE DATES and SO MUCH MORE WITH THIS BOOK AND SAVE YOUR LIFE! http://www.drturi.com/orders3.htmlmoonpower WELCOME TO THE FUTURE This will boggle your mind, I know it did mine! The year is 1908. One hundred years ago. What a difference a century makes! Here are some statistics for the Year 1908 : The average life expectancy was 47 years. Only 14 percent of the homes had a bathtub. Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone. There were only 8,000 cars and only 144 miles of paved roads. The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph. The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower! The average wage in 1908 was 22 cents per hour. The average worker made between $200 and $400 per year . A competent accountant could expect to earn $2000 per year, A dentist $2,500 per year, a veterinarian between $1,500 and $4,000 per year, and a mechanical engineer about $5,000 per year. More than 95 percent of all births took place at HOME . Ninety percent of all doctors had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION! Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of which Were condemned in the press AND the government as 'substandard. ' Sugar cost four cents a pound. Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen. Coffee was fifteen cents a pound. Most women only washed their hair once a month, and used Borax or egg yolks for shampoo. Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from entering into their country for any reason. Five leading causes of death were: 1. Pneumonia and influenza 2. Tuberculosis 3. Diarrhea 4. Heart disease 5. Stroke The American flag had 45 stars. The population of Las Vegas , Nevada, was only 30!!!! Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and ice tea Hadn't been invented yet. There was no Mother's Day or Father's Day. Two out of every 10 adults couldn't read or write. Only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high school. Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the counter at the local corner drugstores. Back then pharmacists said, 'Heroin clears the complexion, gives buoyancy to the mind, regulates the stomach and bowels, and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health.' ( Shocking? DUH! ) Eighteen percent of households had at least one full-time servant or domestic help. There were about 230 reported murders in the ENTIRE ! U.S.A. ! Try to imagine what it may be like in another 100 years. Sharing emails; Hey George; Its time for an update from Dr Turi. Does complete restructure of the Airline industry ring any bells? They are either closing up or merging to avoid financial disaster. I am an avid listener and I don't recall any of your other guests talking about this. Its a great idea to have Linda LMH on every Thursday. She is just great. But what about having a 15 minute chat with Dr Turi every 2 weeks at the beginning of each new and full moon. He has so much to share and most accurate when it comes to timing. Talk soon my friend, Vic DT- Thank you my friend if everyone was making the same request I would be there for the world and save lives. But for some reasons Coast To Coast and George have left me behind. As their most accurate astrologer on the air with unarguable predictions over the years (this is what George said in many of his appearances and on the air) something may be going on I don't know. On January first 2008 many people were invited for the year 2008 predictions but not me. Luckily I was .. and made all my predictions. May be you could send your email to George and ask him what's going on? george@coasttocoastam.com artbell@mindspring.com lisa@coasttocoastam.com tom@coasttocoastam.com Thanks anyway DT From Sherri; Hello Dr. Turi; Ok, so you may have received this earlier! My computer save is not that good so I must have hit a wrong button and who knows where the e-mail is or went! LOL! Just wanted to thank you for all the time you spend trying to get us up to pare on the cosmos. I was remembering when I first heard you on coast-to-coast 5 years ago and you threw down a challenge. Don't just believe my predictions...test them out... so I'm a Leo and I usually don't back down from a challenge so I did and everyone can to pass! Now, I'm a VIP, own DVD's try to listen to every radio program I can catch...I have been going through some very difficult times right now but I believe I could handle them because of you. You told me to be prepared and I was as much as one can be any way. I follow moon power and you were right on! I truly believe with consciences increasing your school is just a matter of time. It will come! You have done so much for me that if there is any way I can help besides the obvious I would be glad too. Again...Thanks so much for centering me when I needed it so so much! You are truly a wonderful blessing of the cosmos! Blessed Be Sherri DT- Well I stopped saving this wonderful type of endorsement years ago but its always good to hear some feedback from someone that has been with me for so long and know my true values. This is why in ALL my newsletters you will read the good and bad of Dr. Turi's impact on people's lives. Thanks again Blessings DT Paranormal Radio with Captain Jack http://www.wprtradio.com Hello Dr Turi, This is a confirmation of your appearance on Paranormal Radio with Captain Jack Wednesday Night. Please be available for Jack's call at 9:30pm. Jack will be keeping you on the air for the remainder of the show with the last hour devoted to listener email and calls. We look forward to having you on the show. If you have need of anything, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you! Selene Spencer Scheduling Producer Paranormal Radio with Captain Jack http://www.wprtradio.com WPRT Radio Caller Line 866-425-5456 First Time Caller Line 206-973-7839 Back Door Line 312-239-8902 On the air with Nick Margerrison May 19th http://www.kerrangradio.co.uk/ http://www.whatson.com/kerrang/ Dr. Turi,
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