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Alright, since we still have all those recon satellites in orbit that can take crystal clear pictures of a postage stamp from orbit, have you ever asked yourself..... 1) When the satellites are over the United States, do bored techs use the cameras to zoom in and see if they can get pictures of nude sun bathers? 2) Do they ever try to see down a woman's blouse from orbit? 3) Are there pictures of you posted on a bulletin board in the NSA building with some witty title? 4) Is there some strange lady trying to count the freckles on every bald man's head in america? 5) Now that you know the capabilities of these wonderful satellites would you ever engage in intimate activities with your significant other in the great outdoors, knowing that someone may be watching from UP there?
Funny thing about all this FEMA Detention camp conspiracy stuff.... 1) The department of homeland security in and of itself does not have the authority to take or hold prisoners. The DHS agency is merely a umbrella office to coordinate information between various agencies of the US Justice Department, Intelligence Agencies and the Military. 2) In a martial law situation, the military has full authority to shoot first, and forget about asking questions. It takes more personnel to guard people than it does to bury them. Speaking from the viewpoint as ex-army, let me explain the very simple facts of life concerning martial law. a) person or persons caught breaking curfew, shoot to kill b) looters, shoot to kill c) violators of any emergency measure put in place for the duration of martial law, shoot to kill. Simple, effective, and economical... bullets cost less than prison guards. 3) Seems awful funny that the pictures used to prove the existence of these camps are of Federal and State Correctional facilities for work crews. Perhaps people have forgotten that thanks to the supreme court, inmates have the right to earn a wage while in prison, and the state and federal government can use inmate labor on various projects, which is why there is the resurgence of chain gangs. Federal inmate work programs include, but are not limited to, re forestation after wildfires, conservation and ecological recovery, Department of Parks and Interior projects including maintaining facilities, rebuilding facilities, or even constructing new facilities. As for Norton Air Force Base, which really shows how much people remember, here is a quote from the EPA: "Norton Air Force Base (AFB), an inactive military base, encompasses over 2, 000 acres of land in San Bernardino County, California. Norton AFB is situated between the San Gabriel Mountains on the northwest and the San Bernardino mountains on the northeast, with the Santa Ana River on its southern boundary. The installation, which opened in 1942, was used as an Army and Army Air Corps supply facility and housed numerous tenant organizations. The base closed in March 1994. The facility was placed on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Exiting ATSDR Website National Priorities List (NPL) in 1987 because of contamination detected in the base groundwater and soils. Contaminants of potential concern at this site include trichloroethylene (TCE), tetrachloroethylene (PCE), 1, 2-dichloroethylene (DCE), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), various radionuclides, and metals, including arsenic. " Now, just in case anyone has forgotten, Norton was one of the bases ordered closed in 1992 and had already been on the EPA SUPERFUND list since 1987. Due to lingering soil contamination, the base can only be used as industrial property, at least for as long as it takes for any remaining hazardous substances to decay into non toxic compounds, say about 2000 years. Any fenced areas will be around the contaminated zones, and would indeed have all kinds of prison resembling fencing, including razor wire, since just a small amount of those compounds in a water supply for a major city would have disastrous results. You wouldn't want some lunatic sneaking in there and grabbing a few tons of contaminated soil and dumping it in your drinking water, would you? Please remember, those chemicals are not able to be removed at water purification plants. These compounds kill in two ways, long term and immediate. The immediate is the primary concern, since this stuff is lethal in very small amounts. Furthermore, other sites, reputed to be detention camps are former military test and training centers, all on the epa superfund list. At least 12 sites make Love Canal (one of the early environmental disaster sites) look pristine. For the record, the US military is currently in control of just over 