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So I am probably not the only one amongst you whose family enjoys visiting " Value Village ". If you are American and this means nothing ... my apologies, however I must point out that the concept probably arises from your wonderful culture and may simply go by another name... anyway, I was there with my family and a situation did arise that a child bolted outside of the doors of said business, when they opened the energetic little schister(did I spell that right ?) booked it straight for a very fxxking busy street. The Bank ( I am sure most of you are getting the topographical of this ) at the farther end of this street was his destination. I think he was fascinated by Mom and Dad pressing and punching digits on a platform and he wanted some of that as he stared at the entrance to " The Bank ". I came roaring to the front of the bank at the same time as he did and gently spoke, " Hello there ". Just after me my, daughter arrived and looked for guidance. I said, " You are less threatening,you take him back. " she did (said thing)and I followed and when my daughter presented this situation to said business the woman on the intercom was terrs judgemental and rude. The mother(wife) was clinically deaf and her husband was a kindly, average looking person as he asked, " Are you going to phone Child Services on us ? " I had been standing back at his point and did not hear the conversation, but if I had I would have put my arms around him and said, " No ! I am a father and a human being ! We look out for us and our children... we do not judge ! But hell.. that's just me and my kind... Smile2.gif
It had been a long haul for me and my lovable lady but when we hit the outskirts of Saskatoon to visit the children, our hearts soared. The girls had found themselves a lovely place within minutes walk of every amenity a soul would need. The front vista was a modest but well kept urban park that would be delightful in the summer months... Sadly I must say that their relatively new house should have " Two Doors " on the front ( I'm not going to even justify this clinical observation in this province ) but aside from some painfully obvious compromises I must say my beautiful daughters... Well Done ! Manic.gif
" They moved silently through the lush forest not disturbing its peaceful ambience and at legnth the wolf finally spoke, " So what do you look like ? Are you beautiful ? " He smiled and continued, " I'll bet you are. " In the silence that followed the grey creature walked along and eventually spoke again, " I am an outcast in my world, perhaps that is what has brought us together, maybe you are the same. " As he continued through the tall pines he finally stopped and spoke once more to his unseen companion, " You neither respect nor trust me. I accept that but know and understand this, I was given this form and did not choose to be human ! Maybe someday I could earn your trust and respect that you would reveal yourself to me that I would see you with my heart and call you beautiful. Do not fear me for I think that you are amazing. You need love like all beings and I would never do anything to hurt you... " ( taken from the book ) " THE WOLF AND THE SPIRIT "
https://fubar.com/mikademus/photo-6513959-0-1553963305#when-evening-falls-unplugged/photo-6513959-0-2457161291 I have been interacting with a supernatural entity at my wilderness retreat for years but it would be in the summer of 2014 that my experience with it would be most dramatic. One previous time on the wilderness trail there I had a close encounter with a mother bear defending her cub so it was recommended by some that I should take my Belgian Shepherd in order to be alerted by his keen senses of potential danger ahead of time so for the first time ever a domestic dog would see set foot out there. We set out in the morning after being dropped off at the trail head and " LG " absolutely loved being there as he lead the way staying within forty feet of me. I made note of his behavior watching to see for any signs that he was detecting anything including supernatural as a previous border collie I had as a pet was a superb advance guard, alerting me the presence of an entity that frequented our home but LG gave no indication of detecting anything corporeal or spiritual in nature so we arrived at my lake after a half hour walk. LG had never been in a canoe before so after loading all my pack and gear it was a challenge to convince him to jump in the front and stay in. Eventually he calmed down and I was able to push off from shore in order to cross to my cabin on the other side. The entire walk out there the air had been calm but as we left the small bay where the beaver dam was located the breeze started up and by the time we left the bay this beautiful cloudless day turned into a nasty wind storm that drove me with relentless ferocity to the east end of the lake away from my cabin. Just when I would make a little headway a gust would turn the bow of my craft sideways and I would lose ground again. This went on for the better part of an hour on what should have been an eight minute diagonal trip across the lake. After finally landing my craft at the cabin trail LG and I climbed out and I carried my gear the one minute walk to the cabin. I noted with fascination that the wind disappeared when we were off the water. It was almost like someone or something didn't appreciate our presence ( More specifically LG 's. Remember that I said no domestic canine had ever set foot out here. Just coyotes and wolves ) The enity I speak of stalks me from the moment I set foot in the forest but that being so I decided that this was probably an unnerving coincidence with wind. ( From a critical thinking perspective you don't want to assume everything that happens around you is automatically supernatural in nature but I have since learned that my unseen companion reads my thoughts and emotions and that it was in fact responsible for the freakish weather. How do I know this ? Because when I decided that this was a coincidence and was not about LG my unseen friend payed me a visit that night. My best guess it was about 2:00 AM when I woke up and the was cool so I thought about getting up to build a fire and relieve myself. While I was lying in my sleeping bag on the floor I came to realize that something didn't feel quite right. After another two minutes of reflection it finally hit me that I could not see a damn thing. Yes a cabin at night is dark but even on the cloudiest nights a certain amount of residual light from the sun