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Dreamer's blog: "Britney"

created on 12/14/2006  |  http://fubar.com/britney/b34451
I wanted you to know that everything in me said I love you. You were my soul, my entire being. The glowing star on my shoe that promised a better tomorrow. I breathe on the pane of glass waiting for you to appear on the other side. I know your there for your my other half. I wanted to see the sparkle in your eyes as we we're deja vu'd into each other. When I wake up in the morning I stare into the mirror. Endless gazing, I know that I am everything with you by my side. I couldnt stand with out you holding me up. All the nights I just wanted to give in, Fall to the floor I heard a soft whisper and felt a faint kiss and for that moment my life was complete bliss. Life would never be small with you around, the darkest days became lighter because you shared each moment with me. Someone to hold my hand and reassure me that today will be okay. Mindless daze as you're reflection comes into focus. I sigh for not another day will pass where I'm not yours. Relief passes when I know you guild my hand to the right desicion's. You were my day. As you are my night, the wind that flows beneath my wings , the laugh that comes from my smile , the tears that flow from my eyes . When I need a break from life you say let me hide with you, When I need to cry , you are the one that starts frist , when I say I am scared you say you already know. When the light no longer shines in my eyes you come and face the darkest moments standing by my side smiling , crying, fearing all just so I won't be alone. Eclipses enter ourlives leaving us to huddle in silence. We don't speak words, we don't shout thoughts I feel you and know what you need for you're inside me. When I'm close to crumbling you help me up, letting me know I'll never fall until its time for us both to jump. I take a quivering step in the mighty wind wanting to give up and give in. But you help me through. Words need not be spoken, your thoughts I hear as if they were my own. Mind numbing stares and innocent glares tell the world that we are not two but connected as one. Time is nothing in the secret garden of memories, hugs and kisses, deep thoughts and so many unspoken words. Beautiful is what you are , I trace my finger along the out side of your body, making the perfect mold of you. Perfection seemed small and thoughtless, but you taught me that it was you and grand. Like a statue I knew every curve, every secret. No surprises when something was whispered. I heard the stars twinkle when you smiled, everything was worth while. My heart thumped when you were close knowing your's always sung the same tune. Our souls sung for we were close, and binding. Together ad never lost. In a life where anything can happen. I know that with you by my side I can make it. Through the ups and downs, the smiles and frowns, I need you like I need the water I drink, the air that I breathe and when I think all hope is lost. It is you standing there at any cost. I love you my fornever, My elegant adoring Mirror. With out the makes of you, With out the endless aray of loving words, the sun wouldn't rise in the east or set in the west, the stars wouldnt shine at night. Nothing would seem right, for you were the universe, everything right. Apocalypse would shine without you by my side, in this life. Nobody could see how you were the magic in the clouds. The birds singing their songs. In this tiny planet I knew you were what made it the biggest. I never knew what that empty ache, the quivering shake was. Now I know it was you. The tears that were random, The fears that shook the ground. Everything fell into place like we did. Fate intertwined and gave me life. That always was you. And with you I will always stay, standing by your side, fornever and (n)ever by always will be.
