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Given a Hickey? i am appalled by this question... who does that!?!? ::giggles:: i am a hooooovah. Had a one night stand? more than once... not that i am happy about them... Made someone cry? everyday! Opened your Christmas presents early? i hate christmas... but yes. Been online for more than 10 hours in a row? i'm a junkie. Pretended to be someone you weren't online? faux shaux. Eaten food that fell on the floor? tons of times. but then again... i have eaten tons of bugs and other things as well. i have a five hour rule. lol Been caught cheating? no... but i faked it once. don't ask. Been caught naked? yup. i prefer to be at least a little bit naked. Flashed someone? tons of times... i got beads on st. pattys day and everything. Gone out without underwear on? in the summer... i pretty much live in underwear and a tshirt. i once went to a car dealership in nothing but boyshorts and a little boys aeropostale hoody. the dude looked at me like i was nuts. o... i might have been wearing socks too... Got into a fist fight? bunches. Swallowed bath water? i don't take baths... i have swallowed jacuzzi water though... grosssss Peed in the pool? yup. i'll admit it. chlorine makes the bad go away. besides... urine is sterile. pussies. Thrown up in public? no ma'am. Been so drunk you can't walk? not so long ago chris and jon had to carry me home from erics house... walking... i am sure that was a funny sight to see... i don't remember it. Peed in public? constantly. Broken wind and blamed someone else? first off... who the fuck calls it "breaking wind" WTF mate!?!? are we in the fifties? second... no... i fess up like a trooper. Done something mean you regretted? i don't have regrets. Ever played pull my finger? i guess this one is the answer to the title of this blog... nope... that one i haven't done...
survey time!!! Appearance: I'm short: false I have scars: true I tan easily: true (i'm native american... dur!) I burn easily: false I wish my hair was a different color: FALSEEEEE I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color: true I wear glasses or contacts: true I have 5 or more piercings: true I have/had piercing in places besides my ears: true I have freckles: false (maybe one day i will tattoo them on) Relationships: I'm in one right now: true I miss someone right now: true I've gotten divorced: false I've had a crush on a teacher: true I've hugged a stranger: true Embarrassment: I've laughed so hard I've cried: true I've glued my hand to something: true I've laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose: true I've had my pants rip/drop in public: true I was born with a disease/impairment: false I've sat in a doctor's office with a friend: true I've had my wisdom teeth removed: true I've had a serious surgery: true I've had chicken pox: true Experiences: I've gotten lost in a city: true I've seen a shooting star: true I've wished on a shooting star: true I've gone out in public in my pajamas: true I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator: true ::malicious grin:: I've been to a casino: true I've been skydiving: false I've played spin the bottle: true I've drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour: true I've been in a car crash: true I've caught a snowflake on my tongue: true I've sat on a roof top at night: super true (i used to live in a warehouse... not a loft... a warehouse) I've played chicken: true I've played a prank on someone: true I've ridden in a taxi: true I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show: true I've eaten Sushi: true (sushi = love) I've been snowboarding: false Random: I own something from Hot Topic: true I own something from The Gap: true I own something I got on E-Bay: true I own something from Abercrombie: true I own something from American Eagle: true I own something from Anchor Blue: false More Random: I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant: true (i've also stolen squeegies from gas stations) I watch the news: true I Curse regularly: true I sing in the shower:true I'm a morning person: trueish (i'm adorable in the morning... i think) I have listened to more than 30 CD's in a day: true I've worn pajamas to school: true I know how to shoot a gun: true (probably better than you) I laugh at my own jokes: true I am really ticklish: TRUEEEE I play video games: true (games pwn me) I'm good at remembering names: true I'm good at remembering dates: true ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NEXT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let's see if you can get through it. If not, you're too scared about your past. 1. Your name? atarahlynn** 2. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? yup 3. How many girlfriends/ boyfriends have told you they loved you? all of them (boys are weird) 4. Have you ever thought that you were going to marry a person? yes. 5. Are you crushing on someone? more than you know... 6. Have you ever liked/loved someone so much that it hurt? hrm... uh huh... but i don't let it get in the way. 9. Have you ever told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? yeah... i tell my mom i love her all the time. :) 10. ever had your heart broken? stomped. 