3 million acres of land that is unsafe for humans to walk on, unless wearing protective clothing. All of these areas are fenced and guarded around the clock. These sites include areas where chemical weapons were tested in the fifties, a few sites of some non-explosive nuclear accidents (i.e, somebody broke a weapon casing and the nuclear material ended up on the ground, ) or in a few places, where there were purification plants for pretreatment before shipping, radioactive dust kind of made a mess of the place. Now, personally, I feel the best way to alleviate the fears of the conspiracy theorists is to remove all fences around such areas, allow free public access, and of course, in the more lethal of the areas, leave the bodies in plain view. But then I also support the idea that if you purchase a home in what was once the hunting grounds of large predators, signs should be posted with the following message: "Since you were stupid enough or gullible enough to purchase a home in this development, you hereby agree to become part of the diet of the local large meat eating animals. Firearms are outlawed since this would give you (the idiot) and your family undo advantage over the predators that hunted in this area. you are allowed a large hunting knife for defense." You see, I follow the philosophy that the majority of humans are stupid, considering some of the actions I have seen taken by individuals and crowds during my lifetime. I therefore feel that by allowing people to venture into areas that are unsafe, toxic or the hunting area of a large predator is a modern way to let natural selection to once more be used in association with the human race. If you think that this is wrong, please consider, humans rebuild cities in Earthquake zones, examples being LA, San Francisco, and the New Madrid fault zone, and Alaska, or on the slopes of active volcanoes, go biking and jogging in areas that are known to be frequented by large predatory cats, (do a google on cougar attacks in California) go bear hunting with large caliber, single shot target pistols. Or, and I love this, swim in areas of the ocean known to be inhabited by bull sharks, which are the only species of shark known that intentionally attacks humans. And then there are the surfers... Since the rise in the popularity of the short board, attacks by large predatory sharks, i.e the great white, on surfers has risen dramatically. Research has shown that from below, a surfer on a short board resembles a nice fat seal. While a surfer on a long board looks like another large shark cruising close to the surface. With all this information available, you would think the short board would be replaced by the long boards. However, surfers still use short boards, and the poor great whites are fooled into thinking they are going for a seal and all they end up with is a bunch of fiber glass, foam, and a large chunk of stupid surfer that they really dont like. Therefore, since natural selection is no longer an active part of human evolution, it stands to reason that if we let the person's own stupidity take over, we can soon eliminate the genetic pool of stupid people and thereby allowing the human race to at the very least become more intelligent. Now, unfortunately, this means that children suffer for the stupid decisions of the parents, but until laws are passed that would allow the government to step in and remove children from the custody of stupid parents, that cant be helped.
Alright, now there are a few questions that really should be answered as christmas eve approaches. 1) Has Santa's sleigh been approved by the FAA? 2) Does the Methane emissions of 8 reindeer meet the EPA environmental standards? 3) Isn't entering a home without the given permission of the owner a felony? 4) Does Santa have a court order to conduct such massive covert surveillance operations? 5) Has the Department of Homeland Security actually checked this guy out? and: a) If not, why not? Clearly this man is not a citizen of the US. Other major concerns: 6) Considering that, in order to visit every home on the planet, Santa has to use some device that affects the space time continuum, what safe guards are in place to insure his annual flight does not cause a tear in the fabric of space time that destroys the planet? 7) For that matter, just where did he get the technology to alter space/time? Considering just how long he has been doing this, I smell an alien conspiracy!!! Such technology and the energy needed to control and even start the process could forever end the energy crisis. 8) Considering the age of Santa, HOW DO WE KNOW HE IS EVEN HUMAN? He could be using the annual flight to mark individuals for alien adduction!