Sometimes it hurts me so, to know that you'll be diving off that board, saying goodbye without a care. I wanted to know what really mattered. What sparked in your eyes. I needed to know how I was drowning before I fell. Before it ended all swell and horrid. I started to see the piercing's in your body, as you drived more pain into yourself. The ghosts in your eyes said to many apperances, I wanted to just scream and yell. But I was roped in by the boyish emo grin. The bad boy smile the darkened eyes, the face I could never forget. The waters entering the ship now. I know you’ll try to save her before she sinks beneath the sea. I wanted to break away from the stormy clouds, to really just let it go. But I was held back but unbiddened passion. Scarce freedom. The hooks and chains that entered my flesh as my eyes cried for you. You were my only thought. Sea-salt rocked like the sea-horses. The sting was impeccable but I held on harder. Wanting everything to swallow me in and set me high. I cried my heart out for you, I hoped you would help me escape. The hooks, they ripped my flesh. I saw the look in your eyes. The gleam made me forget where I was. The wave came crashing down upon us, I was lost in the water for a moment. Up I came, the water felt icy cold. Held my breath, the sting of the water hurt. The world grew small but you held on, you wanted me to see that I was the sinning sweet. The accusing finger was laid to rest as I knew you loved me the best. Couldn't this be a dream this mistake that riddled the shore. The gods played with us the chess pieces of the board. I was burned, fired to just shout your named until it expired. You hands bleeding from trying to be my salvation. I wanted so for you to be the massing hero, on the top of the knoll. I knew no other sin, but to say what I desired to spin. The pain that laced all my skin, I didn't even give in. You needed to see I was trying to fight. I was trying to lose. I wanted to disappear until the waves of the icy breeze. Of all the fish in the sea, you came to me. Lifted me out of the dark lagoon that held me captive. Treated me as if I were the best thing in the world. You were my hero. Wouldn’t let me drown. You pressed lips to lips letting the air flow, giving me something to strive for, I remembered the rolling nights where we were one. As my eyes fluttered trying to see, weary beyond word. I wanted to see that beautiful face. Again I couldn’t make up my mind. The icy depths of water calling my name. you wanting me forever and ever more. I wanted both. But I wanted you more. I grasped your frosty cheek, and smiled as my lips began to peel. I couldn't stand the sunder that was between the choice. I still wouldn't tell you how to work the device. I couldn't stand it anymore, I struggled to fight. To decide. I let it go, and felt the chains loosen. The noose around my neck no longer held truth. I could hear bliss as the cone of silence begin to flow. Time stopped as we joined. My mind went blank, I felt no more. Had I made my decision? Everything came back to life. I saw your smiling face, your hands holding mine. We were one, forever. Savior of my soul, I swooned in your arms, as the wind froze. It was our time to be. I could see everything the biting cold no longer held. Overwelmed with love, I knew it then. You were my star, the shining of my heart. The swell in my throat. The throb in my body. The reason I sit today holding you tight, saying all I wanted to say. More then anything you saved me from saving myself. The token that kept my heart beating, the person that had given my life meaning. I no longer felt cold, scared, and alone. I felt warm, unafraid, and full of life. No other person had made me feel this way. This was love. This was me and you locked together for time. For this moment I knew I'd never regret. Giving you my soul.
When I look up at him he seems scary and tall, but is a man all the same, with a kind heart that one just seems to hover around and love. I knew he was the greatest man alive towering tall, and protecting us all. The pillar of our stregth stumbling on bricks now and then needing the hand in return. The kind voice keeps you haughty always a smile bestowed onto your face. Never a sad moment a happy one that flows in the veins of this kind soul. Trademarks of a stalker but deep inside trademarks of a friend to another a lover. Someone to love like a father, a friend, a confidante. Darkness hovers on the outside, but inside underneath the surface is the kindest heart alive. A quivering soul ready to give you a shoulder to cry on, and hand to hold. Stregth to stand tall in the most perilest moments. He's like the superman without the corny cape, without the buldging muscles. Still as fast as a bullet to save you from a hard fall. Still stronger then any metal in the world, to keep you safe. I put him in my back pocket wanting to have him there for the greatest moments of my life. He's the ear for all of us to cry into when we need to talk. He's the voice that helps us in the quivering darkness. Flawed, and hardworking there to help you through all the things he felt, not wanting you to feel the pain the torment. But even then he'll help you heal. Shake away the fear, and place a everlasting hope into your heart. The ringing sense of the kindest person I know. I fumble words that I hope mean more then the world. I fumble thoughts that I hope you'll all respect. I've fallen and stumbled, cried and screamed. Shivered away and wanted to just leave, but he forced me back into reality never giving up, never stopped believing in me. Making me see for once that I was human; human that word I once forgotten. Not afraid of the past anymore because he made it simple. Not afraid of falling alone and having to build myself up. He's my hero in the shadows, he's my god on the black pedestal. He's the father that was never there. He's my safe house when I need to run. The shoulder that is always there when I need it most. The voice that helps me through the darkest moments of my life. I see a man with a big heart, a big soul; that makes me want to be a better person. That makes me feel like I'm already that better person. The shadowing night presuades us all, the shadow is him. You see a stalker I see a man with more muscle, more heart, more soul then anyone I've ever known. I see a great father behind those eyes, behind everything. I see the best friend behind that demourer, behind that darkness. I see a family right in front of my eyes. I see the infulence the impact. I see a man behind that flesh. I see a father I've always wanted; and now I have.