11. got aids hasn't everyone? er... NO! 12. Think any of your exes still like you? i guarantee they do. all but one... and fuck him. actually... my first boyfriend and i broke up over five years ago... i just found out that he has a girlfriend... the first girlfriend since me. he claims that no one was good enough. i heart that boy. 13. Do you believe you are a good girlfriend/boyfriend? not at all. i'm too independent... and too pushy too self centered... and lots of other stuff. 14.Have you dated anyone that wasnt good for you? this is a retarded question. of course i have... if i hadn't... i would still be with the first guy i ever dated. 15. Have you been in an abusive relationship? mmhmm 16. Have you dated someone older than you? sure have. 17. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? absolutely. 19. Do you want to get married? mayhap one day. 21. Would you believe your ex if she/he said they love you again? they do it a lot... and yes. that doesn't mean i will go running back to them. 22. Would you date your best male/female friend? this is a question that would take hours to answer. so i won't answer at all. 23. Have any of your ex's called you by a pet name after the breakup? steve calls me "tarah starah funny pants" all the time... but i think that's more of an inside joke than a pet name. 24. Do you regret any of your relationships? nick. yes. er... yes... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LAST!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Your name spelled backward? Harata. 2. Last incoming call on your phone? B-Ry 3. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? a picture of some sort i am sure. 4. What's your favorite restaurant? at the moment? Juanitos. 5. Last time you swam in a pool? sometime last year... i think... 6. Britney Spears is a skank. Agree or disagree? AGREEEE 7.how many kids do you want? you can never have too many asians! er... probably two or three... 8. What type of music do you dislike most? local bands with shitty singers who think they are good. 9. What was the last thing you bought? a car. 10. Have you ever ridden on a bike? ah...DUR? 11. Does someone have a crush on you? yes? six people? 12. Ever made a prank phone call? uh huh. 13. Closest Friend(s)? jew-remy... blair... b ry. 14. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? yesssssssssssss 15. What shoes are you wearing right now? mickey mouse slippers. 16. Do you have a garden? negative 17. What's your favorite comic strip? strip? er... i dunno. webcomic? strongbad. comic comic? johnny. 18. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem? sure do. 19. Bath or Shower, morning or night? shower. about twice a day. 20. Best movie you've seen in the past month? 300 or a scanner darkly 21. Favorite pizza toppings? ricotta cheese 22. Chips or popcorn? popcorn tastes like styrofoam. but i still enjoy it... i like rippled chips. 23. Favorite color? green 24. What did your last text message you received say? "you're such a friggen tease!" 25. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? ummm... no. 26. Orange Juice or apple? apple. 27. Who were the last people you went out to dinner with? the fam... five lobsters... in my tummy... mmmmmm 28. What did the last text message that you sent say? "the best part about the pic that i sent you is that if you forward it to your computer it's full size HUGE. heart! 29. Lucky number? schfourteen teen 30. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? last summer 31. Have you ever won a trophy? negative 32. Are you a good cook?? better than you 33. Do you know how to pump your own gas? chyeah 34. Do the chinese really use cats in their food? maybe... koreans usually use dog... 35. Sprite or 7-Up? seven up... 36. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school? nope 37. Last thing you ate? lobster 38. Ever thrown up in public? no 39. Would you rather find true love or be a millionaire? i hate this question. 40. Do you believe in love at first sight? probably. 41. Think fast, who do you hate right now? you 42. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? i can't remember 43. Where will you be for Valentines day? hating my birthday. 44. When was the last time you laughed? i am laughing right now. 45. What's your favorite animal? a rrrrock hyraxxx 46. What was the name of your first pet? purps 47. What is your favorite sound? aaaaaaaaahhhaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaahhhhaaaaaaaaa (it means b ry is calling) 48. Is there anything going on this weekend? probably. i think there is always something going on... 49. How are you feeling right now? like my mouth is exploding. 50. What do you think about most? you.