One of these days, I will remember not to believe anything my son or daughter-in-law say concerning bringing my grandson out for a visit. Granted, I do live some distance from their home, and well, a six mile drive is a bit much to expect. Well, Merry Christmas.... In a frigging pigs eye!


There are a number of quotes that stick in my mind, "Only the dead have seen the end of war." by Plato, or Stonewall Jackson's last words, "Let us cross the river and rest under the trees." But there is one quote of Stonewall Jackson that is not as remembered, General John Bell Hood asked Jackson if he believed he would live to see the end of the civil war. Jackson's reply, "No sir, I do not, and should we be victorious, I should not want to." Stonewall Jackson, a hero of the southern states, actually did not want to see the south victorious, yet never wavered from giving his all for the Army of Northern Virginia. It makes you wonder at some of these men in history. Clearly they were not the icons of glory we have portrayed them, but human. The Duke of Wellington once said, "there is nothing so melancholy as a battle lost than a battle won." He was referring to the battle at Waterloo. Considering the sayings of some of the greatest military men in history, none of which glorify war, it makes me wonder once again, why do men insist on armed conflict. The sad thing is that it is not just the soldiers that pay the price, but everyone in the combat zone. I have seen many bumper stickers that read, "Remember our Troops" with the praying hands... Does this mean we forget the innocents that lie in unmarked graves around the world?
Look folks, for 11 months out of the year, the human race is hell bent on killing or abusing or taking advantage of each other. The base philosophy of look out for number one, or the other base philosophy of "it looks hostile, lets kill it." runs rampant. Then, comes December, and the world does a complete one eighty, "Peace on earth and good will towards men." I mean, why bother pretending, what is really meant is "peace on earth, goodwill towards men, until next month when we start blowing you to bloody scraps again." I mean when you think about it, ever since mankind became 'civilized,' the race has been doing everything it can to kill off someone else. Actually, it began before that. You see, back in the time of the first humans, Grok got really mad with ugah, and after a few minutes of getting nowhere with his fists and teeth, happened to pick up a heavy tree branch and brought it down on Ugah's head. He saw the skull cave in, brains and blood begin to leak out and knew he had something good. Sometime later, Ugah's brother, Mogah discovered that you could tie a sharp rock to a club. He did that, took a swing at Grok and Grok got a new nick name, One Armed Grok. Well, Grok's kids and descendants all heard the story about how Mogah and his kin became the clan leaders. One day, Torok, Grok's great great great grandson discovered how to make points out of flint. He made a large point, tied it to a long straight limb, and proceeded to push it through Dogah's belly. Dogah, being the great great great grandson of Mogah. (this was also the invention of the shish kabob.) The rest is history as they say, we now have wonderful things that when you step on them, they pop up six feet off the ground and blow your head off. Or the little item that if it hits a city, everyone in it dies immediately. Yep, peace on earth, good will towards men.... at least for a month..... then it is back to the same old daily grind, kill and be killed.
1) There is no way that shepherds would be in the fields tending their flocks this time of year. Believe it or not, it gets cold in the middle east in winter, IN FACT, Lebanon has a ski resort town. 2) The day we celebrate as Christmas was chosen by the Roman Emperor Constantine so that all Roman religions had feasts on the same day, a High Holy day for the god Mithra. 3) The christmas tree was originally part of a Germanic pagen winter festival, as was the yule log. 4) Christmas tree decorations came from a druid holy day. 5) A minor detail, Christ was probably born in late March, or April, the normal time of the year for grazing flocks in the fields. 6) The whole idea of having families return to ancestral homes for a census did not happen, besides the only people who a Roman Emperor would want counted would be Roman citizens. "Client" or conquered peoples paid taxes as dictated by the local governor. Besides, Joseph and Mary probably already lived in Bethlehem since the city of Nazareth did not show up until a couple of years after Christ was born. 7) The massacre of children, allegedly ordered by Herod has no historic facts to back it up. When you consider the amount of archaeological sites in the holy land, someone would have discovered evidence of a wholesale slaughter of newborns. 8) There is strong evidence that Jesus was married, all of it is IN THE BIBLE. None of the evidence is falsified, but based entirely on Jewish customs at the time of his life. 8a) Jesus' first miracle, the water to wine at the marriage feast. (John 2:1-11) First of all, Mary, the mother of Jesus was in authority over the servants (in other words, the wedding was at the home of Mary and Joseph) 8b) The governor of the feast, (i.e the father of the groom) called the bridegroom and said 'you have saved the best wine for last.') 8c) Please note, Jesus said to Mary, 'my time has not yet come' yet he had already begun to gather disciples. Thus, the only possible reference he could be making is that it was not time for him to be called to the feast, as the bride groom. 8d)The resurrection of Lazarus is the most compelling evidence of Jesus being married. Please note, that when a Jewish woman is sitting Shiva, or mourning for a dead family member, only her father or her husband can summon her from the home, otherwise she must stay indoors. Jesus called Mary, the sister of Lazarus and Martha from the home, and she went to him, and subsequently to the tomb. Mary immediately obeyed. 8c) Jesus taught in the synagogue, something only a married man could do. An unmarried man at the time would have been an oddity. Finally, at no time did Jesus break any of the laws of Moses, see Deuteronomy. 9) Jesus being married and having a family would not have lowered his sacrifice on the cross, it would have elevated it. Add to this that the early Christians believed Jesus to have had a wife and family until around the time of the Council of Nicea when the bible was codified. The teachings of the Arian church, led by Arius were condemned as heretical, a large number of new testament books were condemned as agnostic, and a minority of 300 bishops made the decisions for all of Christianity for the next 2000 years. By the way, part of the reason for the meeting was that Constantine demanded that the teachings of the Christian church be standardized... or else. (the or else was the 300 bishops would have fatal cases of iron poisoning at the point of a sword) And so, the bishops saw a way to consolidate their control over the church, came up with the Nicean creed to satisfy Constantine, and went merrily on their way. By the way, the Nicean Creed is the first written example of double talk in history. It looks good, but says absolutely nothing concrete. Now with all that said, I do not condemn christians nor the christian faith, since I believe in Christ, God and the Holy Spirit, as well as the spirit of all living things. However, 2000 years of Dogma sticks in my throat. Happy Holidays to everyone, of all faiths. PS: The kissing under the mistletoe is another druid costume, although the druids did much more than just kiss.