below the horizon makes its way around the earth and you can tell where the windows are against the black interior of the cabin. I had never experienced such a black night but I nevertheless climbed out of my sleeping bag on the floor and reached out for the eight foot stainless steel table thar was about a foot and a half away from me... it was not there. I crawled on all fours and was met by a wall where there should have been a table loaded down my food, propane tanks, candles paper towel, propane oven etc. Impossible to miss yet it just was not there. Still on my knees and facing the wall I drew large circles on the wall with my hands to find where the window was and then I realized there were no windows at all. Whenever I got out of my sleeping bag before LG would get up and come over to me but he was not there. I sat there for a moment laughing quietly to myself upon the realization that I was not in my cabin at all. There is a certain quality to ambient sound in the forest outside as even the lightest breeze flowing through millions of leaves and branches produces a low resonant hum that tells you that you are outdoors. It can also be heard through the walls of a cabin but I could not hear it... only a dampened sound like if you are in a box under the ground. After another minute of reflection I crawled back to my sleeping bag that was thankfully still there, climbed back into it and fell asleep. When I awoke again the morning sun was rising through the trees which lit up the inside of my cabin. I was back in this world. ( Thoughts on my experience ) These are amazing experiences that evoke a lot of cinicism in skeptics but let me assure you they are not isolated events out here. I have set gear down on the trail and walked around a corner to retrieve dropped water bottle only to return and find my gear missing after being gone less than a minute. I found the wheeler and cupboard strapped to it about twenty five feet away from where I left it. The place I found it was in dense bush. It had been placed there to hide it from view. Whatever moved it did so in under a minute in absolute stealth. No footsteps, no sound of the rubber tires bouncing of rocks or the vibration of its steel axel as the tires bounce on the uneven ground. What ever moved it has to have hands. It is intelligent and sentient, it understands humour as it clearly demonstrated. I have noted the unnerving parallels of that experience and what David Pallidies talks about in his book " Missing 411 ". People hiking in forests having loved ones being first of last in line going around a corner just out of sight and disappearing without a sound. Those left behind all to often say that they felt like something was waiting and biding it's time out there for that one moment and then it happens. I once paddled my canoe back to the small bay and the beaver dam only to find the forest and shore that formed the bay were unfamiliar. My other two canoes were gone, small channels through the green cat tails to the beaver pond were gone replaced by tall yellow grass, the beaver pond itself was gone. The rising outcroppings of bed rock along the creek were not there anymore. It was like I was at the entrance to a conduit between parallel universes. David Pallidies speaks of this sort of thing in his books. Could this be a time vortex ? My experience is not at all unique including the spooky quietness that accompanies these sort of events. Like when a large predator moves into an area and the forest goes silent. Out here these experiences are accmpanied often by what I call a trigger event. In the case of the dark cabin I forgot to put my flashlight in the sleeping bag with me. Out on the trail I dropped my water bottle and triggered that happening, the missing beaver pond and strange landscape was triggered by me falling asleep and being late for my rondevouz at the highway. I felt off balance and urgent to get to the highway and was not staying grounded and alert to my environment. When I encountered the landscape that didn't make sense I paddled back and forth confused and unnerved. When I paddled out of the bay in order to come back I was so shook up I leaned over when tried to corner the canoe in order to turn it around to the bay again that I swamped the craft and had to hang on until I drifted across the lake and could right the canoe on the far shore. When I came back to the bay everything was back to normal and I was able to get to the highway and go home. If I had docked the canoe in that strange place and walked toward the highway I suspect I would never be seen again because that was not the way home. Crawling back into my sleeping bag that dark night was also the way home. I suspect that Pallidies and others are right in that what we are dealing with wants to evoke fear, like it feeds off negative energy like fear, anger, dispair etc. I have no doubt it is fully capable and willing to kill if necessary but that does not serve its purpose. It is here to feed. It might simply kill out of boredom or frustration at not obtaining what it wants. The dark place I was put in was a trap designed to evoke fear, anger and dispair. When I didn't give it what it wanted it let me come back to this world. I was in a trap but I didn't spring the trap by " Losing My Shit ". David Pallidies speaks of this in his books where people who vanish have oft times hundreds of people searching for them including dragging any nearby bodies of water only to come up empty. Then after a couple of weeks a die hard searcher or hiker comes across their body on a trail that was searched dozens of times or in a nearby lake also searched by scuba divers and drag hooks. Pallidies has been approached by Coroners at his lectures and they tell David. " You are on to something we have all known for some time ". The coroners are referring to once in awhile where they examine a body found of a missing person that was in water. The natural assumption is that the person drown but the lungs are not full of water. Also the body appears to be in a state of decay consistent with being in the water for a couple of days, but they have missing for over two weeks... so where were they for twelve of those days that they weren't in the water. Like they were being held somewhere. My abduction exoerience may offer a clue to that. Had I lost my shit I would have given it what it wanted and would not have released me until it couldn't get any more of what it wanted. My body would then be found on the hiking trail or in the lake that was so thoroughly searched. A few years back a very smart