1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you said : my lips are swollen. 2. When is the next time you will make out?: i have a scheduled appointment next tuesday. er... something. 3. What's a word that rhymes with "LUCK"?: duck. her name is crackers. 4. What's your favorite planet?: pluto. it's shunned. 5. Who's the 2nd person on your missed calls list?: "misery" 6. What is your favorite ring tone on your phone?: keep your hands off my girl. i like when that plays... 7. What shirt are you wearing right now?: a blue and purple stripy little girls sleep shirt. 8. What do you "label" yourself as? not you. 9. Name the brand of shoes you're currently wearing?: actually... i am wearing mickey mouse feet slippers. 10. Bright or dark room? brightish 11. What do you think about the person who last took this survey?: everything. 12. If you're alone in a room with two beds, which one do you choose? the left. always the left. left is superior. 13. What were you doing at midnight last night?: drinking at the bar. 14. What did your last text message you received on your mobile say?: "alright, but it won't be for awhile yet." 15. What just so happens to be the best song in the world?: one bourbon one scotch and one beer. tell me who sings it and i'll give you a present. * 16. What's a word or phrase that you say a lot?: faux shaux. 17. Who told you he/she loved you last?: my husband. 18. Last furry thing you touched?: my dogpuppybeast. 19. How many drugs have you done in the past 3 days?: alcohol doesn't count. cold meds... tons. (hey b ry... fear and loathing!) 20. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?: probably a ton. it will bever happen 21. Favorite age you have been so far?: seventeen. 22. Hats or beanies?: i look best in bowlers and old man hats. 23. Your worst enemy?: jesus. 24. What's your current desktop picture?: and adorable robot picture that my joebot sent me one time. i miss joe... 25. What is the last thing you said to someone?: are you guys talking about my drunken escapades again? 26. Do you love someone?: ::nods:: 27. Last song you listened to?: lazy eye by silversun pick ups 28. Do you have any piercings? i have seventeen. go ahead... ask. you know you want to. 29. Do you have any tattoos? two. on my wrists. 30. Do you do the games in the ads on myspace?: noway. i don't normally even look at myspace for over two minutes. 31. What do you fear? fish. 32. What do you do when you pass graveyards?: feel compelled to go play. 33. Have you ever seen a shooting star?: once i think... 34. How old do you think you'll live to be?: i've got a lot of native american blood in me. i think i'll live forever. 35. Song lyrics stuck in your head?: lazy eye. 36. List four things you want to do in your lifetime: 1. prostitute 2. raise a dinosaur 3. eat a baby 4. regain control over my left eyeball. 37. What do you put on your hamburgers?: i don't eat those things 38. Do you eat raw hot dogs?: that's disgusting. 39. Do you like sushi?: i love sushi. but only if it's good sushi. 40. How much salad dressing do you put on your salad?: a shit ton. 41. What part of your body hurts right now?: my left eyeball.

it's survey time again!

1. What bill do you hate paying the most? bills... what are those? 2. What's the best place to eat a romantic dinner? ummm... the farthest place from the ocean you can get? 3. Last time you puked from drinking? puking? i don't do that. no... really... i don't 4. Have you ever got drunk and danced on a bar? nope... but when i worked (AS A WAITRESS) at a strip club i did it sober... 5. Name of your first grade teacher? mrs. fishback. i am not lying kids... that was really her name. 6. What do you really want to be doing right now? walking with a candle. 7. What did you want to be when you were growing up? a jazz singer. stfu jackass. 8. How many colleges did you attend? zilch 9. Why did you wear the shirt that you have on right now? cause i was cooooold 10. GAS PRICES! First thought? cheaper in michigan 11. If you could vacation anywhere and take someone with you, where would you go? to japan with b-ry 12. First thought when the alarm went off this morning? alarm? "fuck you woman... i'll be up in a bit" 13. Last thought before going to sleep last night? sure do wish my kidney wasn't exploding 14. Favorite style of underwear boyshorts. or none. pick one 15. Favorite style of underwear for the opposite sex? boxers. but... since when do i like boys? 16. What errand/chore do you despise? painting. 17. If you didn't have to work, would you volunteer? i don't have to work. i should volunteer. 18. Get up early or sleep in? early...ish. 19. What is your favorite cartoon character? GIR! 20. Favorite NON sexual thing to do at night with a girl/guy? adventure. or pretend i am a rockstar. make them get on the hood of my car and dance with me. or kick their ass in video games. and then laugh it off in their face 21. A secret that you wouldn't mind everyone knowing? my kidney is exploding 22. When did you first start feeling old? when i realized that my kid sister is turning eighteen in less than two weeks. and she is the youngest... 23. Favorite 80's movie? labyrinth. 24. Your favorite lunch meat? ummm... egg salad? 25. What do you get every time you go into Costco/Sam's Club? i don't go there. 26. Beach or lake? neither. fuck you fish. 27. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual that was invented by people who died at 20? nope. but i think i would make a horrible wife. 28. Who do you stalk on MySpace? the king of the burbs. 29. Favorite guilty pleasure? the oc. hanson. avril lavigne. (this list could go on forever.) 30. Favorite movie you wouldn't want anyone to find out about? i have no shame. 31. What's your drink? guiness 32. Who from high school would you like to run into? jon. i didn't know the kid that well... but for some reason he is the first person who popped into my head. 33. What radio station is your car radio tuned to right now? G rock. i heart g rock. 34. What is a rumor that someone has spread about you? when i was a freshmen i made out with a girl in the lunchroom... for real. everyone knew about it... TONS of rumors started after that. 35. The Cosby Show or the Simpson’s? simpsons. hands down 36. Worst relationship mistake that you wish you could take back? dating nick. in it's entirety. 37. Do you like the person who sits directly across from you at work? i love my computer. 38. If you could get away with it, who would you kill? my stepdad. 39. What famous person would you like to have dinner with? tim roth. 40.What famous person would you sleep with? brian molko. 41. Have you ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended use? nope. i have never even been up close and personal with a fire. 42. Ever felt like running over a pedestrian? i did that once. he was drunk... and on a bike. actually... i think he ran into me.