My Mirror; My Coin

I reached out towards the mirror looking in at the reflection staring back at me. My other half the strong mirroring scent of my soul connecting. The other complete side of my coin. I sit down and tell her stories she listens through them all relentless like a pillar. She keeps me standing even through the fog. She helps me see that I am a great woman also in this life. She keeps me holding onto the compassion and love that she embraces people with, I know I want to be just like her. The mirror is the strongest part of me the greatest half of me. I found an angel behind that glass wanting for its other half. I found a beautiful kind soul that I wanted to be part of. I love her deary for she wipes away those fears, and torches my heart from that darkness. When I slipped she held me back up; holding my head high. I love her bad days even though I shouldn't because then I can return the favor or her helping me out. I offer that same hand she so gave to me easily. Not knowing I meant the other reason for living; the other life of the reason. Her laugh is contagious making me want to be just as happy as her. She doesn't fear me; she embraces me more then I ever did for myself. I cry my sorrows bleed out my heart. She keeps me stable through the storm. She responds back guilding me on this road. I try to shatter it with my mind; but I need her like air. I need her like life for she's part of mine. I wanted her to disappear afraid she'll hate me but she loved me more, she needed me to understand more then anything that I was part of that beautiful life of hers. I hug myself and hum trying to escape my demons she holds my hand and points out the simplest nature. Breathless words fall out of my fingers, that I hope she'll understand show all my love; all my respect. Shes part of me, been through the sliding darkness as me. Understands the torments I've followed and embraced. She keeps me from drowning in those moments. I want to cry thousands of tears of love for her to know that she's part of my family, she's like the mother. I reach out, and touch hands with her and feel my soul snap into one, finally I found part of what I'm searching for. I know I'm completed. My empty soul bottomless perilless without her there keeping me high in the dark. I press my forehead against the image feeling everything make sense. My eye lashes whisper secrets for her to keep. Sharing life in this room; at this moment and time. I know I found my half.
You trace circles on my wrist, making me fall instantly in love with each slip of the finger, the silken touch makes shivers course into my veins. You kiss my breast bone, and slowly my collar bone, leading towards the nook in my neck. The saliva brings me to life with each lazy stroke making my spine snap in accordence. You make my hope become renewed with each word that spews. Passion is hazily leaking from your lips making me lick away all the spices. You think my flaws, and scars make me more beautiful some days I believe your words. I cry crystalized tears into the bay by the shore. Making poetry dance in hypnotic waves. You're my calling knight that sweeps me off my feet. The intention of stealing my heart was always there, and I allowed you to spot my secrets. I tidal waved you with my story the longest one every written. Each verb and syallable splashed out in speckled dots you interpeted. Writing a lullably to sing you to sleep, I know my baby's going to weep. I sweep away the dust and the cinder, making the slate clean. I'm proud of the man you've become today, the one that shines so bright I can't stand the glare of the geninus. You're like a favourite book I refuse to put down, reading the pages over and over again, even though I know each possessing word. I string you into a silluohette that would be hauntingly startling beautiful. I whisper your name on the wind maybe you'll hear it from here. I continue to bounce this favored word on my tongue making it jump leagues, to just tickle your ears with the slightest trace of me. I continually lack sleep for your always on my mind, ticking like a time bomb wanting me to be part of you for eternity. Could I lie with these words? Could I pound you out of my heart like it was just a case to hold you for the while? I safely hold you in my arms, cradle you in my arms. To this day I'll be yours. Wishing there were words I could descripe the words that are written, in ink that thinks on its own. They sprawl and say what my mouth fails to utter. I feel the numbness seep away, and I start to feel like a human again. Maybe if you wanted you could change me into something else? Maybe a bird so I could fly towards your salty lips to just have one innocent taste, ahhh the bliss that kisses my mind. Making butterfly wings seem rough and strewn like rocks against the beach. My fingers interlock in a battle to get the next letter out who will be the prized winner of marking this world with you and I? I would sell my soul to the devilish enemy to have you clutch my heart and make love to me, just once I would like to feel you there not the dream that shimmers so bright and high I swear it could be just as real. Pills stached under my blanket to make it seem like there something there thats really not. To maybe make it seem like your there too. Five or six is the number I want, the number I'll give you, maybe you'll luckily get. I want to bare the world for you so you can be a proud father, a proud husband. I close my eyes to make angels shoot into me again and make cupit hit me with that pointy arrow trying to make me fall out of love again. I'm so lost, so lost and warm in this love that it didn't work, culpit failed the system of broken hearts. Chocolates and flowers sit on the doorstep I don't need gifts just your heart. Flashy dressers and phony personalities, I think I'll stick with you. Jocks with white socks, and empty cotton feild brains I'll stay with you until the end. Sitting by the fire reading our favorite novel, would you mind some poetry or adventure. Maybe a lingering sonnet that will make are love seem wicked and full of sin. If your sin then sin; sin me to hell and far away from this beautiful man. Make the world glow in a haloing brightness that I won't see anything but him in front of me. I hear my barrier crack and begin to be faulty. I watch the ice melt that incased my heart in its broaded shell. I decked it many times, but you melted it with just one kiss, one look was all it took. My heart falls apart but you glue back the pieces with your tongue, to taste such passion of my own melts me into sugarcanes. The sweetest sweet the world could meet. My soul swirled in its hallow making love to yours twining into a cosmic whole that split into stars, that lit the blue moon, that we live too. The sun is shunned away the night is all we need, one night... I'll make you mine forever, and ever. One night and I'll have you in my pocket, holding you safe and secure. One night is all I need for my love to really shine, then we'll be doomed to sin again, and again. Until sinning became an innocence we never could've committed.