coroner decided to test outside the range of fifty substances that is standard in an autopsy to help determine death. They test for drugs alcohol and such but this guy decided to test for a drug know as GHB and scored a hit. It is more commonly known as " The Date Rape Drug " but what's happening has nothing to do with sex. GHB renders the person paralyzed unable to resist yet fully concious. If you were given GHB and placed in water you would be concious but unable to move so you would drown. The implication is that whatever is behind this is attempting to hide its activity behind an accidental drowning as GHB leaves the body very quickly and you won't find it unless you know where to look in an autopsy. I have also encountered this entity back in the 1990's when I was with my wife harvesting firewood on The Contact Lake Mining Road north of The Town Of La Ronge and about fifteen miles from my place WolfHaven. My wife had our van and I had a five ton flat bed for hauling wood. She went ahead to turn the van around and I waited with my daughter in her chair as she was about a year old. She bundled up nice and warm sitting in front of my feet on the ground as the van rolled away and that is when it happened. The forest grew deathly quiet and I felt we were being watched. I am a strong telepath and deeply empathic and could something approaching us. Just as a mountain lion will freeze in midstalk when the dear starts to show alertness to approaching danger my unseen stalker did the same. After a moment it resumed and was getting very close as the tension was becoming unbearable. I responded immediately by picking my daughter up and holding her tightly as I knew that it was after her. When the van returned I told my wife. " I don't know what's here but I want our daughter in your hands at all times. If you get tired we will leave but do not put her down ! " David Pallidies was asked once if he had ever encountered a story where an abduction attempt was tharted to which he replied that he had not. I submit my experience is one of a very few that didn't end tragically. My gifts have served me in this capacity many years after the Contact Lake entity where my wife and I were out for coffee at a local restaurant. It was 10:00 PM and they were closing so we were walking across the parking lot when I felt a presence. As with my daughter I knew that it was after my wife. We had arrived in separate vehicles so I made sure she was safely in her van before I got going. I was ahead of her on the highway and when we turned into the subdivision that lead to our residence we used two separate roads and arrived at the same time home from opposite directions. She screetched her van to a halt and flew out her door in s panic. When we got on to the highway she said something was in the back seat behind her reaching over and lifting her long hair. She glanced back and there was nothing there. Her rear view mirror was completely black no matter how she positioned it. This was despite the fact there was a car right behind her. The hair playing persisted until she turned off of the highway. The view in her mirror also returned. It never occurred to me that it was in the vehicle with her when we left. The entity is quite mischevious out at WolfHaven as it has lunged trees at me, using the wind in an oscillating pattern to sway huge trees to the breaking point towards me in order to scare me(which it has done a pretty damn good job) This past summer my daughter and her guy took LG out to WolfHaven and she told me everything was peaceful but when I went out a couple of weeks later the trail was absolute devastion from fallen trees. My instinct tells me that they really pissed my unseen companion off. When I was adjusting my chainsaw and preparing to cut down the last tree after spending hours on the trail clearing the mess I was about to pull on the machines cord when I heard the steady groaning crack of a tree right near. The trees there were big and given this things sometimes foul disposition I looked around urgently. Then I realized that a fifty foot widow maker was sitting at a forty five degree angle positioned perfectly to fall on me when I walked up to cut the last tree to clear the trail... Yep, it's pissed off. Had it shoved the tree the rest of the way I never would have seen or heard it over the roar of the chainsaw. This seems to be something of a territorial dispute because about one hundred and fifty feet from my cabin is a sacred spot I picked out years ago to undergo a symbolic death and spiritual rebirth naked and under a full moon. I spent the night there and having achieved my goal returned to the spot often to eat food, meditate and such. The next year a structure was there on my spot where the trees has fallen together in a teepee like fashion. I have read that these are associated with Sasquatch activity are are though to be trail markers or territorial markes. The next year the structure was gone and seemed to be replaced by crude coral like structure, but designed to keep something out... (Me I expect) Once out on the lake canoeing I saw on the rising bedrock through the trees towards the sun what appeared to be a manufactured object. It was very smooth and shiny as it reflected to morning sun and after visually scaling it estimated it to be about fifty to sixty feet in legnth so it was not a smooth barked fallen tree reflecting the accumulated dew off of the morning sun as the trees around there were only twenty five feet tall. I suspect it was cylindrical in shape as it was in moderately dense tree growth. My decision was to not investigate what was because so far I have only had the foot put into my ass. If I go from being a nuciance a problem I might not live to regret it. To have so all of this supernatural paranormal and even ET activity around here might sound a little to much even for non skeptics but this would not be the first place to express so much paranormal activity. " Skinwalker Ranch " down in Utah USA is a well documented phenomena going back for decades now. Steven Spielbergs movie Poltergiest is based on the happening there and it has documented observation of UFO activity, Poltergiest activity, Sasquatch activity, and a whole range of other phenomena. The Irish have an expression for places like Skinwalker Ranch. " Places where the world is thin ". Perhaps places like WolfHaven are similar. Ley Lines or interdimensional places where entities come and go, places where the fabric of one parallel universe touches and overlaps into another. This story continues to write itself... MIKADEMUS