surveyyyyy madness

THE LETTER A. 1. Are you avaliable?: is that like when a movie comes out at the local blockbuster? am i sitting on a shelf? no. 2. What is your age?: 22 3. What annoys you?: icp THE LETTER B. 1. Do you know anyone named Billy?: i do. i heart bill... he's great. except that he is more interesting than i am... bastard. 2.WHen is your birthday?: february fourteenth 3. Who is your best friend?: for real? amy. for here? blair THE LETTER C. 1. What's your favorite candy?: ummm... no. 2. Who's your crush?: B Ry 3.the last time you cried?: yesterday when my contact spazzed out. it wasn't real crying... but it still teared. THE LETTER D. 1. Do you daydream?: occasionally... but not everyday... 2. What's your favorite kind of dog? mastifs. 3. What day of the week is it?: monday! THE LETTER E.-- 1. How do you like your eggs?: over easy. i heart eggblood. 2.Have you ever been to the emergency room? more times than i can count. i am clumsy. 3. What's the easiest thing ever to do? be adorable. THE LETTER F. 1. Have you ever flown in a plane?: a bunch of times. i love it. 2. Do you use fly swatters?: only if they have that neat feature where they zap the fly... i once took one of those to my tongue... don't do it. it hurts. 3. Have you ever used a foghorn?: yeah... i wanted to bring one to my friend bobbys graduation at cornell... but i forgot. THE LETTER G. 1. Do you chew gum?: yup. grapermelon is my favorite. 2. Are you a giver or a taker?: is anyone going to answer this question as taker? 3. Do you like gummy candies?: only if they are sour. THE LETER H. 1. How are you?: my tummy hurts. 2. What's your height?: five eight. 3. What's your hair color?: ummm... blondish brown? THE LETTER I. 1. What's your favorite ice cream?: vanilla bean. 2. Have you ever ice skated?: yup. tons! THE LETTER J. 1. What's your favorite jelly bean?: jelly belly sour ones. 2. Have you ever heard a really hilarious joke? sure... 3. Do you wear jewelry?: not unless it goes through a hole in my body. THE LETTER K. 1. Who do you want to kill?: my mother and stepfather. 2. Do you want kids?: if someone is willing to adopt them with me. i am broken. THE LETTER L. 1. Are you laid back?: sometimes. 2. Do you lie?: never. THE LETTER M. 1. What was your favorite movie when you were little?: labyrinth... or teenage mutant ninja turtles. o... or the hobbit (the cartoon one) 2. Do you still watch it? hell yes. The Letter N. 1. Do you have a nickname?: the real question is... do i have a real name? 2. What's your favorite number?: 72243517. ask me again whenever you want and i will tell you the exact same number without thinking about it. in japanese i would say nana ni ni shi san go ichi nana 3. Do you prefer night over day?: night. The Letter O. 1. What's your one wish?: meh. 2. Are you an only child? hahahaha! no. i have five sisters and two brothers... 3. Do you wish this was over?: faux shaux THE LETTER P. 1. What fears are you most paranoid about?: i'm scared of fish. they will eat me. THE LETTER Q. 1. Are you quick to judge people?: depends on the situation. The Letter R. 1. Do you think you're always right? i know that i am always right. 2. Do you watch reality TV?: occasionally i get sucked into dating shows. 3. What's a good reason to cry?: you. THE LETTER S. 1. Do you prefer sun or rain? i enjoy both as long as it's warm. 2.Do you like snow? only if i get to go extreme sledding. 3. What's your favorite season?: fall. THE LETTER T. 1. What time is it?: two fifty four 2. What time did you wake up?: nine thirty. 3. When was the last time you slept in a tent?: about a year ago.. i think. THE LETTER U. 1. What is your favorite kind of underwear?: boyshorts or nothing. 2. Have you ever rode on a unicycle?: no... maybe i should try! The Letter V. 1. What's the worst veggie?: cooked carrots. THE LETTER W. 1. What's your worst habit? worst? hrm... i'll get back to you on that. 2. Where do you live? rumson nj. THE LETTER X. 1. Have you ever had an x-ray?: faux shaux 2. Have you seen the x-games?: on tv. 3. Do you own a xylophone?: no... but i own an xbox... THE LETTER Y. 1. Do you like the color yellow?: not too much 2. What year were you born?: 1985 THE LETTER Z. 1. Do you believe in the zodiac?: ummm... no. 2. Favorite zoo animal?: giraffes! and rock hyraxes