Alright, being a normal red blooded male human (or at least that is my present incarnation.) I do have a fondness for the female form. However, a line has to be drawn somewhere. My preference would be in the film industry. I am not saying get rid of nudity altogether, but don't just put tits and ass in a movie in the hopes of getting a larger audience. Consider some of the classic movies of all time, such as Casablanca, Key Largo, any of the Bogart and Bacall movies actually. You never saw an inch of skin, yet, her sex appeal was not to be denied. It did not take nudity to give her that, but talent, and the fact that she was a classic beauty. Even in her old age, Lauren Bacall was something to behold. The same is true for other movies, as the industry moved out of the two beds in the bedroom, to one bed in the bedroom, there still was no need for nudity. The classic kiss with a fade to black was enough... it even got a couple of movies banned in Boston. With the sixties, we saw more skin, but it was not until the late sixties did we see any nudity, and that was from the waist up. While it was appropriate in some romances, and other movies, some movies had extended scenes of women's breasts which seemed to have nothing to do with the story, or plot. A good example was the movie "Bridge at Remagan," dealing with the battle to capture a key bridge across the Rhine river. For some reason they decided to put a topless french girl in one scene with George Segel. In the early seventies, we saw the passionate, yet strategically covered love scenes, followed in the middle seventies by the brutal rape scenes, and the first blood and gore slash fests. I have to admit that one of the beast war movies of all time actually has very little combat footage, I am referring to '12 O'clock high.' The movie dealt primarily with the strain of air combat over Europe and what it did to the air crews as well as ground crews of a bomber group. If you haven't seen it, I recommend it highly. I do not find it all comforting that in order to be entertained in this country, we have to resort to nudity, rape, violence, blood and death. Yet, it should not really surprise me much. It seems that we too are following the same course as one of the greatest republics in history, the Republic of Rome. In the beginning, art was based on classical Greek tragedies. Before the fall, there was the blood and death of the Colosseum. Rome fell to the barbarians, added with a series of weak or corrupt rulers. If the entertainment that our society so craves is any indication, our fall is not long away.

new pics

I uploaded some new pictures, and yes, I am standing in the yard, playing with my dog and not using the cane... If I had the cane, he would be after it, not the stick. And, admittedly I am overweight, however, I have to say I am not at the 500 pounds I once was. I could stand to lose a LOT more and I really am trying. Anyway, back to the dogs. Recently, Shadow has gotten real aggressive with lucky, so I figured I would play with him. (if anyone can tell me how to retrieve digital video from a kodak easyshare 743 it would be appreciated) Anyway, I pretty much wore the old guy out, which seems to be working to cut down any aggression... I mean how aggressive can one be sleeping?

Stupid People

Alright, it is one thing to be born with a birth defect or have suffered some sort of brain trauma, but just being stupid is not an excuse. I wonder just how these people managed to survive childhood, and in one case, managed to survive army helicopter flight school. Lets begin with Warrant Officer Newman. Okay, this boy was from southern California, which contrary to popular belief does not automatically make him stupid or brain damaged. He was a surfer, which again does not make him stupid or brain damaged. He used a short board. Okay this makes him stupid. It has been proven time and time again, that from below, a surfer on a short board looks like a fat seal to great white sharks. I.E STUPID. His idea of flying nap of the earth, well you have heard of tree top level, try zero branches, counting from the bottom. I cannot count the times he ended up with limbs tangled in the skids. But what took the cake was the time his car wouldnt start. He had a guy jumping the car off, while spraying can after can of starter fluid into the carb. The hood landed 50 feet away in front of the cq hut. It took 20 minutes to put out the fire on both cars, and there was a miracle that day, he did not get acid on him, nor was he burned by fire. The bad news, the C.O had picked that day to drive his CLASSIC 1955 cherry thunderbird to the company area. Guess where it was parked... thats right, next to stupid guy and it suffered major damage to the paint, convertible roof and interior. I do believe if the CO could have gotten into the armory, our intrepid pilot would have died. Then, there was Jim Bob from Eastern Tennessee. He was also in the army with me. His claim to fame was to take a broom and knock down a hornets nest near the platoon smoking area. William Tripps who was showing off with 44 magnum and shot his dad's prize breeding bull between the eyes. Scotty Richardson, who tried to drive a one ton truck across a iced over pool in a stream bed in North of Amarillo... and sunk up to the windows. Mike Baird, who decided it would be a great joke to sprinkle pepper juice all over his sister's wedding cake. Christine McBride, (I am not going to blame this on the fact she was blonde) who decided to de ice her front porch and side walk with lit gasoline. The firemen saved the house, damage limited to the outside. Lucy Miller who took the shortcut across the T&P tracks in daddy's brand new truck and got it high centered. While she was going to find a phone, a fast moving freight got the truck off the tracks for her, granted it was in pretty rough shape. I could go on, but you get the picture.
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