War Is A Failure Of Diplomacy ( Looking Back One Hundred Years )

   Mon, August 4, 2014 - 10:39 AM
One hundred years ago today marks the anniversary of a time when the world was plunged into madness. I read in a newspaper about how one hundred years ago in my home town people in the streets cheered when the newspaper headlines announced that Britain had declared war on Germany and I could only shake my head in sadness and disbelief that they would cheer this headline. Canada's ties were strong with Britain. This meant that because of a failure of diplomacy we would be sending our most precious and cherished asset, our young people, into the field to die.... I
The World’s Most Famous WAR MEMORIAL POEM
By Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place: and in the sky
The larks still bravely singing fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead: Short days ago,
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved: and now we lie
In Flanders fields!

Take up our quarrel with the foe
To you, from failing hands, we throw
The torch: be yours to hold it high
If ye break faith with us who die,
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields

This structure is in an old growth forest at WolfHaven not far from my place. Apparently they are thought to be built by these sacred creatures as possibly a territorial marker or some sort of sign post and are seen through out North America where they are thought to range. This particular structure has poles about thirty to forty feet long and the bigger trees are quite heavy. The camera view is from directly underneath looking up and makes quite an impression. Interesting that this is the spot where I came unclothed and unarmed to spend a night under the full moon to be reborn a few years back. I felt drawn to this place at that very spot and trusted my instincts. Saskatchewan is not known as a place for their presence as correlation of scientific data seems to indicate they favor regions with the heavier precipitation typical of coastal rain forests that would produce the variety and adundance of food needed to support a huge primate. Perhaps Northern Saskatchewan is a rarely used migratory route in between areas of abundance as they follow food supplies. With the world climate heating up their migratory routes and patterns will change as these sacred, nomadic creatures move back and forth between summering and wintering grounds. WolfHaven may be some kind of cross roads. - Mikademus

Face Death Head On ( Learn To Be Still )