1. Sex is best in the morning, afternoon, or night? in the morning... when i am awakened... in the afternoon... while forced up against a wall... at night... when i have caught my breath. 2. What side of the bed do you sleep on? if i am facing the bed... i want the left. 3. Who was the last person you slept with? the boy 4. Have you ever had to pull over on the side of the road to puke? i haven't thrown up since i was twelve or so... 5. What leg do you put in pants first when putting them on? leftage 6. Candles or Incense? if it smells like fruit... either one. i am allergic to just about everything else... 7. Do you dance when no one is watching? mostly to 80s music 8. Did you play doctor when you were little? wait... some people didn't? 9. Have you ever taken your clothes off for money? i worked at a strip club... i was a waitress... but this one time... during superbowl... four hundred dollars... five minutes... and i still had a bra and boy short underwear on... 10. Stove top cooking or microwave? stove top thanks. 11. Would you rather your car or your house be dirty? neither. 12. Shower or bath? baths make me feel like i am sitting in gross. 13. Do you pee in the shower? i do! i think you do too... but you won't admit it. 15. Mexican or Chinese food? i have a recent addiction to mexican 16. Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed? aggressive. definitely. 17. Do you love someone on your top friends list? sure do. 18. Do you own sex toys? i think every girl should... i don't though. it's sad. it's just for the moment. it's not like i haven't before 19. Corn Dogs or Hot Dogs? i'll pass on the pig, thanks. 20. Your favorite restaurants? umm... me eat food. 21. What did you have for lunch today? nothing. 22. Which do you prefer, iceberg or romaine lettuce? romaine 23. When did you last fall down? ha! ha! ha!hahahaha! HA! i always fall down. i think my second home is the ground... 24. Have you ever wished someone were dead? my mom. 25. Love or Money? this question is pointless. 26. Credit Cards or cash? cash 27. Has there ever been anyone in your family you wish wasn't? my mom. my step dad. others. 28. Oreos or Vanilla Wafers? um... gross? 29. How do you like your steak cooked? rare. no sauce. 30. How do you like your eggs cooked? over easy... with toast. i heart egg blood. 31. Have you ever knocked someone off their feet in a fight? sure have. i broke a kids eyesocket too. 32. Would you rather go camping or to a 5 star hotel? i heart camping. 33. Would you rather have a root canal or minor surgery? root canal. 34. Would you shave your entire body (including your head)? yup. wouldn't bother me. 35. Would you rather have lice or eat shit? lice. i would make a lice farm. 36) What is your favorite hard candy? i don't eat cand. but i like watermelon jolly ranchers. 37) Ever been to a strip club? i worked at one forever. 38) Ever been to a bar? aren't i at one right now? damn it... i'm late. 39) Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club? nope. 40) Ever been so drunk you had to be carried out of somewhere? yeah... shit tequila kills me. 41) Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? tons of times. i'm pretty gay 42) Thrown up from drinking too much? not once. it's not good. i sometimes wish i could. 43) Had sex in the car? a million times. 44) Had sex at the beach? yup. 45) Had sex in a movie theater? one day. 46) Had sex in a bathroom? ha! mmhmm... 47) Had sex at work? this question brings a story... it ties in with the last question... i was the manager... he was my employee... enough sexual tension and i told my best friend to watch the store. i was slammed up against the bathroom floor... the rest was history. 48) Have you ever been in an "adult" store? tons. 49) Bought something from an adult store? tons. 50) Have you spent over $200.00 in one visit to the adult store? yeah... i used to date a stripper. 51) Is there anyone on your friends list you would ever consider having sex with? ummm... yes. yesyesyesyes. 52) Have you been caught having sex? a million times... but being caught by his grandma was the worst. 54) Have you ever kissed a stranger? tons. 55) Does anyone have naughty pics of you? mmhmm
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