Sighs spew out of my lungs like an experation date, I need to file some of those emotions creeping out into a sillouhette that you will spangle on the door. I thrash my mind into circles to forget what poetry truly is, that I was so prilvaged to have a chance to cry from such spun beauty. I felt alive and sparked with little flares as I hungrily read away and away. Can I stay forever in the creeping worlds that are created, my heart and soul is stolen into words that were created by a magical being, with gold fingertips, that spun cottoned beauty. My mind turns naughty and thinks of devious ways to capture that magic and find out what creates such majectic creativity. I felt like a light switch that turned colors feeling sorrow, love; passion glory in large amounts of speckled dust that captured my eyes into hazy lookings. I wish on a star to feel some kind of remorse, to not crave each word; that spins me out of reality making me feel alien to its findings. The magician that played such illusions was created out of fairy dust and hopeful wishes, I could hear tears as another was performed and another. Everybody stared in awe as the tricks began to work, as it enflamed are bodies and cascaded down our mouths. I moaned and spingled into hell for it was sin to watch such gorgeous acts. I harness my sanity depend's on the blossums of heart shattering, soul containing absolute power that sprinkles into my heart. My body shoves with warmth, and it showers with wants, it gives me wants and ideas. Naughtiness and tearful bliss. I hear each drop, and become aware of my own being, a flame burns deep inside me incasing me into a toxic need. My heart dies with shock then is renewed with rising passion with each brush stroke. The brush tickled my spine making me fall apart at once. Tingling esclades down my skin into my pores creating splashes of sweat, and tattered thorns. Insatiable want just captures my heart as gold flecked roses splattered on my flesh adorning the poor. I feel hollowness resound off my ribcage letting me know I need to let the whirlwind of passion take me away. I hold longing into my deepest depths I long for you to fish them out with nimble fingers. I quaked and my earth shaked when the world stopped making sense, pure ecstasy filled me until I exploded into a mouth. I etched a name into the walls so I could prove I held such words such utopia. Around the corner I found my paradise when I was crying I find my magic wand, that lighted my way through hallowed thoughts, hallowed halls. I whisper love songs on my lips for the wind to cry it away. For today I won't ever be the same. For I gave my heart up to easily and won. Watch the magic start again, and again and never end, for once it will never stop. For I believe in the fairy tales that you gave to me.