   Sun, June 15, 2014 - 1:40 PM
The Victoria Day long weekend found me in the wilderness at my natural home. It had been a long winter and i was a welcome tonic to get back to WolfHaven. In the mad, relentless rush of our lives WolfHaven was a place where I could find solace and the opportunity for introspection so after work I arranged to be dropped off north of La Ronge with all my wilderness gear. Because the winter had been long the snow had just disappeared and there were lots of stagnant pools of water making navigation tricky in order to avoid getting " a booter " . I carefully picked my way and arrived at the lake in good time only to be met with a new surprise. The lake still had a lot of thin fragmented ice in the center so I used my canoe as a mini ice breaker in order to get to the other side. I found that the ice was just a little too thick towards the center so I circumnavigated it as the day time solar heating had thinned and melted it at the shore line. The evenings menu was grilled ribs and chicken which taste especially good in the great outdoors ( This is what I call living ! ) After a peaceful long weekend I packed up my gear and got an early start heading out for my rendezvous as I intended to clear dead fall along the way back to the highway. The entire region that I was walking through is considered " bear habitat " but some areas are " prime bear habitat " and I exercise caution, making lots of noise to alert bears of my presence so they will move away. A bears natural behavior is defensive so if you make lots of noise you will likely not even see them. As I approached a steep rise in the bed rock known as " Bob's Hill " I made my way up almost to the top and decided to stop and rest that hot sunny afternoon. At the top signified a boundary where the flora became a mixture of pine and broad leafed trees, frequented by meadows and low bush berry trees, prime bear habitat so when I entered this area I was in full " bear mode " to avoid an encounter. Unfortunately for me that day a mother bear and her cub were right at the top of the hill at the boundary and I was in between her and her cub. Her cub went running the other way at the sight of me but she came charging down the hill at me. It is said that statistically nine out of ten times when a bear charges it is a bluff but I had surprised her and she was defending her cub so all bets were off that day. As my potential death raced down the hill towards me I momentarily felt fear rise in me but in those brief seconds I lived a lifetime of thoughts and became extremely focused, let go of all feelings of fear, aggression, projecting peace and serenity. I stepped into the path and towards death. If this was going to be the day I die I would face it like a warrior but I would first fight death with my head............ then with my heart. I assumed a defensive stance as she approached at a full run stretching my arms out to max in order to enlarge my appearance and stared into her eyes. I estimated her to be about five hundred pounds as I heard her paws pound the ground as she stopped in front of me and glared. She lowered her head and let out a low menacing growl and I could hear the power of this creature in her breathing, If she attacked, I would not likely survive. The two of us stood face to face on the hill side that sunny afternoon staring into each others eyes for about two minutes before she slowly turned, walked about six steps , turned and stared again, then she quietly walked back up into the bushes where she watched me for another ten minutes ( I could hear her stressed breathing ) before she retreated to her cub. I then proceeded forward making ample noise so she would know I was coming and move her cub away. That afternoon was the razors edge and I learned some valuable lessons such as not to wait until I am in prime habitat before I make a lot of noise and that you will never feel more alive then when you face death head on. Conquer your fear and you will conquer death. - Mikademus

Shiny Happy People ( Meet Me In The Crowd )

So where's this all going ? Fukushima biding it's time until entropy finishes what poor planning and a tsunami started. World economists like doctors in palliative care standing over a bed ridden patient slipping into unconsciousness and doing the death rattle while tensions in the Middle East remain ever high. You sense an ever growing confluence in the time line as smaller seemingly unconnected tributaries of turmoil join the main current and we rush towards something truly frightening. The Sword Of Damocies doth truly hang over our heads. I do wonder though............ if individuals can " Quantum Jump ", then is it possible for all of us collectively to jump to another time line away from what is coming. Never in the history of human kind have so many people been connected to current events and one another. If Carl Jung got it right then we always were connected by our subconscious minds and now mainstream media along with social media are assaulting our collective thoughts daily with fear. Is it possible that social and mainstream media are Super Charging this " Jungian Process " with their daily diet of fear..............that we are creating this dark reality that seems unstoppable because it is a self feeding process life a raging forest fire creates convective currents that draw the flames forward unburnt fuel in front of it. I have speculated on this theory in a previous blog and find myself revisiting this notion again. If the Laws Of Attraction and our collective conscious as well as subconscious are the underpinnings of reality then we may very well have a template to start moving away from what might seem inevitable. We need to stop praying to God because he/she will not save us from this mess. We have to grow up and take responsiblity or me may certainly all perish. Dark clouds are forming on the horizon but the optimist calming says, " Just For A Moment......... Open Your Mind, Just For A Moment.......... See The World As I See It. "www.youtube.com/watch - Mikademus

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The Wolf And The Moon (Love From Afar)

A story is told about how I fell in love with the moon many life times ago. The Trickster told me that I should go to Mother Earth to find a gift worthy of " My Love ". After I realized that I had been tricked and could not get back to her, so once a month when she rises in the east I cry for a love that I will never touch. I will go to my forest home of WolfHaven, to the Old Growth Forest where I was reborn, watch the moon rise through the trees bathing the forest in silver and I will cry for you........... I will cry for you always " My Love ". - Mikademus

My penis is gentleness, kindness, tenderness, compassion...............  when a lover allows it to penetrate their heart they find it irrisistable.  - Mikademus

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