I line there hearts down a trail, that I follow; some broken and tattered others big and powered. I try to love everyone and stay sane. My mind races as another is lined up. So many more to go. I want to hold and love; cherish and keep them all. But I slowly knock them down knowing I can't. I see the holes I pierce they start to glow, I can't stop the tears from falling I can't stop the flow. I started to fall apart and each one picked me back up, even when I had knocked them down. I didn't want to be that person. I didn't want to hurt them at all. I watched them cry and confess there love; but my heart was sworn for another. Stolen for another. For only one can have me; own me; be part of me. I shatter more because I know I'm the cause of pain, those tears that silly names that ring like bells. I get hit with hails of emotions that drown me into the wicked sea's, that teach me the lesson, I never learn. I try to dig my hands into them and keep them forever; but they slip away making me cry again and again. Why do I have to love so much until I'm left broken more then before. I grab the shotgun and continue to aim it at them, letting the targets fall for I got another bulls-eye. My eyes become blurry as two more hearts lie dead; they still beat but broken in tune. Emotion spews from the cuts on my arms, my heart has that same hole I seem to implant. The same damage done to it. I want him back to make this easy, to let me know that I'm the only one. I sit and wait, days pass; weeks even. But nothing happens I grow suddenly weak. I need love to snap me up and confess its undying love. My bed is still cold; my body still aching for you to fill that piece that always fits. I tare at my flesh to make you come out, to make this all simple an easy. Why do you have to be the one; that belongs in my soul? The hedge of hearts grows really tiny I'm doing all this for you; and more. Ain't you going to say something baby? Take me away to that world where we always spinned and laughed. And always forgot what hours were. Were the love was way to sweet, the tears more then dreams. I continue to blast the bullets in; how many do I have to break for you to see that I will do anything for you? I try to shoot your heart the one that sticks out the most for it glows golden because you have my entire being. The gun shivers and starts to crumble, I squeeze the trigger, but I can't get rid of you. I cry and sob shaking the weapon in my arms. I fall to the ground. Why do I love you so badly? Need you so madly? I let the gun go. Honey I never will try bother to get you out of my veins.

The Nymph's Undying Dream

Lipstick on your wrist you bend me back into you. Taming this feline trying to stir a purr. Seduction riddled into my bones as you suck on my soul. Apocalypse stirs in my stomach you start to etch further in. Slipping your hands to my silken cords to rip my head back. Sinning again and again as my world collides I refuse to win. Claws weaving into my hair, twisting and tarring my sanity. Making insanity into love; the smell of sex in the air sweet as summer spring. Green Tea symphonies soaked into my flesh that you continuously smooth over petting rake. Blood cream pierced into my forest eyes. I kiss your hair; lick your sin. Swallow your goals into me. Magic glows like tragedies into expressing lovers. Glued to toxins that sweat our pores. Tasted beauty makes me want to be with you. I hear music; I taste delicious sin I think of you and this dream. I growl because you de-sway my realities turning my world inside out. I arch my back before you move. My eyes start to glow before you open that door. Count me up bring me down. The rushes I feel when you're around. In the forest I will stay; to become your nymph any day. In the woods I will fuck you into me till we become insanely one. Swing lullaby's into my mouth so I'll sleep and have you again and over this night. Wish wishes into habits like a drug I'll taste you forever. In my silken tongue I swallow yours; burning saliva into wads of spiritual smoke. Like waves of the ocean we cascade into marble statues that spectators will fall away from in awe. Tongue to tongue breast to breast; heart to heart, we mold, our hair colored waves caresses are bodies. Sweat to sweat will taste all the salt that belongs. Dying souls of agony as soon will become to part ungluing are humanity. I'll unravel when it becomes nothing but a dream. As rolling eclipses gather inside we become a fiery burn. The smoldering sheets crinkle as we move into no return. Sighs and octave's pierce are ears; we implode into each other. Connected forehead to forehead. I cry; kissing away my tears I say goodbye for once again this sinning delightful plight was yet another dream. That died because of me. When I wake I close my eyes to see you again
If you love me let me know, show it, scream it, shout it to me to your heart. Make me feel it, mold me. Try to make me feel your pulse on my hands in my head in my own heart. I want to wake up every morning feeling, hearing your heart beat. Seeing a peaceful smile on your face. Knowing that I helped cause it, knowing your heart beats, and it beats for me. Love, love it, love is what? What do you feel when you look into my eyes what do you see? My soul, my love, my heart? Tell me what you see. Tell me what love means. Does you heart beat? Who does it beat for, does it beat for me? Love, tell me what love means. If you don’t love me then let me go stop holding onto something if you don’t want it. Let it go if you have no interest in it, if you have no interest in me. Please let me go if you don’t want me if you don’t need me. I am a big girl I can take the words, your hints “I’m sorry I don’t love, I don’t love you, I am leaving, leaving you” I have heard it before and I will hear it again I am used to it by now don’t worry, the wounds only sting for a little bit. I promise that when you put my heart into the blender of goodbyes, fake sorrow, and lies (built up lies put in a little bottle and you put a cap on it to lock them in, your little secret that you shoved in my face and broke. How the glass shards flew up in my face, and how they stung when they decided to dig into my skin.) I really do, I promise I will not cry. Let me crawl into my little hole, my escape from this world. If you don’t want me don’t hold me back as I crawl. Your holding onto nothing. Nothing to you. I Am nothing, nothing more then a shadow. Love— what is love? What is love to you? Kissing in the rain? Candle lit dinners, holding her hand and staring into her eyes for all eternity? If you love me, love me forever. Let me know I am your life, your desire, someone you can see and hold. If you love me tell me I am someone, not nothing, not a shadow. Not a figment of someone’s imagination. Love------ what is love? Scream it to me. Tell me, show me what love is what love means. If you love me let me know show me, tell me, scream it to the world, if you love me you will stand ready to catch me. Catch me when I step off the edge of the world, if you love me. If you don’t love me let me go, stop holding me if you don’t want me. Just say the words and let me be, give me the hint and go. Shred my heart into pieces. Just promise, promise to bring them back. I’ll glue them back together. Let me crawl into my hole. If you don’t live me then let me go. But if there is a small, small chance that you do love me, love me forever even if forever is one more day, love me forever if you do love me. What is love? What is love to you? You will never tell that little secret you keep. The only one you haven’t shoved into my face and let it break, only once that hasn’t stung, tell me, did you really lock in a glass bottle or did you sell it to someone you once knew on the black market????? If you love me let me know if you don’t love me then let me go if you love me now why not stay a while say forever if you love me now then love me forever. .... love is love is what love means nothing to someone if they loved something that was never there something that will never be anything more then a shadow of something. How exactly can you love nothing?? Love is nothing more then a lost emotion forever roaming the streets of heartache (heartache is heartbreak one and the same) and breakups. Lost emotions converted, twisted into a shadow of its former self. I know your afraid to say it the word goodbye but pretty soon we all grow up and you have to let go forever. You know you will. Your scared of letting go of nothing? Let me crawl into my escape so I can glue back the pieces that you shred. Stop breaking your damned bottles filled with lies (filthy lies you told me to make me feel better). Love means nothing when you are holding onto nothing you can’t decide over nothing, nothing. Nothing is a word. Love is a word but does it hold any meaning?? Love is a feeble emotion that the weak seek to find comfort acceptance and relief. A kind of place a world perhaps where you can fly away free. But eventually everyone’s wings stop working and they get slower and slower until they finally come to a screeching halt. They then plummet back into the world from which they fled. Love, what does love mean to you??? Do you feel it? Scream it to the world. Its not a secret you can lock in a bottle and break it. Love, its all fun and games for you is it not? Chance, Poker, I tell you my secret- my answer if you give me your heart, what a bluff and you win the pot. Oh yeah you will tell me your secret. And I haven’t cracked open a book all week (liar) a heart so cold, shut away, lost forever in the dark abyss of life. Can’t feel anything just numbness, and coldness. It lost its will to “love” when it fled loves little world. Secrets in bottles that you locked in, put the cap on and hid till the right moment and you broke them in my face like thin blades of ice slicing through my fingers and my face. Laugh, laughing, laughed as the blood flowed, flows, flowing, dripping off my face. Broken glass and broken promises screamed, screams, I kept screaming bloody fucking murderer knowing that you cant you refuse to hear it. Smile, you smiled you laughed and clapped your hands you were in joy in joy the whole bloody time. Plotting, you were plotting this all along, scheming as you held my hand. I think you wanted to see my fall from the sky you just want something to hold onto so you can sacrifice it in the end. Love love is love is what to you? Go ahead and keep your secrets I already know.
You hurt me today, but not tomorrow. I saw my tears absorb under the cotton sheets that blanket against a speckled sky…the sky that threw me a wish. I wished to write this perfect. To bleed the pool of whispers and wonders that hurt so much, then rinse the sins of silence to the Gods of heaven. The glow of your own skinned the essence of myself, using the peach treat for a canvas of the most unthinkable art. Showcasing stories that you speak. You hurt me today, but not tomorrow. As I walked outside a body once mine, one finger pressed against a cheek drowning nails into the torment of my tears. I felt you twist both knives between the movement of my shoulder blades laughing like a playful child, pushing the potion of evil deeper to my fear. I closed my eyes as the chemicals of you eroded through the once happy heart I held. Crushing curses caused this heart to drop into the puddle of pain that seeped through to the solitude of you. You hurt me today….tomorrow I know I will be okay.
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